Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Donits »

Just went to look at the new loni photo.
Holey editing batman!
If you zoom in, all I can see is blurring and cutting and pasting.
Looks like shes had to edit Indie's eyes so they were looking at the camera, and there is a bit of Indie's dress that she hasn't cut and pasted very well...the pattern is off
Ashley's roots have been coloured too.
They would be a nightmare to photograph, none of them would stand still or listen
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

Tonight's live feed was chaos as usual. I find it ridiculous that these people tell those kids "good job" constantly for shit that does not warrant a good job but when they actually do a good job with something, they don't tell them good job. Indie picked up the toys and even as Trashley was carrying the toy bin to the room full of shit, Indie continued putting toys into it, yet neither of them told her good job or encouraged the good behavior. They made a comment about how good Indie is about picking up and that the other girls still need work. That would have been a perfect "good job" moment but apparently to these dumb fucks, their monsters screeching "NO" or "gone do bou id" while dumping the toys everywhere is hilarious and gets positive attention but actually doing something good gets no praise. What idiots.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

In the Facebook photo that Loni posted Assley's eyes look funky. No wonder it is taking Loni so long to edit - she has to keep taking breaks because her ass is sore from sitting all those long hours editing the weight off of Two Ton.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Sammy16 »

Wow. Get a load of this post from Marylou right after the girls were born. Oh the irony! Having multiples is not a money making venture :rofl: Tell your daughter that!

"You are wondering if there will be pictures. Of course there will be pictures. Please understand that Ashley, Tyson and the rest of our family had gone almost 48 hrs without sleep. Our first job is to take care of this family. They need time to heal and to adjust. The babies, though doing very well, are VERY tiny...all have breathing masks and there is very little to see. We have not even seen their sweet faces except covered by these masks. Mommie is hurting and wanting to be with her babies, daddy is trying to move from a 2 bedroom townhouse to a 4 bedroom townhome so that we can have room for the babies and extended family that need to be there to help for the first months of the babies lives and take care of his wife and bond with his children.
Please know that all decisions made have been carefully weighed and prayerfully considered. This recent opportunity is an answer to many prayers as Ashley can not longer work and Tyson has a full time job along with caring for his family. Ashley and Tyson have a STRONG and wonderful relationship with Each other and with God and we believe that he is watching over them and providing as He sees fit. He has given then another platform to increase infertility awareness and they are eager to be able to do that.
This little family must make ends meet. Some seem to think that Ashley was been taken care of by professional make up artists and hair people...that has no truth to it at all. Every picture have been taken by family and friends that are not even professional photographers.
Though some have suggested that Ashley and Tyson have orchestrated having quads to get rich, you are Highly misinformed. Having a family of higher order multiples is NOT a money making venture, it is not even a break even venture and it is NOT their goal. The goal is to increase infertility awareness and support all. This family has come about from much love, patience, suffering and kindness from so many and we are so grateful for all that we have been blessed with.
Please know that we are so very thankful and have appreciated your kindness and support, but all decisions must be made by Ashley and Tyson for their family without putting it out for public review.
We are so very grateful for the awareness it has put on INFERTILITY and the pain associated with it.
This page is a positive support for so many that have reached out and have found comfort and joy in following our journey, we pray that it will continue to give hope and renew faith for others traveling on this often silent and lonely path. Our long journey has put a spotlight both locally, nationally and internationally, on the suffering of infertility and it's innocent victims that are often unrecognized and forgotten by society. Know that this is our goal.
Once again, thank you for your love and support and I would remind each of us to please be kind as we are all traveling a difficult road and are struggling in one way or another. If we were to be able to walk a mile in each others shoes and feel others struggles, there are few that we would not love and admire.
I am sorry if this seem straightforward, but sometimes the MOMMA BEAR takes over. Please know that i have felt so much love and support for all of our family and will ever be both amazed and grateful for it.
God bless you all,
Marylou (Ashley's Mom)"
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Stellaboo »

Laughter6789 wrote:Tonight's live feed was chaos as usual. I find it ridiculous that these people tell those kids "good job" constantly for shit that does not warrant a good job but when they actually do a good job with something, they don't tell them good job. Indie picked up the toys and even as Trashley was carrying the toy bin to the room full of shit, Indie continued putting toys into it, yet neither of them told her good job or encouraged the good behavior. They made a comment about how good Indie is about picking up and that the other girls still need work. That would have been a perfect "good job" moment but apparently to these dumb fucks, their monsters screeching "NO" or "gone do bou id" while dumping the toys everywhere is hilarious and gets positive attention but actually doing something good gets no praise. What idiots.
I know right? The girls get praised for breathing, ruuuuunnnniiinnnnggg, and throwing food on the floor, but god forbid they get positive reinforcement for doing something appropriate. It's not a wonder they are so fucked up - their whole world is full of mixed messages and their idiot parents screeching "good job" every 5 minutes.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Stellaboo »

Check out the bottom of Indie's shoes in this picture.

