Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Harkette »

justalurker2 wrote:
Stellaboo wrote:And as someone who is currently potty training a two year old, I can confirm that they definitely do NOT just wake up one day and know what to do! :lol: Trashley has no idea what she's in for. Ha ha ha ha......
I am going to disagree with you here, there are very rare children who do know what to do. My oldest son at 14 months looked me in the eyes one day and said he wanted to wear daddy bloomers-don't ask-I said well, you've got to use the bathroom like daddy and the darn kid was completely trained day and night in a week without me lifting a finger. I should also mention once he started school he tested as being gifted.
His brother was really a shock after him, that one refused to train until he was 4.
my oldest was the same way! Woke up one day and asked for underwear. I bought them and that was that. My she was not as easy!

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Sammy16 »

Tigress95 wrote:
Sammy16 wrote:Ashley has a migraine the way Tyson has OCD. I suffer from migraines and they're no joke. They're debilitating. The princess can't get out of bed with a cold or a stiff neck. She does NOT have a migraine.
Sorry, didn't mean to repeat you, didn't see this!

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That's funny we pretty much had identical responses lol
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

I was thinking about how we are always called haters. I picture Asswipe and Tubby sitting there whining and crying "why do they hate on us?" "What did we do?" "Why don't they say these things about the parents of other multiples?" I'll tell y'all why; Because the other parents show appreciation, they don't lie every time they open their mouth, they are not constantly going out to eat or shopping, not having 5 date nights a week, no sleep ins, the other parents aren't scammers, they take care of their children and put them first, they have rules, they aren't grifters, they feed them healthy food, they are not ignorant assholes and act like they are celebrities, they don't hold back their kids, they don't do what is easiest, they don't have multiple vacations a year. I could go on and on. My point is it is not just us picking on you as you say. Y'all bring it on yourselves with how you act. It's time to start looking at yourselves Asswipe $ Tubby, it really isn't us, it's you two. If I was truly a hater and jealous wouldn't y'all think I would have something bad to say about the Busbys as well? Y'all know I absolutely adore the Busbys. They are everything the Greedners are not. I cant think of anything negative to say about them but my list for the Greedners could go on and on. So Ass $ Two Ton it really is you two that brings out the frustration from others not jealousy or hate. Something to think about.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Her livefeed Lipshit rant was so transparent. Blah, blah, I have always been so nice and you should be, too. My businesses, my pages, my businesses, blah, blah. This page is a safe, loving, empowering place. Please join us here on my safe, beautiful, Lipshit selfie page. I will tell you homely ladies how everyone is beautiful including you. And none of you make a cent while I freaking clean up! But that's not the reason for my page. Go to hell, Ashley.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by CherryBaby »

GA Peach70 wrote:I was thinking about how we are always called haters. I picture Asswipe and Tubby sitting there whining and crying "why do they hate on us?" "What did we do?" "Why don't they say these things about the parents of other multiples?" I'll tell y'all why; Because the other parents show appreciation, they don't lie every time they open their mouth, they are not constantly going out to eat or shopping, not having 5 date nights a week, no sleep ins, the other parents aren't scammers, they take care of their children and put them first, they have rules, they aren't grifters, they feed them healthy food, they are not ignorant assholes and act like they are celebrities, they don't hold back their kids, they don't do what is easiest, they don't have multiple vacations a year. I could go on and on. My point is it is not just us picking on you as you say. Y'all bring it on yourselves with how you act. It's time to start looking at yourselves Asswipe $ Tubby, it really isn't us, it's you two. If I was truly a hater and jealous wouldn't y'all think I would have something bad to say about the Busbys as well? Y'all know I absolutely adore the Busbys. They are everything the Greedners are not. I cant think of anything negative to say about them but my list for the Greedners could go on and on. So Ass $ Two Ton it really is you two that brings out the frustration from others not jealousy or hate. Something to think about.

Awesome post!!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Stellaboo »

Harkette wrote:
justalurker2 wrote:
Stellaboo wrote:And as someone who is currently potty training a two year old, I can confirm that they definitely do NOT just wake up one day and know what to do! :lol: Trashley has no idea what she's in for. Ha ha ha ha......
I am going to disagree with you here, there are very rare children who do know what to do. My oldest son at 14 months looked me in the eyes one day and said he wanted to wear daddy bloomers-don't ask-I said well, you've got to use the bathroom like daddy and the darn kid was completely trained day and night in a week without me lifting a finger. I should also mention once he started school he tested as being gifted.
His brother was really a shock after him, that one refused to train until he was 4.
my oldest was the same way! Woke up one day and asked for underwear. I bought them and that was that. My she was not as easy!

