Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

ewokfan11 wrote:
Nothankyou wrote:What is up with all of these infections. Thrush, the neck roll yeast infection and now the eyes. I know all can be common in young babies and one isolated would not be concerning, but all three in just three months if life seems excessive. Makes me wonder if there's a lacking of cleanliness somewhere hat making these infections linger.

Remember when Kelsey was crying about the Group B Strep test and being concerned about getting antibiotics during labor. Now this poor baby has already had three different infections and likely some antibiotics.
I was wondering about that too! She's barely three months and already had the three infections and her tongue-tie issues/surgery (of course, they can't control that). Poor kid! I do think part of it is their fault for wanting to be too "organic" and ignoring possible issues until it's too late. Also, why the EFF are they going camping out in the COLD all the time? They are sleeping outside at this festival and it's 50 degrees and rainy!! Who takes an infant with an eye infection to a place like that???

A lot of the stuff they do really makes me think they didn't plan on this kid at all (or had her for views). From their tiny apartment, going carless for a LOOOONG time, all these trips/travel plans, drinking A LOT and dining at kid-unfriendly establishments - they don't want to be parents! They want to be 20-somethings who are hip and cool...but now they have a baby. :( :(

Wow, their views have REALLY dropped! Good thing they are going to DBs soon!
While I don't necessarily fault them for having all of these minor health issues crop up because things like that happen with infants, I think their refusal to treat things the way a pediatrician would contributes to these drawn out issues.

They didn't want to accept that their baby had a tongue tie so they avoided making an appointment with a specialist and continued to try to nurse even though her latch was incredibly painful. Then once they do get her tongue fixed, Kelsey can't be bothered to stay on top of the exercises and breast feeding starts to become uncomfortable again.

First she had a yeast infection in her mouth, and then her neck. I wouldn't be surprised if treating the first yeast infection with nothing but apple cider vinegar contributed to it spreading to her neck. If she has an overgrowth of yeast in her mouth, and she's drooling all over herself, it doesn't take a doctor to put two and two together. But these two didn't even realize that you don't treat a fungal infection with an antibiotic in the first place.

I think they *thought* they were ready to be parents, but they had no idea. If they did understand the gravity of what it means to be a parent, I doubt they would have gotten pregnant while living out of a van. And I doubt that they would be relying on YouTube as their sole source of income when they're channel is stagnating and they aren't even surpassing 50K views a day.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

What in the world was that Outbound thing they've been promoting? It looked like a bunch of vans in a parking lot. What exactly were they even doing there? Please tell me that's not the reason they gave for sending their dog to live in Idaho for a month.

I'm also rolling my eyes that they got wind that a bomb squad was called to investigate something and put it all over their click-bait title and description only to admit in the video that there was no bomb.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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HashtagBlessed wrote:What in the world was that Outbound thing they've been promoting? It looked like a bunch of vans in a parking lot. What exactly were they even doing there? Please tell me that's not the reason they gave for sending their dog to live in Idaho for a month.

I'm also rolling my eyes that they got wind that a bomb squad was called to investigate something and put it all over their click-bait title and description only to admit in the video that there was no bomb.
That's a classic SlyFox move. Drive past a fire, "Fire Emergency!" Ambulance called to fast food place across the street from their hotel? "They Had to Call an Ambulance!" It's disgusting, using other people's drama for click bait.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

HashtagBlessed wrote:What in the world was that Outbound thing they've been promoting? It looked like a bunch of vans in a parking lot. What exactly were they even doing there? Please tell me that's not the reason they gave for sending their dog to live in Idaho for a month.

I'm also rolling my eyes that they got wind that a bomb squad was called to investigate something and put it all over their click-bait title and description only to admit in the video that there was no bomb.
It was weekend-long outdoorsy festival that they had a contest for tickets. They were invited for free, but it looks like they only spent an hour at the actual festival. I'm guessing it sucked if they didn't even stay long enough to meet the people who invited them.

