Ditto, ditto and ditto on today's v'log comments.
PrincAss does seem less screechy these days
No bottles seen in the cribs, the wubs need to go though and I was always afraid of sippy cups in a crib because the flow of liquid and afraid they would get strangled, maybe the sippy cups are new and improved.
Tyresome does not have very high expectations of the PrincAss if all it takes is to watch her own children for a day. SMH
I will admit when toddlers are first talking some of the things they say are really cute like LAKA BUGS but as a parent it is doing more harm to validate the way they pronounce a word by repeating it. Kids are just excited to be saying it and if a parent says "Oh yesssss look it is a LADY BUG" They are still going to be happy and eventually they will pronounce it Lady Bug.
I know they are first time parents and parents to FTYOs. My complaint is the fact they think they know it all without asking for advice and resents everyone who has expressed concerns, the same followers they have verbally included as their extended family (I mean look at some of the fanatical followers, one recently on a post said "they are my family" Ehhhh No they are not dummy)
I gotta say this in looking at the v'logs with a different mindset, pretending like they are 16 to 18 mos instead of the 30 months they actually are, they are just adorable!!!