The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Part 8

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by lovethispage »

I just figured out who it is. The same person that was doing a lot of the questions the other night. I can tell by the verbiage. ASSWIT is too dumb to figure it out.

High five and good job sissy!
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

lovethispage wrote:I'm recapping comments

Fatso's gum chewing- clearly he is orally fixated, he always is eating, snacking, drinking out of a straw, now gum chewing? I guess he just likes that feeling of something in his mouth. Uhhum

I think Costco outing is getting to be "filler" vlogging. Someone that lives in their area said they were going to a different Costco since the dog incident. I wonder if this is still true?

Any Lipshitters know about the car? What part does she have to pay? I can't imagine that company giving something absolutely free. I would imagine they have to pay taxes on those trips. Fill us in on this stuff please.

She should be able to write off taking a shit on camera if her bowels are moving fecal matter that was originally consumed on camera from a vlog when eating at a restaurant.

Speaking of restaurants, they're not eating out as much? I think they just aren't vlogging it. Could they possibly be avoiding it since people have complained that they do that so much? Maybe. But now they'll go back to it.

Yes, something must have happened with their play area. It's right outside their door. How convenient. But of course now that they read here they'll go back there.

I wonder how many more times they'll go back to that pumpkin patch? That can't be the only one in town. Maybe they'll do a tour of all the pumpkin patches in their area. We still have alllllllll of October. And jeez all right already with the Halloween store in the mall. I've lost count of how many times they have vlogged there and I haven't been watching every one.
In regards to the LipSense car, Trashley qualified for it a long time ago. The way the programs works is once your group sales reach a certain amount, you become car qualified. There are 2 tiers, the first being a $250 car credit and the second is a $500 car credit, she is qualified for the $500. You have to obtain the lease on any car of your choosing, the only requirement is that it has to be a blue car. SeneGence sends a check every month for your car payment. So the car is yours (well, it's leased so it's kind of yours) and SeneGence just pays your lease payment. Some girls are driving Mercedes and BMW's that are fully paid for by SeneGence.

I've always wondered why Trashley has not gotten her blue car yet. It's either due to the house they are building or it's possible her credit is crap and she can't obtain a lease. I've heard of this happening to girls that are car qualified but they can't take advantage of it becasue their credit sucks and they can't get financing. Of course good credit is needed to purchase/build their McMansion but for all we know, Trashley's credit sucks and it's just in Bisons name. Or maybe in someone else's name all together? The old coot maybe? I can just picture it: " daddddddyyyy, I want a new house sooooo bad but we are awful with our finances and our credit sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have more money than we know what to do with from exploiting your granddaughters but no one will give us a mortgage cuz we have bad credit. If we promise to pay the mortgage each month and put a large amount of money down, will you please put the house in your name? Please dadddddyyyyy!!! Mindy has a big beautiful house and I want one too!!!!!!!!!!!!"
OR, they put a HUGE amount down and the lender worked with them even with bad credit. Sometimes it's easier to get a mortgage than a car loan becasue you can't hide the house when they need to repo it lol.
I could be totally wrong but it's just odd that she gets a FREE CAR and has not taken advantage of it.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by SnarkyJ »

Laughter6789 wrote:
lovethispage wrote:I'm recapping comments

Fatso's gum chewing- clearly he is orally fixated, he always is eating, snacking, drinking out of a straw, now gum chewing? I guess he just likes that feeling of something in his mouth. Uhhum

I think Costco outing is getting to be "filler" vlogging. Someone that lives in their area said they were going to a different Costco since the dog incident. I wonder if this is still true?

Any Lipshitters know about the car? What part does she have to pay? I can't imagine that company giving something absolutely free. I would imagine they have to pay taxes on those trips. Fill us in on this stuff please.

She should be able to write off taking a shit on camera if her bowels are moving fecal matter that was originally consumed on camera from a vlog when eating at a restaurant.

Speaking of restaurants, they're not eating out as much? I think they just aren't vlogging it. Could they possibly be avoiding it since people have complained that they do that so much? Maybe. But now they'll go back to it.

Yes, something must have happened with their play area. It's right outside their door. How convenient. But of course now that they read here they'll go back there.

