Here is a good article regarding privacy issues/emotional/mental health issues re YouTube kids: ... e-and-baby
I've unsubscribed to the Garnder Quad's channel ages ago. I unsubscribed to the other two I used to view as well. Initially, I wanted to see what all the hoopla was about these YouTube families. I just couldn't believe it when my husband told me about this. Had NO idea that families would literally put their entire lives up on YouTube for all to see. I just cannot imagine giving up my privacy, or that of my child's, up for all to see. I am an intensely private person, and I do understand not everyone is as private as I am, but wow. The length to which these vloggers will go for the almighty buck is just surreal.
I came close to tears as I read this article. SOME of these YouTube families SEEM (that being the operative word here) to have fairly well adjusted, happy children, but others...not so much.
I read thru all the various comments regarding A's 'meltdown' as it were, from last night. I actually felt somewhat sorry for her. She doesn't GET IT, does she. She truly finds nothing at all wrong w/what she's doing. It's amazing to me to SEE when I read her words, just how self-absorbed and selfish she is. Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She's like this for a reason. I've always wondered about her family and what their family dynamics are/were when she was a child. While it's clear there is love in her family, it's also clear that something is just horribly WRONG. Boundary issues all over the place. Emphasis on outer appearance, rather than inner beauty.
Perhaps a few seeds were planted in Ashley's head last night...
I told my husband the other night that I'm SO grateful that social media hadn't really kicked off at the time I was raising our son. I cannot imagine putting our lives up there on the 'tube' for all to see. But again, that's just me.
As far as their house is concerned: I actually like it. I took a quick peek at their latest home tour and found that I actually like the home. I skipped over some of it, so missed out on some portion of the tour (such as the kitchen), but overall it's a nice place. It would be nice to believe that having this new home would mean that maybe they'd relent a little on the vlogging and start spending more private/quality time w/their kids, but that's a pipe dream.
What still amazes me is that with just a few simple strategy measures, their lives could drastically calm down and ease up much of their stress levels. Simple things, i.e., speech therapy, pre-K nursery school twice a week, proper table manners, potty training. But these things require patience and TIME, something which apparently neither one of these two parents have.