Gardner Quad Squad

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Stellaboo »

WhyTheClownFace wrote:You guys! Tyson doesn't have the core strength to sit up! He's like a pregnant woman. To cover up his flubbed flubber he laughed it off.

They are what I call a case of Dumb and Dumber. What one doesn't screw up the other one does
LOL! I always call them Dumb and Dumber too. It's so fitting.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by lovethispage »

OldCountry wrote:Sorry, my opinion, The Binghams are marketing themselves. There are money decision making factors now with most of the YouTube Channels. Especially the Family Vlogs. There are a few of them that started out early and are doing well still, but I don't see a lot of them surviving, especially the Gardners. The girls are not so cute anymore and the parents are grasping at material. Yes, they were a miracle quad, now, not so much...especially the way they are being brought up and treated. They deserved better and are not getting it. There is a fail there waiting to happen. :(
Your totally fine. I agree the Binghams are marketing themselves. I think their hanging with the Greedners for more exposure. Greedners angle? Not so sure what they can get from them. Maybe editing lessons on Asswit's part since she does the editing.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by lovethispage »

WhyTheClownFace wrote:You guys! Tyson doesn't have the core strength to sit up! He's like a pregnant woman. To cover up his flubbed flubber he laughed it off.

They are what I call a case of Dumb and Dumber. What one doesn't screw up the other one does

Did you see when he hit the water he just sank to the bottom because he's soooooooooo fat? Well he let himself sink and took poor Esmi with him. He doesn't have the agility to be able to stand up once the slide ended because he's so out of shape. He's so fat he can't control his body. He should never be in a situation where his obesity interferes with the safety of his children.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Ugh just watched a live feed with the Gardners and Binghams. Totally ridiculous ! Fake CRAP and annoying TyASSon. They say they are besties but that won't last long. I can't see the Bingham boys having anything in common with the FTYOS
Snarky is as snarky does!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

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Binghams.....ugh....he drives me almost as crazy as CRAP does. Maybe that's why they enjoy each other so much. Both infatuated and in love with themselves.
The wife with her camera on a stick looks so ridiculous! Who walks around like that? And, so fake! The day CRAP and her spawn made the surprise donut visit
because the Bingham boy broke his comes mama B out of the garage and "fake" surprise! She has her camera on a stick to record the "bff"
bring compassionate sugar bombs to her son! She and CRAP are poor actresses. Kind of like CRAP acting like the girls pulled the donuts off the counter for donut
day.....and the boxes landed upright and perfect. So fake!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

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If I wanted to torture someone, I would force them to watch the live feed made tonight.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

qsauntiem wrote:Scarlet & Evie are little chunks! LOL I just found this wonderful family about a month ago and was curious why they call Scarlett, "Barley"? I wonder why they aren't all over the TV instead of the Busby girls because these girls are so much more respectful and smarter than the Busby girls! And I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE Ashley & Tyson's parenting style a lot more!!!

Um, what? This was a YT comment today. Sometimes I wonder if we're all watching the same vlogs.
Someone was brave enough to reply to that comment. I'm trying to decide if I'm brave enough to go 'like' the reply ...

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

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Never mind. The comment was changed.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Teenyj »

No body has mentioned the fact tatwice in today's vlog she mentioned one of the girls has always been the "heavyweight chap". (Can't tell you which girl be cause between all the nicknames they have for them I get confused). Anyway, I wanted to punch A. Boy when the little one watches that as a teenager , she's going to love her mom. Idiot!

And let's take the whole family to the dr. Can't they do anything without help with those kids. Unbelievable! They are such irresponsible parents. And so lazy!!!!

They come acros as such good members of the church along with their families. . But it looks as if they have several inactive members in the family. And somebody asked about the way he dresses. You are not suppose to adjust your garments to fit an outfit and A does. It's a no, no!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

Evie has always been the heavies. That was a good thing, when they were newborn preemies; unfortunately, the parents are too dumb to realize that being overweight, at 2 and a half, for a normal child is not something to be proud of.
What makes it even sadder for this poor overweight little girl is that one of her nicknames is Heavy; TyASSon still calls her that sometimes.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

Snarky Lady wrote:
Something_Relevant wrote:
Snarky Lady wrote: Didn't they leave the doctor and go to the water park. She said it was after 6 and it closed at 7. I think they were the last patients of the day[/quote

I doubt they went straight to the pool. They would have needed to get changed. And we all know they never pack anything. But I could be wrong!
I was just going by what CRAP said about going. The girls were still in the red and white outfits. Would not surprise me they took up the offices whole lunch though
I remember when the girls were infants that ASSwit bragged that the doctor let them come during lunch hour when no other patients were there. At the time, the girls were still tiny and in danger of catching something.
Maybe the doctor still let's them come at that time?
Maybe he doesn't really want to but the ASS parents just ASSume they can make their appointment during lunch?
Maybe the Gardners are so disruptive the doctor let's them come when no one else is there to, basically, protect his other patients from them?

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

For some reason my notifications stopped. I don't know why, but hey, it was nice to come here and have several pages to read!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

Does anyone know what happened to SnarkieSophie?.
She may no longer be a member, as she hasn't posted in a while.
But I'm also worried because I think she was having a difficult recovery from some surgery. I hope she's okay....

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Teenyj »

I just watched the live feed. Oh my gosh! Three super annoying vloggers plus one wife who doesn't seem to get it that A wants to jump her husband's bones.