I wonder how many more times they'll go back to that pumpkin patch? That can't be the only one in town. Maybe they'll do a tour of all the pumpkin patches in their area. We still have alllllllll of October. And jeez all right already with the Halloween store in the mall. I've lost count of how many times they have vlogged there and I haven't been watching every one.
In regards to the LipSense car, Trashley qualified for it a long time ago. The way the programs works is once your group sales reach a certain amount, you become car qualified. There are 2 tiers, the first being a $250 car credit and the second is a $500 car credit, she is qualified for the $500. You have to obtain the lease on any car of your choosing, the only requirement is that it has to be a blue car. SeneGence sends a check every month for your car payment. So the car is yours (well, it's leased so it's kind of yours) and SeneGence just pays your lease payment. Some girls are driving Mercedes and BMW's that are fully paid for by SeneGence.

I've always wondered why Trashley has not gotten her blue car yet. It's either due to the house they are building or it's possible her credit is crap and she can't obtain a lease. I've heard of this happening to girls that are car qualified but they can't take advantage of it becasue their credit sucks and they can't get financing. Of course good credit is needed to purchase/build their McMansion but for all we know, Trashley's credit sucks and it's just in Bisons name. Or maybe in someone else's name all together? The old coot maybe? I can just picture it: " daddddddyyyy, I want a new house sooooo bad but we are awful with our finances and our credit sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have more money than we know what to do with from exploiting your granddaughters but no one will give us a mortgage cuz we have bad credit. If we promise to pay the mortgage each month and put a large amount of money down, will you please put the house in your name? Please dadddddyyyyy!!! Mindy has a big beautiful house and I want one too!!!!!!!!!!!!"
OR, they put a HUGE amount down and the lender worked with them even with bad credit. Sometimes it's easier to get a mortgage than a car loan becasue you can't hide the house when they need to repo it lol.
I could be totally wrong but it's just odd that she gets a FREE CAR and has not taken advantage of it.

They have mentioned a couple times they can't get the car until their house is done. Anytime you're going for a mortgage they tell you not to buy anything expensive or open new credit cards or anything because it can put you at risk to not get a mortgage. Since her sister is a mortgage broker I'm sure she gave them a stern warning not to get the car yet.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Tigress95 »

Jane wrote:For those of you that are interested this article was posted on the New York Times FB page TODAY. It seemed like at least 80% of the responses to this were negative comments from people against exploiting children for youtube profits. You should read them if you have time. I didn't see any links or references to the Gardners in the comment section.

"Why isn't your toddler paying the mortgage" ... ml?mcubz=1

One of the families (with little kids) featured in the NYT article has 2.2 million YouTube subscribers. I guess that's the Gardner's dream?!

I was glad to see there is open dialogue about this issue (children's privacy money making off your children) in the mainstream. I'm going to continue to look for ways to support and promote laws that empower children and their privacy rights.

Thanks for the link. If all the Members of just this site would start writing our congressmen/women about this issue maybe we could get some attention. The Gardners aren't the only ones using their children so they don't have to work ( with no money being put back for the future). The pedifile issue unacceptable to me. This is a social issue and we as adults have to get involved. It's child abuse and the laws need to catch up!

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

Snarky, I'm sure that's the reason. I was just throwing out other possibilities. So, if you are building a house, as they are, you have to wait the entire time before you can do anything credit wise? That's an awfully long time. We just purchased a new home a few months back and from the time that we were pre approved up until the day we closed, we could not do anything with our credit and that was about a 2 month process as we had not yet found a house when we were approved so we spent a month looking and another month in escrow. I can't imagine having to wait 6 plus months while my house was being built before I could purchase anything. We had a hard enough time with 2 months as we wanted to purchase our new furniture and appliances so that they could be delivered the day we moved in and we were needing to put those on our credit card and we couldn't even do that until after we closed on our home. I dunno, seems like a long ass time to me.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

They have been bankrupt before so maybe that’s why they have to wait so long ?
I reckon they will end up back where they started bankrupt at some point

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

PollyKrome wrote:Here's an earlier video on MU on FB

TwoTonWaddler is trying to ask Essie questions. She does not comprehend.
The squealing of banshees in the background.
TwoTonWaddler asks Essie "who was fighting with the pie?"
Essie says "pie."
TwoTonWaddler said "Noooo I think it was Evil"
Camera shifts to the pie, "who was hurting you pie?"
pie walks to the camera and said 'Essie"
TwoTon says "Noooo it was Evil"
TwoTon figures out what happened. The FF was supposed to pick up the crate of toys to get a fresh crate. The pie did all the work and then evil flipped it over so the pie was having to pick it up all over again.
TwoTon flirts with Evil "oohhhh gossshhh you are soooo naughty" in that flirty pervy way he does
TwoTon tells evil to help the pie pick it up.
Evil picks a comb out and then goes to the pie who is doing all the work and tries to brush her hair
The pie doesn't want to be touched but the evil chases her to allow her to jerk on her hair.
By now the pie has picked up everything and put it back in the crate.
She also gets away from the evil
The crate is returned to the closet
Check out the OCD's closet.




