Gardner Quad Squad

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

What kid hasn't had play dough by 2 1/2 how sad . It has so many benefits for little hands it's the first thing my sons OT therapist made sure he was using .
Take the little table outside get the play dough out and let them use it .
Also that she is there mother she shouldn't have to wait till he's away do things he dosent "allow"

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Sneaky_snarky »

I actually thought ashley was pretty genuine in her explaining how she enjoyed spending the day with just herself and the girls. I get that other people helped her, and I think that's ok too. But I feel like she really enjoyed herself. Maybe there for sure is something more to be said about tysons tyranny. I know how I am after a long day and I would have been so fed up and rushing to bed at 11pm. But she seemed to truly be enjoying her last minutes with evie and scarlet as well. I'm sure she will prove me wrong tomorrow lmao.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

I thought she was genuine too might change today though lol
She seemed to enjoy the day with them

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by amyisnewhere »

Another thought. Do you think family members get tired of helping them out so much? I'm part of a big family unit and Mormon so I get the Mormon atmosphere, but I've never seen so many "co parents" and babysitters. We don't ask my parents to babysit all the time cuz they're busy ppl so sometimes we pay babysitters. It just seems her parents and his mother and sister are constantly helping weekly/several times a week.

And their new built house lay out seems weird to me. A guest room when all your family lives 5 minutes away?! You really need a play room when you have 4 kids!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by OldCountry »

I am wondering how Tyson will come back with Ashley dealing with the girls.. He will probably make some kind of issue that he is back.. Oh my girls, how much did you miss me? kind of crap... The girls actually seemed fine without him, Ashley did better than normal on her own than usual.. good for her! Yes, the evening time needed some help, but she wasn't freaking out as usual. Just saying...Did she feed them properly? No,, but maybe that will be in their future,, there is always hope??
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

I've watched exactly half the vlog.

I can't believe none of you have mentioned Bully Evie out in the backyard! So far I've seen her push her sister down the slide, push her sister away from a turn on the slide, and cry and chase her sister for the white sunglasses. Next scene, Evie, of course, is wearing the white sunglasses! Not sure, but I think in each case it was Indie who was the victim of her bullying. Even at the grandparents house, she only showed interest in that strange toy when Scarlett was near it. She really is turning into a very unlikeable child! Bullyying is becoming quite a character trait. At what age do we start acknowledging it has become very purposeful?
As my friend would say, "that girl is quite a piece of work!"

Animated Ashley seems so happy! She really seems to be "enjoying her life" with Tyresome not around. But, my gosh, the make-up is rediculous.

Toys at MiMi and Papa's house. Good for them! I suspect they were provided by other siblings, though, as there are cars and so-called 'boy' toys.

I think Mimi and Papa do say no to babysitting sometimes. Grandma and Madison are the ones who seem to be always available.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Krouton »

Why didn't the rest of the family go to the 'family reunion'? Very strange. Maybe he sneaked away to meet his crazy stalker fan. Afternoon delight, figuratively...Eww, like, I just grossed myself out.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by MoonMoon »

I think Tyson behaviour is directly linked to him being seen as the head of the family since his father died, step father is out of the picture and he is the oldest son. Maybe his mother and sister feel like they really can't say no when he asks them to babysit (or just decides to turn up at their door while grandma is trying to sleep). Ashley's family also seem a lot closer, you can tell her father dotes on her whenever he is in the vlogs but I don't get that idea when Tyson family is around. They seem to love the girls and enjoy spending time with them but never really interact with Tyson or Ashley that much. Maybe they are fed up with having to raise someone else's kids while the parents get rich off of them.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Night lady »

Merikat wrote:I've watched exactly half the vlog.

I can't believe none of you have mentioned Bully Evie out in the backyard! So far I've seen her push her sister down the slide, push her sister away from a turn on the slide, and cry and chase her sister for the white sunglasses. Next scene, Evie, of course, is wearing the white sunglasses! Not sure, but I think in each case it was Indie who was the victim of her bullying. Even at the grandparents house, she only showed interest in that strange toy when Scarlett was near it. She really is turning into a very unlikeable child! Bullyying is becoming quite a character trait. At what age do we start acknowledging it has become very purposeful?
As my friend would say, "that girl is quite a piece of work!"

Animated Ashley seems so happy! She really seems to be "enjoying her life" with Tyresome not around. But, my gosh, the make-up is rediculous.

Toys at MiMi and Papa's house. Good for them! I suspect they were provided by other siblings, though, as there are cars and so-called 'boy' toys.

I think Mimi and Papa do say no to babysitting sometimes. Grandma and Madison are the ones who seem to be always available.
Omg, yrs, I did see all of the Evie bullying. And it is unacceptable at ANY age. She needs to be put in time out ON CAMERA to make a stand against bullying. My own child was a victim of bullying and I refuse to stand for any of it EVER!! And no, I'll never shut up about it. Never! Actually, Evie needs more than time out for her behavior, spank her butt. She's out of control. And it only gets worse.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

Night Lady, I agree so much! It amazes me that they think it's okay to show their kids throwing tantrums, pooping, bullying on camera - but draw the line at showing them be put in timeout or otherwise disciplined! Makes absolutely no sense. Even at the very wend, when it was just A and Bully and Barley, with a whole shelf of stuffed animals there Bully was taking one from Barley at the end. They always cut the camera off when she does something mean, but if there's a next scene, Bully has whatever it is she was fighting for. ALWAYS!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

Hazy seems to only 'like' (be not afraid of) Indie; I've noticed that in other vlogs.