I wonder if their 2-week "summer adventure" (aka, a trip to DBs to get more subs) is a road trip or if they are flying?? June seems okay in the car, but SoCal is a LOOOOOOONG drive from Portland. And 2 weeks seems like a long time to be away from home with a baby. Well, that will certainly be an "adventure"!!!!
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

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It's a long drive, but a pretty one, if they go down the coast, even just for part of the trip.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Caisflame »

Does the BabyLeague channel exist just for these guys now? I had an old Baby League video pop up in my recommended section from back when they had a good schedule and there were new videos with different people daily. I checked the channel and now it's all "Little Wanders" with a few random videos thrown in.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by janem »

Glad they finally took June to urgent care for her eye. Strange that a pediatrician couldn't see them for how many days for follow up.
Why was the parade inside? Rain?

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

It bothers me that they keep referring to their naturopath as a pediatrician when she's not an MD.

A pediatrician completes a three year residency after medical school, where they are participating in the care of children full-time. Naturopaths are not required to complete residency training (except in Utah where a one-year residency is required). An MD or DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) is not considered competent to practice upon graduation, they are considered competent to advance to post-graduate training in the form of a residency. And they will tell you that medical school gave them the foundation, but residency is where they got the true experience. It's so dangerous and willfully stupid of them to rely on this woman.

I think this will be a recurring theme- they'll go to the naturopath first and when that doesn't fix whatever is wrong they're going to go to urgent care to see a real doctor. I can't help but think that the naturopath telling them she didn't have time to see them before Tuesday and suggesting urgent care was her way of saying she didn't know how to treat it. She tried the one thing she had and it wasn't clearing it up. Why wasn't a culture taken and a test done before to make sure it was bacterial in the first place? I don't think they'll catch-on that this is costing them more AND drawing out whatever illness their daughter has.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by luci417 »

I'm not one of those people who thinks the only way to raise a kid well is to settle down in the suburbs with a huge planet destroying car and a dog, but june is WAY too young for all of this travelling. She's getting to the age where a routine would make her feel much more settled and content and there's just no way she's going to get one now. I think roadtripping with a baby is fine (it's not FUN but whatever) as long as you're driving in a car to a location where you a) know where you're staying b) are staying in a house/hotel/actual structure that's not exposed to the elements. For first time parents they seem so...careless. Don't get me wrong - overprotective first time parents who think everything has to revolve around their kid and obsess over danger and how everything around them affects their precious angel child are annoying and tiresome. BUT imo that 'holy shit im responsible for this human who is the most precious thing in the world to me' faded very quickly for them and it was replaced by this arrogance I find unnerving. Honestly I'm scared that June is going to get, say, an ear infection and end up with hearing loss because these idiots don't believe in antibiotics.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by luci417 »

HashtagBlessed wrote:It bothers me that they keep referring to their naturopath as a pediatrician when she's not an MD.

I think this will be a recurring theme- they'll go to the naturopath first and when that doesn't fix whatever is wrong they're going to go to urgent care to see a real doctor. I can't help but think that the naturopath telling them she didn't have time to see them before Tuesday and suggesting urgent care was her way of saying she didn't know how to treat it. She tried the one thing she had and it wasn't clearing it up. Why wasn't a culture taken and a test done before to make sure it was bacterial in the first place? I don't think they'll catch-on that this is costing them more AND drawing out whatever illness their daughter has.
Honestly this is what really gets me about naturopathy. It's the arrogance of 'oh i'm so privileged i can just try to cure it with essential oils and if that doesn't work i'll go to a doctor who can actually heal me afterwards without endangering my life'. A lot of herbs, extracts, etc. that really work ARE USED IN ACTUAL MEDICINE. They're just often given in things like pill form nowadays because applying, say, a poultice for 2 weeks is a huge waste of time and an important component of medicine is efficiency. Where do you think all of the compounds and chemicals found in medicine come from? Nature! As my mom, who is a REAL doctor, often says, if it works, it's not alternative medicine. It's just medicine.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

janem wrote:Glad they finally took June to urgent care for her eye. Strange that a pediatrician couldn't see them for how many days for follow up.
Why was the parade inside? Rain?
LOL! The parade wasn't inside. They bought special tickets for the Memorial Coliseum (where the parade starts) so they didn't have to sit outside. Real Portlanders actually brave the rain to watch the parade outside. I'd say they are wimps (which they are), but they also brought the I'll give them a pass.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Pency »

Haven't watched these two drama queens in a while but I love to check in here to see what they are up to. Can't say I'm surprised that the Naturopath's solution of rubbing apple cider vinegar on everything isn't working. Why can't they just take her to a real doctor?? Sigh.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by bunny88 »

I love treating ailments more naturally when possible, and I do not agree with the old way of throwing antibiotics at everthing (however MDs have gotten A LOT better about this in recent years)

HOWEVER sometimes you need antibiotics and western medicine, and that is okay! I think the problem is ppl going to one extreme or the other. They should never mess around with eye problems! That is your child's vision center!!!