You can see her entire footprint, including every single toe. Not only is it disgustingly filthy, but that shoe provides absolutely NO support for walking. It pisses me off so much that the Greedners care nothing for the comfort or function of what they dress the girls in. Between the tight hairbands, the dysfunctional non-fitting shoes, the inappropriate dresses, and the wet bulging diapers, the poor kids must be miserable most of the time. I couldn't imagine doing that to my daughter.

Poor Esme spent the majority of the live feed trying to rip the rubber bands out of her hair. Trashley actually had to chase her around to re-do the pigtails at one point, and Esme then spent the next 5 minutes trying to pull it out again. Does the woman not realize how much hair loss she is causing by constantly doing that the girls? Hasn't she been a "master esthetician" for like 50 years or something? :roll:
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

What happened to the Nikes they bought

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Tigress95 »

AthenaA wrote:
SnarkieSophie wrote:
amyisnewhere wrote:Has anyone noticed they get about 100 new fb followers a day? How does this happen?

Fucked it I know.

Maybe the KADs make it their life's work to set up numerous new Facebook accounts every day to "Follow" the Greedners.

Awl done.
They don't have much engagement though. Maybe many people just watch every now and then and don't see the issues as much. As the girls get older their issues will be much more apparent to everyone.
I'm thinking it's probably bots.

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Sammy16 wrote:
Harkette wrote:I just watched the live feed. So Tyson tells the girls they can go outside if they clean up the dolls. Scarlett immediately goes over and starts cleaning, then later tyson says indie cleaned it up all by herself so she gets a reward. Then he makes a comment about the sprinklers being on and the girls say evie did it (notice who was the first girl blamed??) so Tyler laughs "uh oh we're gonna give her spankings." Wtf!
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I had a feeling a while back that they spank the kids. It was a while ago so my memory is a little foggy but one of the girls was hitting another one on the butt and Tyson asked if she was giving her a spanking. I think that is their form of discipline and that's why they don't show it on camera because even they're not that dumb. They've shown a few pathetic attempts at a time-out so if they were so opposed to showing discipline on camera, why are they ok showing a half-ass attempt at a time-out?

Hmmmm I don't know about them spanking unless, they give them a couple love pats on their diapered behinds and teasingly say, "I'm gonna spank you" The girls misbehave too much to be disciplined in any way. In saying that, I can see Trashley aggravated when she is trying to fix their hair and jerking them back to her or yanking their hair when trying to fix it. She may want to spank but TyASShole I believe would not let her and that might be part of the reason she is not left alone with the girls. Kids who are disciplined (whether time out, spanking or whatever) are better behaved and are aware of the consequences. Scarlett was spot on last night in the live feed giving them the "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT" look. NOTHING and she knew it. I also noticed she is big on saying NO now. I sure would not want to be in that house with the FUF when all of them are saying NO to everything and giving that look.
Just goes to prove T$A lost control of their children at a very early age. Going to be hard to take that control back and I doubt they will ever be able to. JMO
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

Oh the Bingham video of hazyl being born was so sweet it just came up on YouTube . They seem so nice why do they want to be friends with the greedners

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Also hazyl starting dancing the other day was super cute

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by AthenaA »

Those shoes!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

They must not have a brain cell between them . Taking them to the house in those stupid shoes
Ass asks them questions and they never give her an appropriate answer just ignore her

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Sisteroo »

Lots of screeching in today's vlog and with the same old crap eating donuts, tight pigtails, playing at the park in those stupid sandals & of course feeding their faces at Olive Garden for lunch. Everything they say is just parroting what was said to them, the idiocy continues on & on day after day, no wonder their YT # views never go up...... they are boring!
Rattled finale tonight, hoping for a post on TLC!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Aussiegal2017 wrote:They must not have a brain cell between them . Taking them to the house in those stupid shoes
Ass asks them questions and they never give her an appropriate answer just ignore her

