The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Part 8

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by lovethispage »

SnarkyJ wrote:Ashley's live feed rant.....

April 14th "What the what?? To all the perfect parents."

Do you want to be drunk in 30 minutes or less?

Yes? Ok, take a drink for every time she says "like"

Like I like counted like 7 "likes" like in less then like 2 minutes and if you like average that in the like 30 minute of her like rant like that would be around like 105 likes.

I couldn't watch more then 2 minutes so I had to average it. I'm thinking this is why I couldn't remember it because I didn't watch the whole thing.

Welcome to the Snarkside 8-)
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Krouton »

Tigress95 wrote:This is why you don't plaster your small children on you tube:

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Didn't a guy show up at their house when they were doing a live feed one time? Making tacos and he showed up for tacos.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

A couple of comments on the Facebook post of the girls sliding down the stairs.

I can't wait to see it when they figure out they can go down head first. That was my favorite thing to do at my grandmas house.

I love watching them play on the steps and how they've always came down them.

Umm...what? Are these people serious? I had a friend whose brother fell down the stairs. He suffered head injuries and passed away.

:scratch: :huh?: :bhd:
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Howlin17 » media challenged question......when I look at their IG acct., which one has videos?

Stupid, lazy beotch, Trashly! Why not put your FF.....FOUR 2 YEAR highchairs or booster seats at restaurants?? And make their asses stay put! If a place has no highchairs or boosters....don't go there, dumb slug!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Sammy16 »

OldCountry wrote: As much as It looks like it is doomed, I just have this feeling there will be some kind of rescue. Don't know who or when,, there just has to be, hopefully soon. I can't imagine other people/family will let this continue, I don't care how much money they are making someone will step in and set them straight... Hopefully the damage that has been done will be taken care of and the girls will get the attention/therapies they need. I truly think that will happen, it has to..
I had hoped for a while someone would step in but I really don't think it's going to happen. T$A are the way they are because of how they were raised. Look at Tyson and look at his family. They're all grossly overweight so they don't know the first thing about being healthy or active. A$hley's parents are huge too and her dad eats condensed milk from a can for crying out loud so we know he doesn't have a clue. A$hley said she used to sit on the table/counter when she was little and she doesn't anymore so it's okay if her kids do it. It's obvious A$hley has always gotten whatever she wants when she wants it and she's raising her kids the same way. Anyone with half a brain would realize that type of upbringing/expectation is the reason she already has a bankruptcy under her belt. She has an incessant need for THINGS. She's training her children to have that same need for meaningless crap by giving them gifts every single day. Why would they be motivated to potty train those poor girls if Tuna (again, they have stupid nicknames because that's what the whole family does) is still in diapers and she's older than the girls? T$A are just continuing the Gardner/Weisenburger cycle because they're too stupid (despite how highly educated they claim to be) and too lazy to better themselves and break it.

When it comes to the girls' development/delays, my theory is everyone just keeps their mouths shut for fear of being cut off. We've seen Tyson when he's angry.. can you imagine his wrath if someone suggested his perfect miracles may need a little assistance? They'd never see those girls again. I'm also realizing why their family members agree to babysit so much: they jump at the chance to spend time with the girls WITHOUT T$A. I've said it before- A$hley's sisters never come over but when T$A come home after her parents have been babysitting, the entire family is there. If my sister was like A$hley constantly screeching, talking like a baby, and putting a camera in my face, I'd avoid her too. If my brother-in-law was anything like Tyson I'd stay far far away and keep my kids even farther away.

It's really sad to think this is the hand the girls have been dealt, but sadly I think this is it. Unfortunately when T$A got their miracles, the world got 4 more A$hleys.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

On their Instagram stories, there is a boomerang video of the girls throwing those stupid chairs down the stairs and one of the smaller girls is hit in the head with the chair and loses her balance as she grabs onto one of the other girls. Becasue it's a boomerang shot, you don't see if she actually fell and if she didn't, she came pretty damn close to it! This right there proves just how dangerous it is to allow them to stand at the top of the stairs and throw stuff down. Why would they post this? It proves exactly what we've all been saying; that the telling of chairs down the stairs is so dangerous and one of the girls could so easily be knocked down. It's almost like they posted it as a fuck you. Go look at it and you'll see what I'm talking about....

