skipperpt wrote:Just watched the QTK liefeed from yesterday. A$$ chooses to do her GRWM look at 2 PM when the girls are getting out of school. When they walk in and see their mom putting on makeup, the quads ask “Where are you going?” and Evie bursts into tears. Sad that the kids know that if mom is putting makeup on she is leaving the house without them.
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I heard them asking her too. That’s sad when at 4 years old they know that already. What was she doing earlier in the day that was so important that she just had to wait until it was time for her miracles to come home to lock herself in the room to apply 50 pounds of Seneshit? If my child was sobbing as hard as Evie was I would have dropped everything I was doing to soothe and comfort my child who was clearly upset and having a meltdown. I felt so sorry for Evie. I know she is a brat, no fault of her own, but she is still a little girl who wanted her mommy. But what does mother of the year do? Y’all know the one who claims to love her children so much
and who has just been gone for what was it 11 days? Hand her to the nanny, her new mommy. If it hasn’t happened already it will very, very soon, the girls will want nothing to do with Asswipe & fatboy and just go to the nanny who they will prefer over their own so called parents. I’ve heard many, many stories from people who grew up with nannies saying their parents were never there and if they were home they weren’t available to them, they were always locked in their office or on the phone, they were always gone on trips or going out without the kids, and the kids were home with the nanny, the person who raised them and was always there for them. That is the person they consider their mother, the nanny.
On fatboy’s IG stories last night when he is, of course on the couch as usual, the girls were playing with hats and gloves. The stimulation these girls receive is overwhelming.
Maybe instead of Asswipe being “so obsessed” with every new little thing, for example the ear cuff she had yesterday, or makeup, how about getting “so obsessed” with rill life with your children and get them some toys/games/activities that actually stimulate their brains. These poor girls are so desperate for some fun, educational activities not playing with blankets, hats, gloves, or Asswipe’s makeup. One of the reasons they act up is because they are bored out of their freakin’ minds!
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