Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Jane »

Haven't seen the vlog today. Will check it out.

You guys are right! If Ashley and Tyson want to be "friends" with Alley And Josh they'd make private phone calls and texts like the rest of us do when we want to build a friendship. No, everything in their vlogger world is designed to build viewers for more power, money, and donations.

Ashley's technique for dropping hints for things on camera deserves an academy award! The 3T size for the pajamas shown on camera, all the while stating that the girls need Winter pajamas. She must know the followers will clamor to send her things in 3T now.

Speaking of which, are there awards for Youtube vloggers? ;)

YouTube Family with the highest volume of deleted comments from followers:
Best YouTube Family at dropping hints for donations:
The Best YouTube Family at giving the least back in relation to what they've received from others:
YouTube Family that has made the most money off their children's privacy and unconsenting participation in a public domain"
Best YouTube Family at sharing personal info all over the world about their kids like doctor's appointments, potty habits, sleeping habits etc.
Best YouTube Family for demonstrating a sugary/high carb diet for kids under the age of 5:
Most prominently displayed PO Box on FB for gifts and money:
YouTube family with the loudest decibels of sound in vlogs:
YouTube family with the biggest McMansion:
Best YouTube Family for overdone hair, clothing and makeup:
Best collaborator with other Youtube Families to make more money
YouTube parent that doesn't have to carry a common household appliance again:

And the AWARDS go to....(drum roll)
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Howlin17 »

Rude and obnoxious pretty much sums up what these girls will always be. Poor Leah being gang attacked by the FF. And, the KADs thinking it's cute......
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by snarksite »

So, if Dax is the example T$A are using as "acceptable behavior", than I understand why the girls are hellions. His behavior was atrocious.

That "housewarming gift" was a joke. I truly believe T$A deliberately do things to piss us off. They sit back and wait for the reactions.

And who goes to a "friend's" house and trashes it like they did? Do they only know slobs? Does Stephanie really dump food anywhere for kids to go at it like pigs to a trough? And then leave the food all over the floor?
At one point, Stephanie was attempting to wash someone's hands so I am assuming she doesn't want sticky crap all over her house. But, who knows?

I hate to condone violence, but I was not unhappy to see Leah go at one of the girls.

And, earlier, during the lawn mower incident, didn't one of the bigger twins wallop somebody while swinging the lawnmower?
I'll bet the girls are hurt a lot more than we'll ever know.

These people are disgusting.

Oh, and now T$A just lounge on the couch and let the girls swing the gopros all over the place.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by mia »

YT comment: "Take a crib mattress and let the girls sit on it sliding down the stairs. Fun."

Gosh, what could go wrong?!
The stupid is strong with this one.

The damage they're doing to that rental! I cannot image the repair bills.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by DoodleBop »

I don't blame these kids. I got to school and one day someone was like why are you rude. I had no idea. My family never said please or thank you etc so I thought as long as I didn't steal I wasn't being "rude". Literally had to get into the habit myself of saying please and thank you, excuse me etc because it was not modeled in my house. Same with drinking water. Nobody I knew ever drank water so it was something I had to learn.

I dread to think if these girls do some sort of Christian homeschool and end up thinking the world is 6000 years old and that dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans. It's a trip to get out in the real world and realize that your perception of reality is completely wrong. While it will be harder for them to isolate their kids and also be all over social media we'll see.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

I too find it odd that the girls always seem to be expressionless when doing things that would make most kids react in some way. They become catatonic, it's so weird. Maybe that's why Ass feels the need to tell us how much fun they are having and how much they love it. You sure as shit can't tell by looking at their chubby little faces.

The girls dumped crackers all over Stephanie's house because that's how they are fed at home. Bison said "the chair is not a plate". How are they supposed to know what a plate is when you don't use them at home. If you dump their food out onto any old surface for them at home, how are they supposed to know the difference at someone else's house?

Anyone else feel like Trashley's brother and sis in ow don't really like them a whole lot? I just got a weird vibe from them. And at one point the sis in law basically demands that her son have his jeep back when 2 of the girls were driving it. She sounded annoyed while telling them to give her son his toy.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Howlin17 »

I cheered when Leah smacked one of the ferals! Go, Leah!!!

Cannot believe they walked out and left the brats mess all over the floor! Pigs!!

The one nicknamed after a grain smacked Leah with the lawnmower.....right before Heavy snatched it away. The ball-less wonder just laughed. As he usually does.