On another IG story, Evie is picking up toys and as she's doing it, she's saying "yay" and clapping, giving herself praise, while pedodaddy croons. This just goes to show that these monsters already expect praise for everything that they do and when they don't get it, they give praise to themselves. They expect to hear "good job" for every thing that they do. They will go through life being miserable and insecure becasue they will never receive the kind of praise for everything that they are learning to expect. Add these insecurities to their unhealthy relationship with food and you have a recipe for some serious eating disorders! I'll put money on at least one of them becoming anorexic or bulimic and at least one or more of them becoming morbidly obese. Maybe Trashely knows that she needs to put a ton of emphasis on their looks now becasue she knows that they will end up being morbidly obese with rotten/missing teeth.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by CherryBaby »

Laughter6789 wrote:On their Instagram stories, there is a boomerang video of the girls throwing those stupid chairs down the stairs and one of the smaller girls is hit in the head with the chair and loses her balance as she grabs onto one of the other girls. Becasue it's a boomerang shot, you don't see if she actually fell and if she didn't, she came pretty damn close to it! This right there proves just how dangerous it is to allow them to stand at the top of the stairs and throw stuff down. Why would they post this? It proves exactly what we've all been saying; that the telling of chairs down the stairs is so dangerous and one of the girls could so easily be knocked down. It's almost like they posted it as a fuck you. Go look at it and you'll see what I'm talking about....

On another IG story, Evie is picking up toys and as she's doing it, she's saying "yay" and clapping, giving herself praise, while pedodaddy croons. This just goes to show that these monsters already expect praise for everything that they do and when they don't get it, they give praise to themselves. They expect to hear "good job" for every thing that they do. They will go through life being miserable and insecure becasue they will never receive the kind of praise for everything that they are learning to expect. Add these insecurities to their unhealthy relationship with food and you have a recipe for some serious eating disorders! I'll put money on at least one of them becoming anorexic or bulimic and at least one or more of them becoming morbidly obese. Maybe Trashely knows that she needs to put a ton of emphasis on their looks now becasue she knows that they will end up being morbidly obese with rotten/missing teeth.
Pedodaddy! Perfect.

Having rather humble and quiet parents (and trying to be that way for my own kids,) I can't imagine being screeched at for every move I made as a small child. My siblings and I were kind of just left alone to experience the beauty of life and to learn how to be part of it. Big accomplishments; birthdays, learning to read, tie a shoe, lose a tooth, etc. were of course quietly celebrated, but mostly our reward was our own satisfaction of learning something new.

You explained perfectly how and why it is harmful to hear "GOOD JOB!!!" every thirty seconds. And can you imagine how very irritating it would be to hear it over and over by both parents, times four, on camera, all day everyday? Let your daughters learn in peace, you stupid fucktards!!!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by CherryBaby »

[quote="Aussiegal2017"]How does wanting to clothesline a child fit in with the first quote such hypocrites

Exactly. Fatfuck wants to preach peace and kindness, but underneath it all, he is an angry, self-centered, spoiled, pedophilic,farting piece of shit!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

Abbiedownunder wrote:
Harkette wrote:For those that can't see it, someone posted screen shots on QTK Facebook page from other FB discussion pages about a man who wants more videos of the girls because he is in to child porn.

People are attacking her because they say that her post is inappropriate and shouldn't have been posted on Ashley's business profile

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Yes, because her business page and some people may take themselves off the page and that will lose A$$ley money. WTF would any one object to being notified of an alarming person trying to get access to more photographs of your children. Again, the adulation and reverence these people hold for A$$ley and Tyler boggles my mind. So money is more imortant than a sales page when it could affect your daughter's safety.