I feel like they aren't using common sense. Like with the tongue tie. Do the exercises the doctors told you to do! Of course June cried. I'm sure it was uncomfortable, but that is part of being a parent. You do things for your child's own good. My parents used to hold me down and force feed me nasty cough syrup because I needed it. They hated doing it, but it was for my own good and I was a brat about it lol. I don't have kids, but I do have a dog. She doesn't like being bathed or groomed, but I do it because it is good for her and keeps her from getting matted and smelly.

Sry for the vent.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by jaynshann »

luci417 wrote:I'm not one of those people who thinks the only way to raise a kid well is to settle down in the suburbs with a huge planet destroying car and a dog, but june is WAY too young for all of this travelling. She's getting to the age where a routine would make her feel much more settled and content and there's just no way she's going to get one now. I think roadtripping with a baby is fine (it's not FUN but whatever) as long as you're driving in a car to a location where you a) know where you're staying b) are staying in a house/hotel/actual structure that's not exposed to the elements. For first time parents they seem so...careless. Don't get me wrong - overprotective first time parents who think everything has to revolve around their kid and obsess over danger and how everything around them affects their precious angel child are annoying and tiresome. BUT imo that 'holy shit im responsible for this human who is the most precious thing in the world to me' faded very quickly for them and it was replaced by this arrogance I find unnerving. Honestly I'm scared that June is going to get, say, an ear infection and end up with hearing loss because these idiots don't believe in antibiotics.
Seriously!! I use to nanny for a couple who were both Naturopaths. I took care of their kids between 60-70 hours a week spread over 6 days. I worked for them 5yrs. When l started working for them their youngest was 3 months old. By the time he was 2 1/2 he had partial hearing loss that affected his speech because he had repeatedly gotten infections which his parents refused to treat with antibiotics. 2 or 3 of his infections resulted in his ear drum bursting in his sleep. I will never forget how heartbreaking it was to see him in agony and screaming and watching his parents unsuccessfully try to
treat his infections with Oregano oil, colidel silver, Echinacea achia etc. Their eldest got whooping cough in 3rd grade and she hospitalized du to the fact that he had of course not had a single vaccination. I am all for natural but there is a time where Western medicine is the only reasonable solution. Antibiotics etc save lives when used correctly.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by Nothankyou »

jaynshann wrote:
luci417 wrote:I'm not one of those people who thinks the only way to raise a kid well is to settle down in the suburbs with a huge planet destroying car and a dog, but june is WAY too young for all of this travelling. She's getting to the age where a routine would make her feel much more settled and content and there's just no way she's going to get one now. I think roadtripping with a baby is fine (it's not FUN but whatever) as long as you're driving in a car to a location where you a) know where you're staying b) are staying in a house/hotel/actual structure that's not exposed to the elements. For first time parents they seem so...careless. Don't get me wrong - overprotective first time parents who think everything has to revolve around their kid and obsess over danger and how everything around them affects their precious angel child are annoying and tiresome. BUT imo that 'holy shit im responsible for this human who is the most precious thing in the world to me' faded very quickly for them and it was replaced by this arrogance I find unnerving. Honestly I'm scared that June is going to get, say, an ear infection and end up with hearing loss because these idiots don't believe in antibiotics.
Seriously!! I use to nanny for a couple who were both Naturopaths. I took care of their kids between 60-70 hours a week spread over 6 days. I worked for them 5yrs. When l started working for them their youngest was 3 months old. By the time he was 2 1/2 he had partial hearing loss that affected his speech because he had repeatedly gotten infections which his parents refused to treat with antibiotics. 2 or 3 of his infections resulted in his ear drum bursting in his sleep. I will never forget how heartbreaking it was to see him in agony and screaming and watching his parents unsuccessfully try to
treat his infections with Oregano oil, colidel silver, Echinacea achia etc. Their eldest got whooping cough in 3rd grade and she hospitalized du to the fact that he had of course not had a single vaccination. I am all for natural but there is a time where Western medicine is the only reasonable solution. Antibiotics etc save lives when used correctly.