T is the worst. "Here let's put the camera back on the kids" and them proceeds to put it on his fat face. I can't stand you! And he doesn't think kids play in the dirt? What a tool. They're kids you idiot. Your kids and hopefully you WILL help get them cleaned up.

Notice how every time A bent over her boobs were hanging out? Put a modest top on you supposedly active member of the church.

So glad these "besties" got together for all of us to be entertained. Why didn't T invite his other bestie, Adam? Because you aren't friends, that's why. Adam B wouldn't give you the time of day.

I've said enough for tonight. Driving me up the wall!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by girlielove »

I think the Greedners have done a terrible disservice by feeding their kids by hand from their parent's plate while all four stood around. Now the girls are terrified they won't get their share of treats and food and they shove it in their mouth as fast as they can. They are competing for food and they're going to worry there won't be enough of it to go around. The way Esme swooped down and ate wet cereal from Evie's fingers the last time they had fruity pebbles -- that was odd. Raising the girls to feel like nothing is really meant for them. Can't have their own outfit; it's part of a unit. Nothing is going to feel "just for them."

That live feed was atrocious. I have never seen Assley that animated and excited and chipper with Tyson the way she acted around Branden tonight. She stayed in front of him the entire time, and even pushed his backside into the pool. Then she hung on him and laughed and laughed and drooled. Tyson gets on the phone and says, "This is us. This is what we do." Trying so damn hard to make himself relatable. He probably has a man crush on Branden himself, thinking he finally has a real friend. Meanwhile Mindy sits there all silent and timid and holding her phone on a stick. How obnoxious was that! Tyson has to see that Assley has the hots for Branden. It's so obvious to anyone with a brain. So staged and fake is their "friendship" though.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Merikat »

Well, I sucked up my courage and watched the vlog. I have to say I don't think TyASSon dunked Esme on purpose. I think, as someone said earlier today, he can't control his body weight. He FELL on his back, I think, while making the turn on the slide. He didn't have control of either Esme or himself!

It was kind of sad to watch Indie having so much fun in the water. Last summer, Esme adored the water; she acted just like Indie's doing this year. Poor little girl. TyASSon really, really, tramatized her today I believe.

No floaties in sight. Evie and Indie had no idea that if they stepped around too far they would go in over their heads. There NOT teaching those girls to swim; they're giving them a false sense of security about their pool skills! Accident waiting to happen.....

I don't think they went to the pool right from the doctor's. Evie and Indie had their hair done different at the pool than at the doctor s.

ASSwit, why couldn't we listen to Evie say "I 'cited"? Why did we have to listen to you repeatedly saying it for her?!

Stupid ASSwit really has no idea that it's not a good thing that Evie weighs so much! She seems so proud of it. Dumb and Dumber indeed.,....

So...did the doctor have to run ahead to make sure the girls didn't run right into the parking lot? Looked that way to me. Screeching witch just lsaughed, saying "see what we have to deal with?"

My kids are in their 30's. Doctors sure do a more thorough exam than when they were kids! Very good!

Someone asked about sliding down in the box. I think that was to test upper body control.

Those little girls really are SO cute; I wish they had better, more aware, parents.

I can't handle watching the live feed tonight. I've had enough.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by Mammabelle »

There are lots of things about this family I don't agree with but I understand them taking help to the Drs.

Both A & T we're vlogging which they wouldn't have been able to do without help.

I'm sure they both have a chat to the doctor about the girls after he has seen them. There is no way they could have a proper conversation with the doctor with the 4 girls running around. I think the girls went to another room with Madison and Oakland and the nurses?

M & O are on summer break from school and work and probably love spending time with the girls and helping out at things like this so I can't blame them for bringing help.

On another note T taking Esme under the water made me furious. The poor kid is afraid of water as it is.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by annaclinchwalsh963 »

20 plus years ago my doctor recommended biting my son if he bit me.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by amyisnewhere »

girlielove wrote:I think the Greedners have done a terrible disservice by feeding their kids by hand from their parent's plate while all four stood around. Now the girls are terrified they won't get their share of treats and food and they shove it in their mouth as fast as they can. They are competing for food and they're going to worry there won't be enough of it to go around. The way Esme swooped down and ate wet cereal from Evie's fingers the last time they had fruity pebbles -- that was odd. Raising the girls to feel like nothing is really meant for them. Can't have their own outfit; it's part of a unit. Nothing is going to feel "just for them."

That live feed was atrocious. I have never seen Assley that animated and excited and chipper with Tyson the way she acted around Branden tonight. She stayed in front of him the entire time, and even pushed his backside into the pool. Then she hung on him and laughed and laughed and drooled. Tyson gets on the phone and says, "This is us. This is what we do." Trying so damn hard to make himself relatable. He probably has a man crush on Branden himself, thinking he finally has a real friend. Meanwhile Mindy sits there all silent and timid and holding her phone on a stick. How obnoxious was that! Tyson has to see that Assley has the hots for Branden. It's so obvious to anyone with a brain. So staged and fake is their "friendship" though.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad

Unread post by lovethispage »

Merikat wrote:Does anyone know what happened to SnarkieSophie?.
She may no longer be a member, as she hasn't posted in a while.
But I'm also worried because I think she was having a difficult recovery from some surgery. I hope she's okay....

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I have been wondering the same. Maybe she's writing us a novel. I knew about her surgery as well, I hope she's ok too.
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