Also, don't know if anyone else noticed that Aunt Bec and Jody sat very far apart. If they are sisters and hadn't seen each other for a while I would have thought they'd sit next to each other. Funny that. Might be nothing in it but you have to wonder.

Inappropriate and shouldn’t have been posted to her business page? Why the hell not? My God, there are some really dumb people in this world if they thought this was inappropriate. What has this world come to? We are talking about the safety of children and they are worried about where someone posts something bringing it to the attention of a parent. Wow! Maybe this was the only way she could get Asswipe to pay attention. (We all know if she thought there was something posted that could make her money on her Lipshit she would answer it but if someone dare ask a question about the material of a blanket there is no response.) Asswipe probably didn’t want it posted there because she would get called out by these followers about putting her daughters out there for anyone to look at and she couldn’t handle that plus it’s bad for her business. What is it going to take for them to be more careful with the girls safety, privacy, and and to stop vlogging? Did I read that right - they knew about this guy posting that stuff but did nothing about it?
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Pinky34 »

CherryBaby wrote:
Aussiegal2017 wrote:How does wanting to clothesline a child fit in with the first quote such hypocrites Image

Exactly. Fatfuck wants to preach peace and kindness, but underneath it all, he is an angry, self-centered, spoiled, pedophilic,farting piece of shit!

LOL!! And Amen sister! I couldn't agree with you more!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Pinky34 »

Laughter6789 wrote:On their Instagram stories, there is a boomerang video of the girls throwing those stupid chairs down the stairs and one of the smaller girls is hit in the head with the chair and loses her balance as she grabs onto one of the other girls. Becasue it's a boomerang shot, you don't see if she actually fell and if she didn't, she came pretty damn close to it! This right there proves just how dangerous it is to allow them to stand at the top of the stairs and throw stuff down. Why would they post this? It proves exactly what we've all been saying; that the telling of chairs down the stairs is so dangerous and one of the girls could so easily be knocked down. It's almost like they posted it as a fuck you. Go look at it and you'll see what I'm talking about....

On another IG story, Evie is picking up toys and as she's doing it, she's saying "yay" and clapping, giving herself praise, while pedodaddy croons. This just goes to show that these monsters already expect praise for everything that they do and when they don't get it, they give praise to themselves. They expect to hear "good job" for every thing that they do. They will go through life being miserable and insecure becasue they will never receive the kind of praise for everything that they are learning to expect. Add these insecurities to their unhealthy relationship with food and you have a recipe for some serious eating disorders! I'll put money on at least one of them becoming anorexic or bulimic and at least one or more of them becoming morbidly obese. Maybe Trashely knows that she needs to put a ton of emphasis on their looks now becasue she knows that they will end up being morbidly obese with rotten/missing teeth.

Well said & I agree! Good job Laughter. Wanna a donut?
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Pinky34 »

Sammy16 wrote:
OldCountry wrote: As much as It looks like it is doomed, I just have this feeling there will be some kind of rescue. Don't know who or when,, there just has to be, hopefully soon. I can't imagine other people/family will let this continue, I don't care how much money they are making someone will step in and set them straight... Hopefully the damage that has been done will be taken care of and the girls will get the attention/therapies they need. I truly think that will happen, it has to..
I had hoped for a while someone would step in but I really don't think it's going to happen. T$A are the way they are because of how they were raised. Look at Tyson and look at his family. They're all grossly overweight so they don't know the first thing about being healthy or active. A$hley's parents are huge too and her dad eats condensed milk from a can for crying out loud so we know he doesn't have a clue. A$hley said she used to sit on the table/counter when she was little and she doesn't anymore so it's okay if her kids do it. It's obvious A$hley has always gotten whatever she wants when she wants it and she's raising her kids the same way. Anyone with half a brain would realize that type of upbringing/expectation is the reason she already has a bankruptcy under her belt. She has an incessant need for THINGS. She's training her children to have that same need for meaningless crap by giving them gifts every single day. Why would they be motivated to potty train those poor girls if Tuna (again, they have stupid nicknames because that's what the whole family does) is still in diapers and she's older than the girls? T$A are just continuing the Gardner/Weisenburger cycle because they're too stupid (despite how highly educated they claim to be) and too lazy to better themselves and break it.