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So wait, justalurker, your 14 month old was verbal enough to tell you that? That's very unusual. He must have an almost genius level IQ! I work with kids that age, and most of them are only saying mama, dada, etc. and just learning to walk.
Even my VERY advanced nephew wasn't talking that much so early. He's 2.5 now, and speaking with him is like having a conversation with a 4 or 5 year old. (He's tiny too, so sometimes it's freaky!) My own 2 year old is a month younger than him, and pretty "average" - whatever that means. (Although the FF make her look like a Rhodes scholar!)

My daughter is much further along in potty training than her cousin at the moment, but I've heard that girls are easier than boys.
He's so advanced at everything else I guess we assumed he'd teach himself. LOL! Which just goes to show that each kid is an individual and learns at a different pace. That's the part that's going to bite Trashly in the ass, since she can't accept that each of her girls isn't exactly like the other ones. I feel sorry for whichever one of them wants to do it slower or differently than whoever does it first. I really hope none of them get traumatized by the process! Because it will most likely be poor Esme. :(
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by AthenaA »

BumblebeeBubbles wrote:
lmmomSD wrote:
Aussiegal2017 wrote:She said all the haters have very sad lives and she prays for them every night Image

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pH, thank goodness. Because I am sure God listens to her prayers first, before people suffering from the hurricanes and the fires in the PNW. So glad she's praying for all of us haters! Now I know I don't have to worry!

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Even if you did believe this is how prayer works (and I believe in praying for enemies), I would think that a more effective prayer might be that my mind might be open to the concerns they have raised about my children. And that if my children are in need and I am blind to it, that my eyes might be open. Shouldn't prayer be about changing ourselves and our hearts to soften rather than changing others? I don't think God works that way.
Exactly. I am so over people being referred to in general as haters ( not just on you tube, it is internet rife). Disagreement isn't hate.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by AthenaA »

pollycracker wrote:
lmmomSD wrote:
Imsorrybut wrote:Yeah, mindy said I think in yesterday's vlog she doesn't eat veggies and her kids don't eat them much either. While she should obviously feed her kids more veggies, she cooks at home a lot of the time and doesn't just order take out for every friggin meal so you have to give her some
I second whoever said Ashley should give the girls veggie pouches. My son Loves them and sucks them down. I buy the mighty 4 for tots brand and they are loaded with goodies he wouldn't touch otherwise. I bet the girls would drink them down, they taste like the fruit that's in them although they also have veggies and good carbs like quinoa or oats. It's the best parenting hack in the world and takes zero effort. Instead of giving the girls icees, give them one of those. It's. Not. Hard.
So, wait, the world has deteriorated so much that a SAHM who admits to not feeding her kids a balanced diet gets "slack" because she does cook? I am going to sound like a crotchety old person, but when I was growing up, and when my kids were really little, l all the moms I knew cooked. Going out, or getting takeout was a rare treat. And I worked. And I still do and I still cook. These vloggers who (and I know the Binghams don't) have both parents at home and don't have time or energy to cook blow my mind.

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Agreed. My husband and I both work outside of our home. I still cook and clean. I always say, and sometimes complain, that I work 2 full time jobs. And I do. Work and home. But my kids (all 6....oh my, I have SIX kids!) have good well-balanced meals and clean clothes and a clean home. And I don't even have a migraine. Geesh.....stop complaining A$$ and Tyler.

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Yeah but did you have quadruplets? ;) For people that blather on about being grateful and sugar coat their lives they sure do complain a lot.

Re the vlog when I saw dentist I was surprised they were taking the girls to the dentist. Should have known there wasn't a chance of that. Imagine what they'd have to edit out or lie about if the girls had a dental visit.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by lovethispage »

[quote="Abbiedownunder"]I don't know how to do all that posting picture stuff but what happened to her teeth? In her wedding photo she has tiny tiny baby teeth. And now she has great big horse teeth. I must be too old because I don't understand.

She had cosmetic dentistry.

She had either or maybe both. One is wear they cut your gums to make your teeth look larger.

The other one is they put veneers or crowns on your teeth to make them longer. It definitely looks like she had this'll one done because before (wedding picture) her teeth were all the same length and now they are varied. I thin she had this last one done.