The screeching and telling Dax to stick out his tongue were such obnoxious acts by the Trashy one. Her housewarming gift was pathetic, just like she is. Typical trash.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Tigress95 »

BumblebeeBubbles wrote:I wanted to clarify LDS (Mormon) tithing. In order to have a valid temple recommend - which they have - you have to give 10% of your income. So it's not like they donated a $100 a year ago and call that good. Now granted the church doesn't check W2's or your income. It's an honor system. But if you're a full-tithe payer, you are giving a lot. They'd be silly not to do it since it's an IRS write off. Being able to write off 30-40 grand could make a huge difference on a tax bill.

On top of tithing, every month the members of the LDS church fast 2 meals (don't eat) and are asked to donate what they would have spent - and more where able - to fast offerings/welfare program of the church. Members are asked to be generous. Now for you and me, 2 missed meals might be $20. For the Gardners, who eat fast food every meal and snacks, their 24-hour equivilant is probably much more. Te he

The Mormon welfare system has gotten all kinds of recognition and awards for being one of the most efficient and large scale welfare programs. They are usually first on the ground as they were at Katrina in New Orleans. They put their missionaries to work and roll in the truck loads. As far as I know, they were there pre-storm this time prepared and ready to launch when the storm hit. Now I went in and donated extra to them. That's how I do my welfare because there is no overhead.

I think there are a lot of fabulous charities but we should share with each other good ones that don't have a huge overhead and where the money goes directly to the people. Red Cross and United Way have HUGE overhead and, after 911, I don't trust that my money actually gets there. So investigate good charities and then share what you know. I do the LDS church as does my non-member husband. I also go through Mercury1. They donate 100%, as well. From what I understand, money is what they desperately need. This morning on the news they mentioned money for feminine products. I hadn't even thought of that and how horrific that would be if caught off guard. I'm always open to good charities so share away!
My friends from Houston have suggested the Jj Watt foundation as they are based in Houston and already have "boots on the ground" ... vey-915053.
If you are in Texas and can host a displaced family, please list your home on Air BnB, there are thousands sleeping in their cars because not all the shelters in Dallas and San Antonio are open yet. Our guest arrived hungry exhausted and said "Please can I just have a shower"
We are also volunteering to try to get these shelters open( through the red Cross) although I am a stroke survivor and can't do much, I can sort socks. Any little bit helps.
Thanks, sissies for asking and caring.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by DoodleBop »

I'm surprised none of them have ever gotten nursemaid's elbow with how they yank them up by one arm since they're vlogging with the other hand. At least grab them by the upper arm if you absolutely have to.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Snarkadoodle Doo »

fudgenuts wrote:
I couldn't quote the post that this is in response to as it was putting more than 3 quotes together? BUT...........

Great minds...thank you for posting them. I searched and found the coverups, headbands and scarves. Still trying to pin down a definitive listing showing the blankets.

Am curious to his recent statement that they will be offering patterns and branching out from their usual stripes. Will be easier to search and pin down. You need to post these links on the TLC page because that is the only place that they have no control on deleting! Way to go on the searching ! ;)
I wonder if the stripes are no longer available, hence the "branching out" to patterns? Maybe you'll have better luck finding a match when he finally gets around to launching them.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by amyisnewhere »

lovethispage wrote:
BumblebeeBubbles wrote:My favorite KAD spewings from the day center around the princess dresses a follower sent the girls. Why not be the Disney princesses I sent you for Halloween then you don't have to buy anything? Assface replies in a rare viewing that the girls love those dresses but they spilled dinner on the dresses when they wore them. Ashtwit then adds that she probably ought to wash them and let the girls play in them again.

KAD: "you haven't washed them in over a month?"

Oh that's nasty to think about. Even if you have so many clothes you aren't going to wear them again, at least wash them. Especially if they are stained. And expensive gifts! Idiots.

She probably threw them in the trash. She would have to scrub the spots out with shout or whatever wash them on delicate. Then they would have to air dry. But it's not like she doesn't hang dry anything. I've seen the laundry hanging all over the stairway. Yeah, she just threw them in the ga-badge.
A obvious supporter responded to that comment that Ashley prob hadn't gotten those dresses professionally cleaned. Since when do the quads clothes get professionally cleaned?? How does dinner get that dirty???
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Harkette »

Omg the latest vlog! How are they not horrified and embarrassed by their behavior??

Hey Tyson, when they're fighting over a toy you don't buy more you idiot. You put your fucking phone down first of all. Then, get down on their level, tell them to share and take turns or they lose the toy. He sounded like he had absolutely no idea how to handle the girls fighting over the lawn mower.

I bet they did bit help clean that mess up.

They are such assholes!!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Snarkadoodle Doo »

snarksite wrote:So, if Dax is the example T$A are using as "acceptable behavior", than I understand why the girls are hellions. His behavior was atrocious.

That "housewarming gift" was a joke. I truly believe T$A deliberately do things to piss us off. They sit back and wait for the reactions.