When it comes to the girls' development/delays, my theory is everyone just keeps their mouths shut for fear of being cut off. We've seen Tyson when he's angry.. can you imagine his wrath if someone suggested his perfect miracles may need a little assistance? They'd never see those girls again. I'm also realizing why their family members agree to babysit so much: they jump at the chance to spend time with the girls WITHOUT T$A. I've said it before- A$hley's sisters never come over but when T$A come home after her parents have been babysitting, the entire family is there. If my sister was like A$hley constantly screeching, talking like a baby, and putting a camera in my face, I'd avoid her too. If my brother-in-law was anything like Tyson I'd stay far far away and keep my kids even farther away.

It's really sad to think this is the hand the girls have been dealt, but sadly I think this is it. Unfortunately when T$A got their miracles, the world got 4 more A$hleys.

This was a great post & up there as one of the best & most insightful posts on here. Well done Sammy!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Pinky34 »

Sammy16 wrote:
Pinky34 wrote:Check out their IG story. Dumb & Dumber took the FF to the new house. It was almost night time & very dark despite all the windows.

Indie is walking upstairs, you can see her diaper needs to be changed. They run into one room that overlooks the backyard - which is a complete mess. ButtBack asks the FF if they love it & says so pretty as he pans the camera to the dump of a backyard & says we need landscaping.

Then it's a trip to the pantry, turning shelves into bunk beds 3 of the 4 all laying down. Probably Esme resisted and wouldn't participate. Trash is doing her hyena laugh bc the girls are saying down, down, down.

Lastly we see them outside in the pitch black singing rain rain go away while they hold hands with the babysitter & go around in a circle.

Guyses, did u love it? Did I do a good job? Am I beautiful? I worked up an appetite! I'm starving...where's my box of donuts & my jumbo coke????
Good job! I am so proud of you! Why are you so beautiful? Hooooly cow you get donits AND a gucky!

There was some RUUNNEEEEEEEN at the new house as well.

A donut & a gucky! Wow lucky me!! If I was Tyabetes I'd probably want the entire box plus a giant sodalicious & a bag of guckies!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Abbiedownunder »

I just had a look at that vlog where she is upset with the haters. In one sense I feel a bit bad. I know that I personally would hate for anyone to judge my parenting. But they do put themselves out there in the public eye and they don't listen to anyone who offers genuine advice because no one else in the world has had 4 girls at once. Then I look at the Busby's and Beans and I see that even though they also have multiples, they manage to use common sense to raise their families. That's the difference. I couldn't watch the whole thing as it was just the same old same old.

If people gave me advice when I was raising my kids I would either take it or leave it. Sometimes I got great advice and I put it into practice. Sometimes I got crap advice and I didn't. But what we are seeing are dangerous situations. When she talked about the girl's shoes and couldn't work out why anyone would complain about the moccasins. Well A$$ley, they are unsafe when climbing etc because they have no grip. They are slippers. I note the first thing you said was they are cute!! And easy. Big fucking deal. I don't care if you have 10 kids, they are unsafe for climbing on playground equipment and riding on those bikes for 1 year olds. And you are outright lying about the table issue. You never tell them to get off the table when you are filming. If you are telling them when you are not filming then you are giving them confusing and mixed messages.

And yes, I have better things to do than complain about a youtuber. But as an IVF mother who nearly lost her baby at 4 months, it breaks my heart to see how you do parent. Read a book, watch a video, go and see someone to learn how to parent 4 kids at once. You don't know everything, none of us do as parents and we are all just simply concerned about the girls. I can't understand why you don't see the lack of development with them. And their diapers are just disgusting.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by spooky »

SnarkyJ wrote:Ashley's live feed rant.....

