Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Sneaky_snarky »

I am quite surprised at evie and Scarlett speaking. They have had a real speech growth spurt. The other two don't say anywhere near as much now and it used to be the other way around.

Also, regarding the sand, they don't let them play in sand. I think one time they got in a sand box on a vlog at Stephanie's house and I'm sure quadneck and quadback didn't want them to. So, if they have never felt sand, of course that can be an issue even for some people who are not sensory.

That all being said, my sensory son took a year to touch sand. Just sayin.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Teenyj »

Oh how happy I am that the flight was a nightmare! I hope the whole trip is. I can't believe that they got a free trip and that Disney is paying for it. I guess Nobody at Disney has watched their vlogs. Disney has lost my patronage.

Is that Garrison a limp or what? Why isn't Madison there? If anyone, she deserved the trip. For all she does for them. Mean brother and sister-in- law. So inconsiderate of them!

I just don't get why they are given so much. I guess people really are that stupid.

Notice they have worn some clothes twice lately? It's a miracle. Or nobody has sent them any new outfits. Ha ha!

Can't stand them!!!!

P.S. Why do people always ask if the brats are quadruplets? Duh!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Tigress95 »

From the Hoffman Squadron FB page( accompanied by a seriously cute pic. Of 4 kids SITTING:
"Grocery shopping and errands were a lot easier than normal with only 4 toddlers with me." Random thought I had as I unloaded that made me step back and realize my life may not be how I ever imagined it but it's even better.

We had a lot of fun and they may have fallen in love with the bakery since they gave them each a cookie for the first time.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by ClassyCat »

I am starting to be annoyed at Esme and Indie. They won't do ANYTHING without "hold you" or "hold hand". (I know the sand is a sensory thing, but I just mean in general as there have been a million examples.) Obviously a lot of it is the dumb ass parents not exposing them to appropriate experiences. They are so behind socially, in speech, OT, PT, etc. There is not one category that I can think of where they are on par with their age group.

Also, you know if Tubby and Cake Face were saying the flight was a nightmare, it was BRUTAL!

Last thing. . . when they were in the basement, I took a screen shot of them setting aside TONS of baby stuff still in packaging. How embarrassing! I wish I could load the picture.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by AthenaA »

Them being away is a holiday for Madison. Probably more relaxing than being in Hawaii with them.

Disney has really misunderstood their fan base in sponsoring this trip. Kids, grandmas and people in other countries are not going to be taking a trip any time soon.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Abbiedownunder »

ClassyCat wrote:
Also, you know if Tubby and Cake Face were saying the flight was a nightmare, it was BRUTAL!
LOL Tubby and Cake Face. Love it. :lol:

I noticed Mimi is on YT deleting comments as she has commented to one of the posters. She is too ill to travel.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Stellaboo »

ClassyCat wrote:I am starting to be annoyed at Esme and Indie. They won't do ANYTHING without "hold you" or "hold hand". (I know the sand is a sensory thing, but I just mean in general as there have been a million examples.) Obviously a lot of it is the dumb ass parents not exposing them to appropriate experiences. They are so behind socially, in speech, OT, PT, etc. There is not one category that I can think of where they are on par with their age group.

Also, you know if Tubby and Cake Face were saying the flight was a nightmare, it was BRUTAL!

Last thing. . . when they were in the basement, I took a screen shot of them setting aside TONS of baby stuff still in packaging. How embarrassing! I wish I could load the picture.
Esme has always annoyed me, but I agree that Indie is now turning in to a wimpy whiner too.
There is definitely something wrong with the both of them that has to do with sensory processing.
They are abnormally fearful and clingy for their age. And instead of working with them to overcome it, their parents confirm their fears by catering to them.

And for fuck's sake, can someone please correct them on their misuse of pronouns? "Hold you, hold you"
My nephew had that problem for a while, but every time he used "you" or "me" incorrectly his parents would tell him the right word and have him repeat it that way. If my daughter isn't sure which word to use she usually inserts her name instead. So instead of saying "I am eating an apple" she would say "Jenny is eating an apple". (Not her real name) I can understand how complicated that might be for Dumb and Dumber though, since they can barely speak English themselves.