And who goes to a "friend's" house and trashes it like they did? Do they only know slobs? Does Stephanie really dump food anywhere for kids to go at it like pigs to a trough? And then leave the food all over the floor?
At one point, Stephanie was attempting to wash someone's hands so I am assuming she doesn't want sticky crap all over her house. But, who knows?

I hate to condone violence, but I was not unhappy to see Leah go at one of the girls.

And, earlier, during the lawn mower incident, didn't one of the bigger twins wallop somebody while swinging the lawnmower?
I'll bet the girls are hurt a lot more than we'll ever know.

These people are disgusting.

Oh, and now T$A just lounge on the couch and let the girls swing the gopros all over the place.

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I saw that too. I thought it looked like Leah that got caught in the crosshairs of the swinging lawnmower, but it cut out fast, so I'm assuming she started crying. And God forbid, that show a kid get hurt. I was absolutely appalled by Dax. I'm fine never seeing him show up in a vlog again.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Krouton »

I think if Trashley would STFU and let these kids express themselves for a change, they would begin to smile and show emotions. The poor things are probably scared to death. Babytalk and screeching is overwhelming.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by CherryBaby »

lovethispage wrote:I remember on gomi people were getting pissed off because we were saying something in regard to the notion that men who drive big trucks have small penis's. It was never said in those words but when Fatso had that rental truck someone started calling it his small penis truck. People got offended as they thought no one should be talking about his penis.

This group cracks me up so far we got:

Stuby weiner

We make fun of his ass being on his back and his man tits.

ASSWIT we've called out her fake tits, her FUPA, her pancake ass and her horse jaw. I'd like to ad her pig nose.

This stuff would have never flyed on gomi. That's why I love you all (hundreds of Ashley exclamation points)

HaHa, I so agree!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Sammy16 »

I find it so strange how expressionless those girls are. Especially Scarlett and Evie. I don't think they cracked a smile the entire time they were riding around in that car. Just like on the water slide they were completely blank.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

I thought the same thing that someone mentioned earlier - her brother and sister-in-law didn't seem too thrilled to have them over. They both seemed annoyed by them being there.

Soap?? Seriously? Who the fuck gets hand soap as a housewarming gift? I'm telling ya she just rummaged through their crap and found something. Wouldn't a wreath or plaque for the front door, a garden ornament, a picture for the wall, a fruit basket or even gift cards to get dinner somewhere so they didn't have to cook be more practical and look as if you put thought into? A few cans of soda? Why not a 12 or 24 pack? How embarrassing! They make so much money yet they give shit like that. If I was anyone they have given a shit gift to I would do the same thing back to the Greedners when they move. Someone should bring laundry detergent so she can wash the Disney princess dresses and the piles of other dirty ass clothes they have laying around. Or how about a book on parenting. Maybe some Pull-Ups for the girls.

Fucking losers with no class whatsoever. Ass & Tittyboy you should be ashamed of yourselves but I'm sure you think your brother should bow down and kiss you feet because you graced him with you and your family. Little do you know they couldn't wait until you left. When you called them to tell them you were coming over he and his wife were like oh hell no. They are NOT coming in here and destroying our stuff. Keep them outside as much as possible. But I'm sure you wormed your way inside. They both probably had to down a few Tylenol because of all the screeching you did. Their ears probably bled as well. Nope...don't think you'll be invited back for a while.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Snarky33 »

No age appropriate teaching at all regarding table manners/sharing/proper enunciation, potty training, etc. They should NEVER home school. It’s pretty obvious Trashley and the Tybaby are not that educated. If Evie was stopped from trying to strong arm that lawnmower from her sister, Leah wouldn’t have been smacked in the face. The wrong issue is being addressed. Evie is being a bully and should share, NOT that Scarlett caught Leah in the face trying to keep her toy. Why shouldn’t Evie be a bully?? She has learned that all she has to do is over power her sisters or have a melt down to get her way. Maybe they are good teachers after all. They teach their kids how to do everything the wrong way.

Even though I too was happy to see Leah push one the girls after she was elbowed, why didn’t they edit out that part. I wouldn’t be happy if I were Stephanie. Do they even ask their friends or family what they want included in the vlogs??? It’s just disrespectful to put it all out there without any consideration of how others feel. And who lets their kids eat of a surface where everyone puts their asses or dirty feet.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Snarky33 »

And one more thing…I think for they should go as four donit holes, a sodalicious and twizzer for Halloween.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad - Busby Wannabes (Part 5)

Unread post by Jane »

Snarky33 wrote:And one more thing…I think for they should go as four donit holes, a sodalicious and twizzer for Halloween.
That is hillarious! :D

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