Because I was intrigued when they posted these back in July I ran them through the typical charts for height and weight for age to calculate their percentilesAthenaA wrote:Mindless eating on IG while watching a movie.
I didn't see any comments re the girls weight, was prob too late but they told everyone how tall they were and what they weighed. Evie is overweight and Scarlett is close. Considering they were preemies that is pretty shocking, they have had to gain a lot of weight to leap through all the growth curves.
Scarlett 29.6 lb 34.75 " - height to weight 83.3%, height to age 15.9%, weight to age 47.2% - so she was actually below average weight for her age technically and below average height, but when you look at those two measurements combined she is way above average (I think this calculation was done also relating to age via calculating BMI and relating to age, with a very odd shaped graph to account for childhood growth spurts and BMI not being best for them. All calculations were based on standard growth charts, I believe for American female children)
Evangeline 30.8 lb 34.75 in, height to weight 92.3 %, height to age 15.9%, weight to age 61.4%
Esme 25 lb, 33.5 in, height to weight 34.3%, height to age 3% weight to age 4.7%
Indie 11.1kg (24.4lb), 33.25 in, height to weight 28.5%, height to age 2%, weight to age 2.8%
All four girls are short for their age, Evie is the only one above average weight for age, Scarlett is almost average, indie and Esme way below. Which is probably how the gardners are looking at it, in isolation. When you include the height with weight and age the figures change dramatically. With Evie is the top 10% of children her age, and Scarlett not much behind her in top 20%. Indie and Esme are below average but not by as much as the others are above.
Will try to hunt down the charts used later if wanted.