They have way too many toys and yeah OCD sure he does have it lol
What almost 3yos can’t even answer a simple Question they just say random words
So odd

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Howlin17 »

I dislike Hevvers more each time I watch her. Even Waddles called her a bully....which he loves.....because it's exactly what he is. With women and little kids. Not with guys. He just grabs their junk. Has he tried that with Mr. Mountable? If they think it might possibly go viral, they will.
The Heifer has to be center of attention and is mean to her "sissies"....mean, not naughty. Not a single thing cute about her.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Stellaboo »

Snarkadoodle Doo wrote:
lovethispage wrote:Watched the ASS family vlog while multitasking. Not worthy of my full attention but I was able to notice these things.

So sick of her letting one of her FF film with the camera. I guess she needs filler material to get it to around 30 minutes. Isn't that what the KAD demand?

So far the new fall clothes IMO are hideous. Bright yellow jeans? What's fall about those? They were so tight on their diapered bums they were hanging down. Ugly prints for the next day. I did like the denim jackets. But those are a timeless staple.

So the TyASSon helping Mrs. Mountable with fall decorating? Weren't their KAD asking for that? Well let's just say somehow CRAP ASS was able to turn that around and make it all about her...
See and I much prefer to watch the kids vlog. They are so much better to listen to than those worthless parents! Esme is my favorite to watch because she can actually do a pretty decent job at it. But what cracks me up the most about watching them is how they clearly mimic their parents constant narrative of their lives. Like they think you just pick up and camera and tell people what their doing. I'm not going back to rewatch what I watched hours and hours ago, but one of them just kept repeating something like "Vlogging it, Vlogging it, Vlogging it" over and over. Can't remember what she actually said, but basically she was just saying what her parent do all day, every day because that's all she knows.
That was Indie with the camera walking around saying "Whatchu doin'?" "Whatchu doin'" over and over again.
Which I suppose is what she's constantly getting asked while having a camera shoved in her face every day.

My guess for Bison's weight is 300 to 350. Too bad we can't start a pool! That would be fun. :D
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Stellaboo »

DoodleBop wrote:They will later be able to point to the "educational" things they bought at Costco as proof of teaching them. Throwing these items at the girls isn't enough. While some kids do have the ability to learn with little or not input from adults they can't know what number is what if nobody tells them. Although they interact with their kids in such an odd way on one hand baby voices all the time when they're nearly three but it's so easy to add learning into talking to kids. Let's get your socks on one sock two socks. Let's get your shoes on one shoe two shoes.
Yeah, it makes me so sad to see all of the missed opportunities they have with the girls every day. They BOTH stay at home for fuck's sake!! There are so many educational things they could be doing with them. They've never even taken them to a library - I take my own 2 year old, plus the 15 month old I care for there at least several times a week. They love the story time/singalong and even the little one can somewhat manage to sit and look at books or play quietly with toys.

Of course the FF would probably tear all the books apart and set fire to the library, so maybe it's wise they have avoided it....

The fact that Trashley thinks Esme is smart because she knows the difference between numbers and letters just goes to show how incredibly clueless she is. I'd love for them to just sit in on a preschool class with 2 year olds so they can see how much the girls are missing out. Every single kid in my daughter's class is able to count, say the alphabet, pick out the letters of their name, and hold a coherent conversation with both adults and other children.

The forced isolation the Greedners girls are restricted to makes me furious for them. They are never going to get the chance to develop the necessary life skills and will probably be emotionally stunted like their mother - and possibly drawn toward controlling men like their father.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by amyisnewhere »

A funny anti kad that was in rattled on fb asked Ashley how she had time to vlog if she was blocking ppl for 4 hours. This was her reply.[img]// ... e89dae.jpg[/img]

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by amyisnewhere »

Is she saying she wasn't there?? I don't get her response.