I actually really liked seeing Scarlett and Evie being so excited about the ocean. It was pretty cute.
They have finally passed the smaller twins verbally, which I honestly never saw happening.
It's incredibly sad, since those two seemed to be on the right track initially. And now with the bigger set talking they will probably never get a word in edge wise. Not with 2 parents who couldn't shut the fuck up if their lives depended on it.

It really pisses me off that these greedy privileged assholes got a second free trip to Hawaii, while there are SO many underprivileged families in the world who struggle to just feed their children - and have probably never been on a vacation in their lives. I too am disappointed in Disney.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by LindyLouWho »


P.S. Why do people always ask if the brats are quadruplets? Duh![/quote]

LOL - the same reason people always ask if twins are twins. In University I had friends who had identical twin girls (the Dad was in first year so that was a financial struggle for sure! T&A should have it so hard.) but the parents used to push them in a twin stroller. The girls would be dressed the same and they looked identical. People would stop and coo at them and ask the question: "Are they twins?" The Dad would look right at them and say: "Naw - they had different mothers!" The reactions were priceless.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

I hate the Greedners even more after watching today's vlog. Some people dream their whole lives to be able to go on a vacation like that and can never afford it and those that are able to afford it work their asses off for it. Then you have these greedy, lazy fucks that get it all just handed to them for free. I don't know why it angers me so much but it does. I don't think I can watch anymore of the Hawaii vlogs because of how angry it makes me. They are the most undeserving people ever. Alulani should have gifted this amazing vacation to a family that truly deserves it, not those greedy pigs.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

I agree the bigger twins are talking more than the smaller and will admit there are certain times I can understand what they are saying. They still need help All four need help. I am still blaming Trashley for a lot of their problems. She still pronounces words the way they do instead of correcting them. Zeeba, laka bug, wa wa. I feel sorry for Indie and Esme if they have sensory problems that are making them needy Seeing all of them excited by the ocean sure was a lot more enjoyable than opening a package or standing on tables.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by fudgenuts »

Aussiegal2017 wrote:Did they even use the quad table

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I remember seeing or hearing that they had to stop using it because the girls wouldn't stay seated nor stop hitting each other etc as they were too close. That would of been a learning moment of starting to teach the girls discipline and manners but instead they capitulated to their screams and gave in. You see where this has gotten them thus far.
----do you really want to go there ?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Premmie101 »

No wonder your 6 1/2 hours plane trip was such a nightmare your kids have no idea how to comfort themselves let alone behave. The only comfort they know is food and even they can't eat for 6 hours.
I feel sorry for Esme and her sensory issues. My daughter has them too. You very rarely escape prematurity totally unscathed
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Sandocan »

justalurker2 wrote:
Snarky Lady wrote:Would anyone else think it would be funny if Trashley came up pregnant without any IVF?
It seems like one of these multiple moms I read had an unexpected, natural pregnancy after IVF or maybe it was in my area.
It would certainly give the Gardners more attention, more viewers and bring in those gifts and money more than they are getting for the girls.
I am one of them. Struggled 7 years with unexplainable infertility. Tried a number of medications, acupuncture and finally IVF (which we paid for ourselves). Only 2 embryos survived and that were my twins. I was happy because I was given this amazing miracle of being a mom. Well 14 months later I was feeling super tired. I went to the doctor and "Surprise you're pregnant " (only one this time). So it does happen to get pregnant even when doctors tell you it is impossible.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by CherryBaby »

Laughter6789 wrote:I hate the Greedners even more after watching today's vlog. Some people dream their whole lives to be able to go on a vacation like that and can never afford it and those that are able to afford it work their asses off for it. Then you have these greedy, lazy fucks that get it all just handed to them for free. I don't know why it angers me so much but it does. I don't think I can watch anymore of the Hawaii vlogs because of how angry it makes me. They are the most undeserving people ever. Alulani should have gifted this amazing vacation to a family that truly deserves it, not those greedy pigs.
I couldn't have said it better, Laughter. And they just got back from Disney. Bison just lays around on the couch all day while the real men are out supporting their families and then their KADs tell them how much they deserve all their vacations. Truly repulsive people.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by amyisnewhere »