I made my dogs jump and run over to me when I screamed "YES, they see them" when Asswit kept asking the girls "do you see the fireworks?"

My goodness, those kids Eat All Day!! Always stuffing something in their mouths.

Climbing up the climbing thing at the playground. How come Asswit can see and admire "their cute buns" , but doesn't realize how difficult it is to climb and play with sandals with no toes or backs to them?!

Whoever said it earliest, I agree. Esme seemed much more at ease with Tyrant gone. She didn't have to worry about him throwing her down the slide or doing something she didn't want to do.

At the very end, Scarlett was SO CUTE! She wanted her mom to talk about and 'explain' the fireworks, not just repeat "yes, fireworks" back to her! The little girl had such cute expressions through that non-conversation.

Stupid, stupid, woman, she is...

I think I here to stop watching for a few days, I'm getting way too involved with the poor parenting again.

And the comment above about Tyrant. Isn't the man the Priesthood Holder in the Mormon religion? Like the Head of the Family. I guess maybe all the women DO feel they need to defer to him...
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Night lady »

I hope they do read here, I am adopting the name Bully for Evie. It may seem mean cuz she's 2 years old but something needs to be done. And if by us referring to her as Bully impacts them, sobeit.
*new name in Greedner land*.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

Thank you. Her own father and the Fanatical Fans seem to have forgotten that Tyrant is the first one to have used the word "Bully" in relation to Evie.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

I know it's not the girls' fault, but they are just not very likable little girls. Indie isn't too bad, Scarlett is very rarely home upstairs and Esme has become super whiny and annoying but Evie, holy shit Evie is awful! I've never been a fan of spanking children but that little monster needs her ass whooped once or twice, just enough to get her attention when she acts like a fucking asshole to her sisters. She is old enough to understand what she is doing. It's one thing when a young child acts like a bully because they are too young to really understand what they are doing, but that little monster knows what she is doing. I can't believe I'm going to say this or that I even feel this way but I truly can't stand that child. I find nothing likable in her. Every time I see her shove one of her sisters, push her way through, steal a toy or see her knarly snaggle teeth marks on her sisters arms, I become so angry. Angry because they allow that little piggy monster to behave that way and do NOTHING to correct her. I look forward to the day that when another child puts her in her place by biting her or pushing/hitting her back. Awful, awful, nasty little brat.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Beauregard1 »

Poor old Tyson, he walks around with that hair thinking it makes him look taller . He looks like a pineapple or Wilson from Castaway, or one of the homeless he tried to feed. It was nice to see Ashley when she is not under his thumb. I think her success selling her lipsticks is giving her a lot more confidence in herself. She now needs to transfer that confidence to her mothering abilities. She is not Tyson's fifth baby, she is her own person. Believe in yourself girl!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Howlin17 »

OMG! She allowed her "tiny durls" to destroy MiMi and PaPa's house! Food all over the floor! How pathetic to show such disrespect to her own parents! :x
Great lesson for the girls, Ass.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Pace5 »

I found it interesting that the girls actually asked where Tyson was today. When Ashley is gone, the girls never ask (or if they did, it isn't edited into the vlog). How sad is that....
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Krouton »

I don't think she left because of the fire, I think someone told her to STFU. God that was annoying. Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? What is it? Fireworks. Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? What is it? Fireworks. Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? What is it? Fireworks. Those kids are 2.5 They think you are nuts.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Krouton »

Merikat wrote:Night Lady, I agree so much! It amazes me that they think it's okay to show their kids throwing tantrums, pooping, bullying on camera - but draw the line at showing them be put in timeout or otherwise disciplined! Makes absolutely no sense. Even at the very wend, when it was just A and Bully and Barley, with a whole shelf of stuffed animals there Bully was taking one from Barley at the end. They always cut the camera off when she does something mean, but if there's a next scene, Bully has whatever it is she was fighting for. ALWAYS!
They always give in to her, it's easy. They don't have to listen to her cry. Evie has made a game out of it, she only wants a toy, sunglasses, food, if someone else has it. Today when she was chasing Esme to steal her sunglasses, Ashley asked Esme if she was torturing Evie? No, dumdum, Evie is torturing all of them and you allow it. Indie and Esme are your daughters too, its your job to protect them from the big crybaby bully.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

Krouton wrote:I don't think she left because of the fire, I think someone told her to STFU. God that was annoying. Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? What is it? Fireworks. Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? What is it? Fireworks. Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? Do you seee the fireworks? What is it? Fireworks. Those kids are 2.5 They think you are nuts.
LOL, Krouton, my sentiments exactly!!

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