lovethispage wrote:SnarkyJ wrote:Ashley's live feed rant.....
April 14th "What the what?? To all the perfect parents."
Do you want to be drunk in 30 minutes or less?
Yes? Ok, take a drink for every time she says "like"
Like I like counted like 7 "likes" like in less then like 2 minutes and if you like average that in the like 30 minute of her like rant like that would be around like 105 likes.
I couldn't watch more then 2 minutes so I had to average it. I'm thinking this is why I couldn't remember it because I didn't watch the whole thing.
Are we suppose to feel sorry for her? Oh my word, if you didn't know she has 4, count them 4, 2 year olds. Really? She must forget that all the time cause she keeps reminding herself and US.
I want to zip her mouth shut. Or better yet super glue both she and her husband's mouths shut.
And isn't she just too adorable? Flipping her hair and smiling at us in her little flirtatious manner.
These people are NOT normal. There is something so wrong with them. And what makes me sick is that they are getting away with all of this fooling the public!