Laughter6789 wrote:I hate the Greedners even more after watching today's vlog. Some people dream their whole lives to be able to go on a vacation like that and can never afford it and those that are able to afford it work their asses off for it. Then you have these greedy, lazy fucks that get it all just handed to them for free. I don't know why it angers me so much but it does. I don't think I can watch anymore of the Hawaii vlogs because of how angry it makes me. They are the most undeserving people ever. Alulani should have gifted this amazing vacation to a family that truly deserves it, not those greedy pigs.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Howlin17 »

Bison, that fat pig, messed up. He told on himself and Trashley. Said the girls were getting a bottle of milk at bedtime.

Where does Garrison sleep for this screeching trip? Looks like grandma sleeps in the room with all the FF. AND, how pissed off were the
Greedners when the guy didn't bring the right number of pack and plays? Doesn't he know who they are??? :roll:
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Krouton »

Sandocan wrote:
justalurker2 wrote:
Snarky Lady wrote:Would anyone else think it would be funny if Trashley came up pregnant without any IVF?
It seems like one of these multiple moms I read had an unexpected, natural pregnancy after IVF or maybe it was in my area.
It would certainly give the Gardners more attention, more viewers and bring in those gifts and money more than they are getting for the girls.
I am one of them. Struggled 7 years with unexplainable infertility. Tried a number of medications, acupuncture and finally IVF (which we paid for ourselves). Only 2 embryos survived and that were my twins. I was happy because I was given this amazing miracle of being a mom. Well 14 months later I was feeling super tired. I went to the doctor and "Surprise you're pregnant " (only one this time). So it does happen to get pregnant even when doctors tell you it is impossible.
I've never experienced infertility first hand, but I did get pregnant after I had my tubes tied, the first time. I'm that one-in-a-million. LOL
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Merikat »

Sandocan wrote:
justalurker2 wrote:
Snarky Lady wrote:Would anyone else think it would be funny if Trashley came up pregnant without any IVF?
It seems like one of these multiple moms I read had an unexpected, natural pregnancy after IVF or maybe it was in my area.
It would certainly give the Gardners more attention, more viewers and bring in those gifts and money more than they are getting for the girls.
I am one of them. Struggled 7 years with unexplainable infertility. Tried a number of medications, acupuncture and finally IVF (which we paid for ourselves). Only 2 embryos survived and that were my twins. I was happy because I was given this amazing miracle of being a mom. Well 14 months later I was feeling super tired. I went to the doctor and "Surprise you're pregnant " (only one this time). So it does happen to get pregnant even when doctors tell you it is impossible.
The Hoffman mother gave birth to a single baby 20 months after the quints were born. Very unexpected; no fertility treatments with him. She is an absolutely amazing mom! (The Hoffman Squadron). Dad recently came back from 11 month deployment. She had 7 kids by herself, with only occasionally her mother to help. Quints received all kinds of Services; 2 still go to OT. She puts the Greedners to shame!!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

Laughter6789 wrote:I hate the Greedners even more after watching today's vlog. Some people dream their whole lives to be able to go on a vacation like that and can never afford it and those that are able to afford it work their asses off for it. Then you have these greedy, lazy fucks that get it all just handed to them for free. I don't know why it angers me so much but it does. I don't think I can watch anymore of the Hawaii vlogs because of how angry it makes me. They are the most undeserving people ever. Alulani should have gifted this amazing vacation to a family that truly deserves it, not those greedy pigs.