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Laughter6789 »

Stellaboo wrote:
DoodleBop wrote:They will later be able to point to the "educational" things they bought at Costco as proof of teaching them. Throwing these items at the girls isn't enough. While some kids do have the ability to learn with little or not input from adults they can't know what number is what if nobody tells them. Although they interact with their kids in such an odd way on one hand baby voices all the time when they're nearly three but it's so easy to add learning into talking to kids. Let's get your socks on one sock two socks. Let's get your shoes on one shoe two shoes.
Yeah, it makes me so sad to see all of the missed opportunities they have with the girls every day. They BOTH stay at home for fuck's sake!! There are so many educational things they could be doing with them. They've never even taken them to a library - I take my own 2 year old, plus the 15 month old I care for there at least several times a week. They love the story time/singalong and even the little one can somewhat manage to sit and look at books or play quietly with toys.

Of course the FF would probably tear all the books apart and set fire to the library, so maybe it's wise they have avoided it....

The fact that Trashley thinks Esme is smart because she knows the difference between numbers and letters just goes to show how incredibly clueless she is. I'd love for them to just sit in on a preschool class with 2 year olds so they can see how much the girls are missing out. Every single kid in my daughter's class is able to count, say the alphabet, pick out the letters of their name, and hold a coherent conversation with both adults and other children.

The forced isolation the Greedners girls are restricted to makes me furious for them. They are never going to get the chance to develop the necessary life skills and will probably be emotionally stunted like their mother - and possibly drawn toward controlling men like their father.
Those idiots think that the girls mumbling to the tune of the alphabet song is them actually knowing their ABC's. Those feral children are so far behind its quite sad.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I can not stand that evil child, Evie. It's pretty awful when a child has learned to manipulate yet has not learned anything age appropriate, i.e. Talking, not shitting in a diaper, etc. Good job Greedner's, your kids are learning shit alright. Learning to be awful, retched human beings.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Aussiegal2017 »

amyisnewhere wrote:Is she saying she wasn't there?? I don't get her response.

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She said it wasn’t her , she really is missing some brain cells in her head

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Lillyy8657 »

I really wish Youtube could make a rule where if babies/children of these family vloggers are in the vlogs then like at least 50% of the money goes to the children and Youtube wouldn't include that in the paycheck to the parents because its truly truly wrong what these parents are doing exploiting their children for their own profit. So for example if a pair of youtube parents is making 20k a month from youtube, but the kids are in all of them like at least 10k should be kept seperately in an account just for the kids.just my opinion. if the youtube family vlogger parents got angry about this rule that would prove they are greedy and money hungry and dont give af about their kids futures.
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by lovethispage »

Laughter6789 wrote:
lovethispage wrote:I'm recapping comments

Fatso's gum chewing- clearly he is orally fixated, he always is eating, snacking, drinking out of a straw, now gum chewing? I guess he just likes that feeling of something in his mouth. Uhhum

I think Costco outing is getting to be "filler" vlogging. Someone that lives in their area said they were going to a different Costco since the dog incident. I wonder if this is still true?

Any Lipshitters know about the car? What part does she have to pay? I can't imagine that company giving something absolutely free. I would imagine they have to pay taxes on those trips. Fill us in on this stuff please.

She should be able to write off taking a shit on camera if her bowels are moving fecal matter that was originally consumed on camera from a vlog when eating at a restaurant.

Speaking of restaurants, they're not eating out as much? I think they just aren't vlogging it. Could they possibly be avoiding it since people have complained that they do that so much? Maybe. But now they'll go back to it.

Yes, something must have happened with their play area. It's right outside their door. How convenient. But of course now that they read here they'll go back there.

I wonder how many more times they'll go back to that pumpkin patch? That can't be the only one in town. Maybe they'll do a tour of all the pumpkin patches in their area. We still have alllllllll of October. And jeez all right already with the Halloween store in the mall. I've lost count of how many times they have vlogged there and I haven't been watching every one.
In regards to the LipSense car, Trashley qualified for it a long time ago. The way the programs works is once your group sales reach a certain amount, you become car qualified. There are 2 tiers, the first being a $250 car credit and the second is a $500 car credit, she is qualified for the $500. You have to obtain the lease on any car of your choosing, the only requirement is that it has to be a blue car. SeneGence sends a check every month for your car payment. So the car is yours (well, it's leased so it's kind of yours) and SeneGence just pays your lease payment. Some girls are driving Mercedes and BMW's that are fully paid for by SeneGence.

