Gardner Quad Squad: Trainwreck Unfolding | Part 2

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Trainwreck Unfolding | Part 2

Unread post by Night lady »

☆I'd really like to ask them why they don't have anything specifically for each child. But as we know, any sort of question like that is considered HATE.☆ ~SMH!~

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Trainwreck Unfolding | Part 2

Unread post by Ibegyourpardon »

Stellaboo wrote:Oh, and not even Esme could say "I did it" when dumbAss asked the girls to repeat it.
I don't think they are even capable of 3 entire words yet - all we got was a mumbled "did it".

Yes, Esme identified strawberries and a boat, but pointing at an item and naming it is something the majority of children do between 16 and 18 months. At this age they should be saying, "Look mama, a boat" or "I want strawberries". Instead, they seem to just grunt, point, and mumble. It's SO frustrating to watch. Especially since I have a daughter almost the same age as the quads. (Who speaks in clear, full sentences, and knows better than to attack other kids for something she wants.)

I seriously just want to scream and bang my head every time I see how delayed and badly behaved these girls are.
Why will no one stand up for them?!? Maybe I need to stop watching these losers? It's clearly not good for my blood pressure. ;)

Seriously. My son still has a few months before he turns 2 and he's started stringing together 2 or 3 words. 'Bye bye nana' 'love you dada' etc. He can identify close to 100 things and has started describing things such as 'yellow plate' or 'red boat' instead of just pointing at an object and naming the object -or- color. We ask him a lot of engaging questions throughout the day instead of just asking him to repeat mispronounces words like zeeba. It's amazing what a little effort does.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Trainwreck Unfolding | Part 2

Unread post by Something_Relevant »

How dumb are they, telling their toddlers that candy is medicine?I remember a while ago they told the girls that their medicine was candy to get them to take it. That's just what doctors recommend, confuse small children with what's candy vs medicine. That never leads to a pumped stomach.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: Trainwreck Unfolding | Part 2

Unread post by Sammy16 »

While they're at Costco in the carts, look at the girls' ears, especially Indie and Esme. It looks like they have conchal crus.

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