I agree! It angers me because: if their lips are moving they are lying, they act like they work so hard, sacrifice so much, do without all the time, are constantly busy raising their own children, and struggle to put a roof over their head or food on the table so people that ACTUALLY do all of the things I mentioned will send them stuff. Some of their lonely KAD probably can't afford to even eat out 1 time a month and those are the people doing without while sending these dumb fucks more shit. Every time someone calls them out Titboy has to do a live feed to try to smooth things over and spew more bullshit to their KAD. They really pisses me off because they do not appreciate anything they have. I hate people that just get shit handed to them. No not because I am jealous. I just think working hard makes you appreciate it more and makes you an all around better person not spoiled fucking assholes like these two. I think it's absurd that the reason they have what they have is because of the 4 girls. They never would have all of this without them. Two Ton Titboy just really disgusts me. He is so creepy, lazy, and such a fat fucking piece of shit. He is as worthless as tits on a boar hog. Seriously what "man" does all those live feeds to talk to desperate teenager girls, lonely middle aged women or elderly women. Those are the only types of females he can get. If Ass would ever divorce him and he met some other woman and she asked him what he did for a living can you imagine how fast and far she would in the opposite direction when he told her that "my beautiful daughters support me. I don't work because I'm a fuckin fat lazy creepy guy who has live Facebook conversations with desperate women. I lay around all day like a beached whale and I smell like ass because I never shower." :barf: But the day will come because the bigger they come, the harder they fall.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by girlielove »

Assley's favorite saying is, "What did you get, what did you get?!" To her getting free things is par for the course now. She's teaching her daughters to be grabby and greedy and excited about what they can get, rather than being grateful and appreciative and saying thank you. She can teach this by saying, "How sweet for someone to think of you, we are so thankful, wasn't that nice of her to give you a gift, let's tell her thanks together." Instead it's just what did you get, and what did you get, and what else are we gonna get??

When the quads age out of the cuteness factor, and the freebies stop, how is Assley going to get free things? We know she doesn't believe in working for what she has. Amanda does all her work for her, even when her kid is in a coma. Tyass isn't going back to work. He's going to be sitting on the couch still, with adult children, taking staged photos of them kissing him so he can upload them to the internet for accolades.

Multiples isn't the wonder it used to be a decade or two ago. It won't be long before quadneck and quadback stop getting the attention they crave so badly through their children. That time will come even sooner if they don't start teaching manners. No one likes badly behaved kids. I don't even like my own when they act up, let alone putting them up on display and getting other people to look at them and like them.

Garrison has the personality of a wet blanket. Does he ever talk? He walks around in baggy clothes to hide his fat just like his big brother. Gross. Sadly the girls will be big too, like their aunt Madison, they way they are eating at age 2. Treats before the plane ride, fast food on the plane, more candy at the hotel, then one of the bigger twins saw some rocks and said, "Treats!" How is it a treat if they get them several times a day? These girls are going to associate food with happiness and rewards, and that's a bad path to start down.

Twice we got to see a nose-picker, with one of the girls wiping her boogers on her leg. It's not going to magically stop, Greedners. You got to teach them that's bad manners. Take those plugs out of their mouth, too. Standing in the chairs at dinner, that's ignored. At what age do you think they will address that, 4 or 5? They try pulling that at school, if they even go, and they will be shocked at being told to sit down. Already the kids think the rules don't apply to them. That they're special somehow.

That was nice of Tyass to tell the girls that a fish will eat their fingers off. Couldn't he just make them get down because he's the parent and that's the rule, rather than frighten them like that? The only way they listen to their "parents" is if they lie to them like that. Otherwise they tune them out, assuming they're talking to their phones again.

And what's with letting the girls get in bed with grandma? Doesn't she need her sleep after that long day, especially since you basically told her she has to get up with them in the morning. Quadneck and Quadback (awesome names, my fellow snark sisters!) think they are entitled to sleeping in and leaving their kids with other people, don't they. Gluttonous greed.

It's definitely time to stop the milk at bedtime. Buying bags of candy, treats several times a day, sleeping with milk sitting on their teeth, sucking on wubs. Won't be long before their teeth rot out of their mouth. Who wants to be they will crowdfund their dental bills. Ass and Tyass don't believe in paying anything for their own kids.

Today's vlog, Assley thinks she's so cute and likeable when she comes off so insecure and fake. Globs of makeup,

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