April 14th "What the what?? To all the perfect parents."

Holy shit; what an unmitigated bitch. I've never seen this video before but it should be required viewing for any newbie. I have NEVER seen such a sanctimonious, ungrateful, spoiled brat. You'd think she'd never have a moment of peace since they were born. This girl has been on more vacations and had more time away from her kids this summer than anyone I know personally has had in years. Where does this hag get off telling us how tough her life is.

We didn't force you to have four two year-olds so don't put your parenting shortcomings on us. You chose to bring four kids into the world, so deal with it. You said it yourself, you do things because it's easy; well that is a load of crap. You're the parent, do your f'ing job and start parenting and maybe, just maybe, your life wouldn't be so stressful. Get a schedule going, start some routines, feed them (and yourselves) better and I guarantee your lives will change dramatically.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Donits »

On snapchat one of the smaller girls grabs handfulls of one of the bigger girl's hair and yanks it.
No one acknowledges it.
Obviously it's just so typical.
May as well install a boxing ring i their new mansion so they can 'beat their energy out'
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by eskayem »

Hm. Ok. I tried reading the last 15 or so pages I missed. Holy. Fuck nuts.

I saw Indie actually say "no"on a vlog. So will you honor her wishes and stop vlogging her? Probably not.

Anyway. I'm back to my semi weekly posting. I missed you all and Sophie, you're in our thoughts over here.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Pinky34 »

Donits wrote:On snapchat one of the smaller girls grabs handfulls of one of the bigger girl's hair and yanks it.
No one acknowledges it.
Obviously it's just so typical.
May as well install a boxing ring i their new mansion so they can 'beat their energy out'

That was Esme! Typical windbag ButtBack just went right on talking. Did you see the part shortly there after when she put both hands on the bigger twin & moved her head screaming "watch out"?

For those that don't have SC the FF are surrounding grandma while she's lounging on their living room chair, feet up & hanging over the arms. She is playing a video on her phone & the bigger twins have the best view. Esme was behind one of them & was getting frustrated she couldn't see. That's when she first pulled the hair. Since that didn't work she tried to move the heavy's head like I said above screaming, "watch out".

Stupid ButtBack cackles "watch out hahaha watch out hahaha, be nice (baby voice) everybody has to share girls". He is such a bafoon!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Pinky34 »

Not sure if anyone here also saw on ButtBack Mountain's SC where poor lil Trashly was wrapped up like a baby in her brand new Minky? Pathetic ButtBack kept saying in a baby voice, "awe look at the baby" over and over again.

Apparently poor "mom" wasn't feeling good (looked like crap too) & didn't want her face on camera (shocking) and put her head under the blanket like a child. She clearly wanted attention.

Because stupid TyBag kept saying "look at the baby" the girls came running over & gave the baby kisses several times. This made lil Trashly vewy, vewy happy (read that in a baby voice)

I've never seen a 30 yr old mother act the way she does. The attention seeking is so over the top!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Oma66 »

Pinky34 wrote:Not sure if anyone here also saw on ButtBack Mountain's SC where poor lil Trashly was wrapped up like a baby in her brand new Minky? Pathetic ButtBack kept saying in a baby voice, "awe look at the baby" over and over again.

Apparently poor "mom" wasn't feeling good (looked like crap too) & didn't want her face on camera (shocking) and put her head under the blanket like a child. She clearly wanted attention.

Because stupid TyBag kept saying "look at the baby" the girls came running over & gave the baby kisses several times. This made lil Trashly vewy, vewy happy (read that in a baby voice)

I've never seen a 30 yr old mother act the way she does. The attention seeking is so over the top!
I think that's coming from the lipshits page, as far as having to deal with the perv and her making a post about it. ON A SUNDAY!!!

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