She's pretty much had an all around make over. All that's left is a Brazilian butt lift. They can suck her fat out of that spare tire and those muffin tops and inject it in her ass.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Abbiedownunder »

Thanks for that info Love, hehe. So how could you be afraid of the dentist if you'd had all that work done. Bloody hell. What a weirdo.

I wish I could tick everyone's post but been working hard all day and don't have the energy. So here's to all the posts which have been fabulous. :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: Sissies.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by BumblebeeBubbles »

lovethispage wrote:
Abbiedownunder wrote:I don't know how to do all that posting picture stuff but what happened to her teeth? In her wedding photo she has tiny tiny baby teeth. And now she has great big horse teeth. I must be too old because I don't understand.

She had cosmetic dentistry.

She had either or maybe both. One is wear they cut your gums to make your teeth look larger.

The other one is they put veneers or crowns on your teeth to make them longer. It definitely looks like she had this'll one done because before (wedding picture) her teeth were all the same length and now they are varied. I thin she had this last one done.

She's pretty much had an all around make over. All that's left is a Brazilian butt lift. They can suck her fat out of that spare tire and those muffin tops and inject it in her ass.
Are big-ass teeth in style?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Premmie101 »

The Lipshit live feed was pathetic. SCRAP you reap what you sew. Have you ever listened to yourself screeching. It's all your kids know. If you want them to be quiet why not start with some quiet time instead of locking them up in cages. There's no way she had a migraine and I'm almost doubtful on the headache. Seems they are making bullshit excuses for date nights now.

As for Mindy and the veggies she said she wasn't fed them as a child and didn't care for them. She said Branden is on a health kick and wouldn't be eating with them. I'm old school too and just don't get this. I'm also Australian and it's a lot cheaper to prepare meals at home here than eat out. I remember being only 19 when I had my first kid and feeling guilty if they missed their veggies for 1 day. I would be beside myself with the quads diet.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by DoodleBop »

They have an Instant pot and the budget to buy like those bags of new potatoes that don't require peeling, baby carrots again don't require peeling and there are big bags of frozen mixed veggies at know from their house they decorate directly from Pinterest...they have recipes too. It wouldn't require much effort but probably what it really comes down to is they don't like veggies that much...and little effort is still more than they put into it.

I don't see how making dinner is more work than taking 4 toddlers to a restaurant.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

Bet she's never had a migraine in here life
She has screeched in a high pitch at them since birth how does she think they are going to talk lol

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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I think she is due for a kid free holiday with all these "migraines"

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Stellaboo wrote:
Something occurred to me while I was watching the vlog today. We never hear the girls talking at a normal volume.
The shout just about everything they say. I suppose it comes from trying to be heard over 3 other sisters, Bison's creepy laugh, and Screechy McScreecherson. I'd hate to be anywhere near them in public - it must be deafening!

I was thinking about the other day after watching a Busby v'log. That is one of the big differences in the quints and the quads. Notice how Adam and Danielle both talk in normal voices to the quints. When they are filming them they truly focus on the girls. They work them them. What color do you want? She lets them say the color even if it is wrong she will say no that is purple this is blue etc. When Trashley was doing the snow cones she screeched, what color do you want? Blueeeeeeeeeeeeee, Orangeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . Neither T$A give the quads a chance to use their brains. They are use to loud talking and screeching. I would hate to be their neighbor. I am sure they can hear them!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by qsauntiem »

Today's vlog title "moms back needs a night off".

From what? Lying down on it all day?

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Night lady »

Just watched part of her qtk live feed and all I have to say about that is:

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Tigress95 »

Harkette wrote:
justalurker2 wrote:
Stellaboo wrote:And as someone who is currently potty training a two year old, I can confirm that they definitely do NOT just wake up one day and know what to do! :lol: Trashley has no idea what she's in for. Ha ha ha ha......
I am going to disagree with you here, there are very rare children who do know what to do. My oldest son at 14 months looked me in the eyes one day and said he wanted to wear daddy bloomers-don't ask-I said well, you've got to use the bathroom like daddy and the darn kid was completely trained day and night in a week without me lifting a finger. I should also mention once he started school he tested as being gifted.
His brother was really a shock after him, that one refused to train until he was 4.
my oldest was the same way! Woke up one day and asked for underwear. I bought them and that was that. My she was not as easy!

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Can you imagine saying " I know you want underwater, but I'm just not ready and around here we do whatever is easiest for me,and if you were potty training we might have to take you into a public bathroom so no, you aren't allowed to go potty yet!"

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Night lady »

Did I just see Assface reading a book with a supposed
"headache "? Hmmmm, more lies

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