Harkette wrote:justalurker2 wrote:Stellaboo wrote:And as someone who is currently potty training a two year old, I can confirm that they definitely do NOT just wake up one day and know what to do!
Trashley has no idea what she's in for. Ha ha ha ha......
I am going to disagree with you here, there are very rare children who do know what to do. My oldest son at 14 months looked me in the eyes one day and said he wanted to wear daddy bloomers-don't ask-I said well, you've got to use the bathroom like daddy and the darn kid was completely trained day and night in a week without me lifting a finger. I should also mention once he started school he tested as being gifted.
His brother was really a shock after him, that one refused to train until he was 4.
my oldest was the same way! Woke up one day and asked for underwear. I bought them and that was that. My youngest....lol she was not as easy!
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So wait, justalurker, your 14 month old was verbal enough to tell you that? That's very unusual. He must have an almost genius level IQ! I work with kids that age, and most of them are only saying mama, dada, etc. and just learning to walk.
Even my VERY advanced nephew wasn't talking that much so early. He's 2.5 now, and speaking with him is like having a conversation with a 4 or 5 year old. (He's tiny too, so sometimes it's freaky!) My own 2 year old is a month younger than him, and pretty "average" - whatever that means. (Although the FF make her look like a Rhodes scholar!)
My daughter is much further along in potty training than her cousin at the moment, but I've heard that girls are easier than boys.
He's so advanced at everything else I guess we assumed he'd teach himself. LOL! Which just goes to show that each kid is an individual and learns at a different pace.
That's the part that's going to bite Trashly in the ass, since she can't accept that each of her girls isn't exactly like the other ones. I feel sorry for whichever one of them wants to do it slower or differently than whoever does it first. I really hope none of them get traumatized by the process! Because it will most likely be poor Esme.