GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

So the girls were in the car but he's ONLY worried about himself? How surprising.
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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by ears »

lisajohnson120 wrote:
Fibro96 wrote:Did you hear Ty yes he got checked out at the doctor no broken bones but bumps and bruises he has. Bull shit.... the only place I think he could bruise is around his belly wear a seatbelt is.

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Now he said on an IG lie feed that he went to a chiropractor and now has whiplash!! Down his left side! What a sissy he is!! Good grief! I’ve had whip lash and the way he was moving his head around I call BS... I couldn’t hardly move my neck and still after more than 20 years it still gives me issues!

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He did a IG using boomerang of him shaking his head back and forth on Sunday. Then yesterday on his lie feed he turned his neck then quickly redid it turning his whole upper body because he couldn't turn his neck because of the pain. So much lying

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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by SassySassenach »

ears wrote:
lisajohnson120 wrote:
Fibro96 wrote:Did you hear Ty yes he got checked out at the doctor no broken bones but bumps and bruises he has. Bull shit.... the only place I think he could bruise is around his belly wear a seatbelt is.

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Now he said on an IG lie feed that he went to a chiropractor and now has whiplash!! Down his left side! What a sissy he is!! Good grief! I’ve had whip lash and the way he was moving his head around I call BS... I couldn’t hardly move my neck and still after more than 20 years it still gives me issues!

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He did a IG using boomerang of him shaking his head back and forth on Sunday. Then yesterday on his lie feed he turned his neck then quickly redid it turning his whole upper body because he couldn't turn his neck because of the pain. So much lying

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Yes!! This!!! They are such scammers! His neck turned just fine & then I guess he realized “oh wait, I’m supposed to be hurt”.
Have they even shown video footage of him going to the doctor? Because honestly, at this point I feel like every single thing out of their mouths is a lie. He probably looked up symptoms on webMD & decided that was a doctor consult. You know he would have instagrammed or snapchatted sitting in a doctor office. Image

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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by SnarkyJ »

He is such a scammer. He started complaining about his neck right away because he knew he could scam with that excuse.

I was the middle car of a 3 car accident in high school. My friend was driving, but we were at a full stop. The car behind us slammed into us going between 40 and 45 because was busy lighting her cigarette. We slammed into the car ahead of because of the force. My friend’s car was small and it was totaled. The people in the car in front of us started screaming at my friend because she hit their brand new car. It was awful. We were both carried off on stretchers and neck braces. I had really bad whip lash and I had a massive bruise on my chest and abdomen from the seatbelt. It took a good two weeks before I could turn my head slightly without getting tears in my eyes.

The way he was moving his head in the Instagram pic was not like that of someone with neck pain.
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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by Foster_Bunnies »

SqueakyWheel wrote:
Fibro96 wrote:Did you hear Ty yes he got checked out at the doctor no broken bones but bumps and bruises he has. Bull shit.... the only place I think he could bruise is around his belly wear a seatbelt is.

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I haven’t watched in a few days...did he also get his miracle daughters checked out or just himself?

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I watched from the 30 minute mark, but only to hear whatever bs they were spewing. He is THE biggest drama king, it's beyond gross. According to them, the Dr said it "looks" like the girls are okay, and that their children are very resilient and you never know, they might just be fine but who knows because you never know. They then said that they "think" the girls are okay, I mean the "seem" to be fine but you just never know so they're going to keep a VERY close eye on them because we'll, they seem to be fine but you just never know. The carrying on about his bumps and bruises, right, I'm so sure. Where are they then? He'd be happily showing everyone if he had anything to show and we all know it. What a big fat liar, then saying that he "thinks" he's okay but then again, you never know because sometimes these things show up a couple days later blah blah blah. C'mon, we all know the first thing these opportunists did was consult an attorney who has obviously coached them on what to say and how to leave the window wide open for an injury claim down the road. Y'all know that the next thing coming is their kids shitty behaviour will be blamed on post traumatic stress disorder and accident anxiety and after that, their global development delays will be blamed on possible head injustices sustained in their near fatal MVA.
It was an ACCIDENT and barely that, I'd be far more concerned about the girl driving the car as it was her vehicle that sustained the most damage. They can still open the tail gate of their vehicle for crying out loud!! Get over yourselves you big fat exaggerating wolf crying sad sack shit bags!
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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by JD386 »

Wow. Tyson said on the live feed today they created a family logo and merchandise is coming soon. Why do these families think they need to sell “merch” with their logo on it? I would feel RIDICULOUS wearing some made up logo from a YouTube family.
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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by UnicornSnark »

Lastest story on QTK IG- Ashley talks about how Nanny Ash is sick and the girls are at school and she’s never been alone in her house “like ever.” Wasn’t she alone Saturday during the life changing car crash? Or last week after her major eye surgery and couldn’t have any noise? I’m sure many other times during the last year. Did the Botox freeze her brain and she honestly can’t remember what happened 3 days ago?

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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by 4kkids »

What the hell could their logo possible be??

No kids allowed sign?

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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by Haulnarse »

Plot twist.... could the “young girl” be nanny ash??
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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by ears »

SassySassenach wrote:
ears wrote:
lisajohnson120 wrote: Now he said on an IG lie feed that he went to a chiropractor and now has whiplash!! Down his left side! What a sissy he is!! Good grief! I’ve had whip lash and the way he was moving his head around I call BS... I couldn’t hardly move my neck and still after more than 20 years it still gives me issues!

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He did a IG using boomerang of him shaking his head back and forth on Sunday. Then yesterday on his lie feed he turned his neck then quickly redid it turning his whole upper body because he couldn't turn his neck because of the pain. So much lying

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Yes!! This!!! They are such scammers! His neck turned just fine & then I guess he realized “oh wait, I’m supposed to be hurt”.
Have they even shown video footage of him going to the doctor? Because honestly, at this point I feel like every single thing out of their mouths is a lie. He probably looked up symptoms on webMD & decided that was a doctor consult. You know he would have instagrammed or snapchatted sitting in a doctor office. Image

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If he did go I would think the neck, back, shoulder pain would be more from constantly having a kid on his shoulder or the way he yanks up the girls with his arm.

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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by Lak »

Tyler just did a quick "lie" feed on IG. He said he just got done cutting the grass. If he was that injured and sore from the CRASH/major accident, I don't think he could be out mowing.

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Re: GQS | Slutty Food Galore and Ugly Fall Decor | Part 30

Unread post by Snarkadoodle Doo »

Sorry everyone for delay... Family medical situation today.

Part 31 - viewtopic.php?f=248&t=13762

Carry on....
:angel: RIP Mom 3/16/2019 - Cancer Sucks :angel:

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