Aussiegal2017 wrote:Imagine doing that every day for money when you dislike it . Life is way too short and money and possessions arnt everything
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See I think A$$ and Tya$$ like daily Vlogging for exactly the reason someone else just mentioned a few posts up... they are DYING to be "stars"! As much as they may say they turned things down, like their own show (hahaha yeah right), they won't stop any time soon.
The kids only "like it" and don't speak out against it for now because they're barely 3 and
1) don't know any different
2) don't actually know how to talk in order to say they don't want to be a part of it anymore
I know the usual "trend" (and what they are counting on happening) is that families grow in followers and as the kids get older, like pre-teen and teen ages, they will attract a bigger following of kids those ages and the channels blow up because then they get involved with other big YT families and the attract even more people. I mean, that's what happened with families like Brataley, Cute Girl Hairstyles, and even the Balingers and stuff. I'm positive They are counting on that happening. But those ages are like YEARS down the line. Ryler Bingham is JUST getting to that age. If that family let him actually vlog his normal life, and they went to things like vid con or whatever the one was they just had recently in Salt Lake Cuty recently, the Binghams would probably blow up pretty fat. They've stalemated because instead of doing videos that cater to the pre-teen market that ships everything and a bag of chips, they can't stop making stupid videos with the Gardners. The Binghams were my favorite to watch every day. But I cringe now every time I know I will see the Asses and refuse to watch that day. I'm losing interest in them fast, because while the kids are cute, Mindys a great mom, and Branden doesn't actually get on my nerves, their vlogs are starting to get a bit redundant. If either of these channels want a chance to blow up before the next big thing comes along, they need to start looking at what videos are trending and start being more current with their material. Regardless, it won't happen any time soon for the Gardners because pre-teens and teens want to see cute kids, not creepy adults. And even if the quads are cute, I mean like kids who are older and cute. That can talk and hold a conversation. That can actually participate in an activity. Ryler and Krew are the right age. Brex is close but way sure shy right now so it will be a while before he can do it. And Hazy, while arguably a million times smarter and cuter than all four of the quads put together, is just too young to do what needs to be done to help with getting the channel to grow.
Hope this all makes sense. It does in my head hahaha