But I do agree with you!chloe6124 wrote:Their house would only be part of their net worth of it was paid off or any equity they have.beth wrote:Honestly I think they are spending more then they're making they make like 350.00k ish a year they buy trucks and kyra has done so much traveling this year plus the trips for oscar and him sky diving alot it all adds up. My husband was surprised what their net worth was he said it should be more with about how much their house and stuff is worth. I hate go say it with how irresponsible They are. they need to hire somone to help them before they become go far gone and YouTube isnt going to save them.Sunnyvee wrote:Kyra posted on Twitter that Oscar bought her and his mom front row/meet and greets for Britney next year. those tickets alone are $1400... EACH! Where the hell do these guys get this money from? Their priorities are so out of wack it’s insane.
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With as much as some of these youtubers make if they were more frugal they should be able to pay cash for a house. Even a nice one like they have. No need either to go buy vechicles that cost 70k.
Not knowing if some of these youtubers are setting up retirement accounts or investments it’s hard to say if they are spending all their money. I hope they have financial advisors. They are at a peak earning stage. This is when you should be saving for your future not spending it.
I have always been one to not care what people spend. As long as they are putting money back in investments for the future. But you really have to wonder if they are. If they are then I really don’t care what they spend. But if they aren’t then shame on them.
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