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My thing is taking them in a construction zone to begin with is pretty stupid. I am sure their builders are throwing that house up as fast as possible because of them and I am sure they would not appreciate the Greedners bringing their children to the house when so many different things could happen. They had on those flimsy ass shoes and I am sure this construction site is like many others with nails and other things the girls could hurt themselves on. I am amazed at the stupidity of these people.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Well when they went to the house Assley kept pointing out all of the things that are theirs, look at your fireplace, kitchen, pantry, backyard........ it is theirs they paid for it with your exploitation!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Today's v'log The girls are talking more but most of it is parroting. Although Indie and Esme surprised me since I feel like their speech has regressed their comprehension may not be. When asked if she liked the donut, Indie replied, I like it. Esme was asked and she replied, I like it too which is about the first time I have noticed them responding to a question. Both Scarlett and Evie just parroted, like it like it.
Taking them to a construction site is wrong on so many levels, can these people be anymore stupid.
I have to say I liked the Discovery park today and the kids for the most part were pretty good doing what they do best running wild. I did notice Evie walked up too close to Indie and Indie sort of pushed her out of her way. That told me volumes. They know when Evie comes around they might just be shoved or pushed.
On to Olive Garden, did you notice the hostesses standing in line when they walked in? They did not look impressed!!!!! I was glad to see the girls got their own plates but in my experience when a child is given their drinks (both juice and water) they fill up on that and do not eat much. Another parental stupidity they are guilty of.
Is it Evie that continuously falls while running? Today she fell twice, no other child around her. Could be those stupid shoes/sandals she is wearing and it could be her balance. They really need some therapy, walking in a straight line etc.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Jane »

Stellaboo wrote:
Check out the bottom of Indie's shoes in this picture.

You can see her entire footprint, including every single toe. Not only is it disgustingly filthy, but that shoe provides absolutely NO support for walking. It pisses me off so much that the Greedners care nothing for the comfort or function of what they dress the girls in. Between the tight hairbands, the dysfunctional non-fitting shoes, the inappropriate dresses, and the wet bulging diapers, the poor kids must be miserable most of the time. I couldn't imagine doing that to my daughter.

Poor Esme spent the majority of the live feed trying to rip the rubber bands out of her hair. Trashley actually had to chase her around to re-do the pigtails at one point, and Esme then spent the next 5 minutes trying to pull it out again. Does the woman not realize how much hair loss she is causing by constantly doing that the girls? Hasn't she been a "master esthetician" for like 50 years or something? :roll:
No, really? Really? Ashley actually bought her almost 3 year olds (not even "toddlers" any more - "preschool" aged children) MORE BABY BOOTIES? My children wore these until the day they started walking and never wore them again. Remember what an issue everyone had with those booties when one of the girls injured her foot? For good reason! They provide no support to their feet. Stride Rite makes shoes that properly support children's feet.

Now, when Tyson is taking care of the kids, he makes it a point to show viewers the new baby booties for his almost 3 year old daughters. It makes me wonder, does he think it's funny? Does he think he's getting back at people who really care about the girls injuring their feet (which support their whole body structure)?

"Tell everyone you love them" Tyson encouraged his preschool aged daughter into the camera yesterday. The daughter replied strong voice (more than once) "NO!" Was that Evie or Scarlett? You go girls! Rooting for these girls, their strength and survival!

The girls are constantly goaded for a good vlog shot, fed sugary, processed food daily, encouraged to mispronounce words repeatedly because it's "sooooooooo cute" and entertaining for their followers, wear little, matchy baby doll dresses/outfits to garner attention, suck on binkies until their teeth have molded forward, consume massive quantities of cow's milk when they can eat solids, wear diapers when they should be using the bathroom....

Times a tickin' though. These girls will be 3 this year and become taller, more determined...
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by SnarkyJ »

Did anyone notice in the live feed last night Tyson starts getting all sales pitchy about their pressure cooker and Ashley snips at him that it's not sponsored and he stops talking about how great it is. Why can't you just tell people why you love it without getting money. Ugh some people go to their page for ideas on how to cook for multiples not for a sales pitch for only sponsored items.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

See Esme had the keys at the end opening the door then Evie comes along and then ass yabbers on , next shot Evie had what she wanted the keys .

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