I've always wondered why Trashley has not gotten her blue car yet. It's either due to the house they are building or it's possible her credit is crap and she can't obtain a lease. I've heard of this happening to girls that are car qualified but they can't take advantage of it becasue their credit sucks and they can't get financing. Of course good credit is needed to purchase/build their McMansion but for all we know, Trashley's credit sucks and it's just in Bisons name. Or maybe in someone else's name all together? The old coot maybe? I can just picture it: " daddddddyyyy, I want a new house sooooo bad but we are awful with our finances and our credit sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have more money than we know what to do with from exploiting your granddaughters but no one will give us a mortgage cuz we have bad credit. If we promise to pay the mortgage each month and put a large amount of money down, will you please put the house in your name? Please dadddddyyyyy!!! Mindy has a big beautiful house and I want one too!!!!!!!!!!!!"
OR, they put a HUGE amount down and the lender worked with them even with bad credit. Sometimes it's easier to get a mortgage than a car loan becasue you can't hide the house when they need to repo it lol.
I could be totally wrong but it's just odd that she gets a FREE CAR and has not taken advantage of it.

So if she doesn't take the lease credit does she get the money instead?
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by lovethispage »

amyisnewhere wrote:Is she saying she wasn't there?? I don't get her response.

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Maybe she meant she didn't delete all 650 people, only the ones involved in making negative comments. I was deleted from the lipshit page but not anything else.

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Sneaky_snarky »

lovethispage wrote:
amyisnewhere wrote:Is she saying she wasn't there?? I don't get her response.

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Maybe she meant she didn't delete all 650 people, only the ones involved in making negative comments. I was deleted from the lipshit page but not anything else.

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Same here so far.

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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Stellaboo »

Laughter6789 wrote:
Stellaboo wrote:
DoodleBop wrote:They will later be able to point to the "educational" things they bought at Costco as proof of teaching them. Throwing these items at the girls isn't enough. While some kids do have the ability to learn with little or not input from adults they can't know what number is what if nobody tells them. Although they interact with their kids in such an odd way on one hand baby voices all the time when they're nearly three but it's so easy to add learning into talking to kids. Let's get your socks on one sock two socks. Let's get your shoes on one shoe two shoes.
Yeah, it makes me so sad to see all of the missed opportunities they have with the girls every day. They BOTH stay at home for fuck's sake!! There are so many educational things they could be doing with them. They've never even taken them to a library - I take my own 2 year old, plus the 15 month old I care for there at least several times a week. They love the story time/singalong and even the little one can somewhat manage to sit and look at books or play quietly with toys.

Of course the FF would probably tear all the books apart and set fire to the library, so maybe it's wise they have avoided it....

The fact that Trashley thinks Esme is smart because she knows the difference between numbers and letters just goes to show how incredibly clueless she is. I'd love for them to just sit in on a preschool class with 2 year olds so they can see how much the girls are missing out. Every single kid in my daughter's class is able to count, say the alphabet, pick out the letters of their name, and hold a coherent conversation with both adults and other children.

The forced isolation the Greedners girls are restricted to makes me furious for them. They are never going to get the chance to develop the necessary life skills and will probably be emotionally stunted like their mother - and possibly drawn toward controlling men like their father.
Those idiots think that the girls mumbling to the tune of the alphabet song is them actually knowing their ABC's. Those feral children are so far behind its quite sad.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I can not stand that evil child, Evie. It's pretty awful when a child has learned to manipulate yet has not learned anything age appropriate, i.e. Talking, not shitting in a diaper, etc. Good job Greedner's, your kids are learning shit alright. Learning to be awful, retched human beings.
You know, in the past I've been a big defender of Evie because I didn't think it was really fair to fault her for having shitty parents who never corrected her awful behavior. And yes, it's still mostly on Trashley and Bison, but the vlog from yesterday and the Minky live feed that someone screen-captured above may have changed my mind a bit.

The defiant exorcist screaming of "NO", and the way she immediately pounces on her sisters when they have something she wants is starting to get very disturbing. She's SO aggressive, pushy, and possessive! And not only is she not punished for the behavior, she is encouraged by Bison rolling his eyes and laughing about how she's a bully.

I guarantee that at some point one of the other girls is going to get seriously hurt by Evie when she freaks out over not getting what she wants.
Or they are going to start fighting back, and Evie will be the one who ends up hurt.
I wonder if Fat Boy will still be laughing then?
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Re: The Grabner Quad Squad: Open It! Open It! Open It! | Par

Unread post by Krouton »

amyisnewhere wrote:A funny anti kad that was in rattled on fb asked Ashley how she had time to vlog if she was blocking ppl for 4 hours. This was her reply.[img]// ... e89dae.jpg

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Awwwww, I think you hurt her wittle feewings. :hee:

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