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While on this topic, does anyone know if they mentioned June receiving her 2 months vaccines? I know many people do immunizations on a delayed schedule, and it wouldn't surprise me if K&C decide to go that route. But surely if she has received any shots we would have heard them complaining about how terrible it is, poor baby June, or what an incredibly amazing and strong baby she was while getting them.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

Nothankyou wrote:
jaynshann wrote:
luci417 wrote:I'm not one of those people who thinks the only way to raise a kid well is to settle down in the suburbs with a huge planet destroying car and a dog, but june is WAY too young for all of this travelling. She's getting to the age where a routine would make her feel much more settled and content and there's just no way she's going to get one now. I think roadtripping with a baby is fine (it's not FUN but whatever) as long as you're driving in a car to a location where you a) know where you're staying b) are staying in a house/hotel/actual structure that's not exposed to the elements. For first time parents they seem so...careless. Don't get me wrong - overprotective first time parents who think everything has to revolve around their kid and obsess over danger and how everything around them affects their precious angel child are annoying and tiresome. BUT imo that 'holy shit im responsible for this human who is the most precious thing in the world to me' faded very quickly for them and it was replaced by this arrogance I find unnerving. Honestly I'm scared that June is going to get, say, an ear infection and end up with hearing loss because these idiots don't believe in antibiotics.
Seriously!! I use to nanny for a couple who were both Naturopaths. I took care of their kids between 60-70 hours a week spread over 6 days. I worked for them 5yrs. When l started working for them their youngest was 3 months old. By the time he was 2 1/2 he had partial hearing loss that affected his speech because he had repeatedly gotten infections which his parents refused to treat with antibiotics. 2 or 3 of his infections resulted in his ear drum bursting in his sleep. I will never forget how heartbreaking it was to see him in agony and screaming and watching his parents unsuccessfully try to
treat his infections with Oregano oil, colidel silver, Echinacea achia etc. Their eldest got whooping cough in 3rd grade and she hospitalized du to the fact that he had of course not had a single vaccination. I am all for natural but there is a time where Western medicine is the only reasonable solution. Antibiotics etc save lives when used correctly.

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While on this topic, does anyone know if they mentioned June receiving her 2 months vaccines? I know many people do immunizations on a delayed schedule, and it wouldn't surprise me if K&C decide to go that route. But surely if she has received any shots we would have heard them complaining about how terrible it is, poor baby June, or what an incredibly amazing and strong baby she was while getting them.
That's a very good point. I'm sure they would have made it total click bait. The risks of whooping cough or meningitis are far worse than a few seconds of crying! My cousin died pretty suddenly at age 3 from bacterial meningitis and that traumatized me for LIFE!

I think they are pro-vaccine, but they shouldn't delay them...especially with all this traveling. Even if they don't take June to VidCon, they are certainly going and could transfer something to her - especially if they are meeting lots of kids and adults they don't know. TOO RISKY!!!
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

Their apartment seems so packed with crap, especially now with the king-sized bed. Well, at least it was free and also a sponsor - and they can use it when they inevitably move to a new house in a few months. :roll: :roll:
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by fossilfinger »

Their clickbait title was so stupid. I thought the "secret" would at least be somewhere oh-so-exciting they were traveling, but no. It's that they got a new "bed" (aka mattress on the floor). No one cares.
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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by crew96 »

They'd have so much more storage if they got a bed frame and could shove stuff under it. Where will they store clothes she outgrows? They do not know how to live "tiny" properly.

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Re: Steps to Whining: The Art of Entitlement

Unread post by ewokfan11 »

Maybe they were just tired, but Corbin and Kelsey sort of seemed hungover in today's road trip vlog.

And, LOL, they don't have any other friends other than DBs, where else would they be going!!?? Are they ditching June with Missy's parents? They can't be taking her to VidCon, especially without vaccines! Even the hotels are nasty!!
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