Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by sezzajaydee »

soolaimon345 wrote:
browncasom wrote:it’s amazing how different their diet is compared to other vegan families on youtube. if anyone ever watches ellen fisher’s videos especially her what i ate vlogs it shows her kids eating huge portions of food. her oldest basically eats the same giant portion as she does, the middle child does eat less but only because he’s smaller and does occasionally breastfeed. in other words her son who is like 6 or something eats as much food as a grown woman who exercises and breastfeeds (they have a new daughter). while chloe is feeding her kids like 4 pieces of spinach. also why don’t they eat salads more often??

btw ellen fisher also homeschools her boys but they actually go to their homeschool group often.

it’s just amazing the difference between these two families yes ellen fisher doesn’t have triplets but it’s still a pretty drastic difference

also another note i know she has a lot of problems herself and the way she raises her kids but in terms of food i think she’s pretty on top of it. her children are full of energy and look healthy
I just watched one of Ellen as I don't eat a lot of meat and like to get ideas. Her meals look so much tastier and filling than Chloe's, and the boys don't have that gaunt look about them. Then again they included potatoes and pasta in their meal but heaven forbid Chloe ever give her kids anything with carbs in it, it's so obvious her kids are lacking nutrition, they are so gaunt and pale and sickly looking.
Are they even ever allowed a snack, other than a banana (which they don't seem to be sure if it's a snack or maybe their entire meal :| ), even a smoothie to keep them going through the day, I sure have never seen it.
It gets me these people think they are so clever but in truth they are just living an off beat life style and raising their kids poorly, they have no idea, give me a run of the mill family any day with well adjusted kids, not ones that have been raised with values that don't apply in the real world.
When those kids are old enough to challenge Chloe, it’ll be interesting. I know vegan families whose kids have decided they’d eat meat. Didn’t go down too well.
Evan strikes me as the type who would be the one to break away. But then he also seems like the one who would follow Chloe’s rules very closely and tell on any kid that did otherwise.

And I just realised how that sounds. Almost like a cult. But that’s kind of like what it is. The kids apparently have free reign to do what they want, however the choices are the ones Chloe presents and that’s it.

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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

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Chloe says they have free choices but she doesn't educate her kids in the choices they have. She will simply say, do you want this or this and calls it a free choice. Same with the hair the only two options are long or short she never asks them what hairstyle they want that is decided for them, the only time they really decided on their own is when Evan and Otto got those half shaves but that because they saw it on a vlog from another family.

She once made a vlog boasting about how Otto got to choose what they wanted to eat for dinner like it was so special. Most families with kids that age involve them in the making of a meal, these kids never do that, the only thing they get to do is play with an ever growing mountain of toys and read books and numbers to a camera to show off how great they are. They are never stimulated to do anything other than read or count, Evan and Felix were very energetic kids before they went vegan, Otto always was more quiet so i will leave him out of it. You would expect a 4 and 6 year old to go crazy in the backyard making a treehouse, riding their bikes, climbing on fences that is what you would expect from kids with the mentality of Evan and Felix. They would cross lines as kids do, they would fall multiple times a day because that's how kids are but Chloe seems to have taken all the adventure out of her kids, they don't even seem to have the energy to anything but sit in the sandpit to make vegan cakes and she calls it cute but it's creepy when a 4 year old doesn't do anything but that for months at a time.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by browncasom »

i wonder if her kids ever ask for more food and chloe just doesn’t give them more because they only made enough for the 8 small plates/bowls
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by Tulip24 »

I happened to stumble across a YT video by some guy who estimates what youtubers make as a living. He did one on life with beans and this was when they had more views and more subscribers than they do now, he estimated that they were only making approx $1500 per month. If that is the case then where oh where do they get their never ending money supply from ?. Chloe sure likes to blow through her cash with ill fitting, hideous clothing, senseless overpriced water bottles and toys, so it makes me wonder if they have racked up a ton of debt. IMO This could explain the house move, the lack of park visits, so not wasting petrol, the lack of visits to the shops, and pulling the trips out of the expensive Montessori daycare. Could also explain the crap birthday gifts that they all got.

Also she portrays herself as a role model to her kids when in fact she is lazy, unmotivated and boring. She will never know because she will never try, how satisfying it is to actually contribute something to society whether it be a job or volunteering, so is her life happy and perfect or dare I say it is crap, same shit different day. :-o
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

browncasom wrote:i wonder if her kids ever ask for more food and chloe just doesn’t give them more because they only made enough for the 8 small plates/bowls
She's said before if they're still hungry they can have a banana or seeds. I'd take the banana I doubt the 8 pumpkin seeds will fill them up much.

Some think they're blowing the help they get from the Government and getting themselves into debt. She sure tries all day to get sponsorships but unlike eightathome Chloe has the personality of a pet rock so yeah she's not getting the sponsorships or at least not at the level she's wanting.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by emlyx »

She said once that she has a rental too
DoodleBop2 wrote:
browncasom wrote:i wonder if her kids ever ask for more food and chloe just doesn’t give them more because they only made enough for the 8 small plates/bowls
She's said before if they're still hungry they can have a banana or seeds. I'd take the banana I doubt the 8 pumpkin seeds will fill them up much.

Some think they're blowing the help they get from the Government and getting themselves into debt. She sure tries all day to get sponsorships but unlike eightathome Chloe has the personality of a pet rock so yeah she's not getting the sponsorships or at least not at the level she's wanting.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by sezzajaydee »

emlyx wrote:She said once that she has a rental too
DoodleBop2 wrote:
browncasom wrote:i wonder if her kids ever ask for more food and chloe just doesn’t give them more because they only made enough for the 8 small plates/bowls
She's said before if they're still hungry they can have a banana or seeds. I'd take the banana I doubt the 8 pumpkin seeds will fill them up much.

Some think they're blowing the help they get from the Government and getting themselves into debt. She sure tries all day to get sponsorships but unlike eightathome Chloe has the personality of a pet rock so yeah she's not getting the sponsorships or at least not at the level she's wanting.
A house that she rents out?

Why on earth would you pay rent for someone else and not live in your own home.
Once you factor in rates, agent fees, and rental insurance. She wouldn’t earning squat. Unless it was a damn mansion. Even then it’d make no sense to rent elsewhere.

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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by mamawombat »

sezzajaydee wrote:
emlyx wrote:She said once that she has a rental too
DoodleBop2 wrote: She's said before if they're still hungry they can have a banana or seeds. I'd take the banana I doubt the 8 pumpkin seeds will fill them up much.

Some think they're blowing the help they get from the Government and getting themselves into debt. She sure tries all day to get sponsorships but unlike eightathome Chloe has the personality of a pet rock so yeah she's not getting the sponsorships or at least not at the level she's wanting.
A house that she rents out?

Why on earth would you pay rent for someone else and not live in your own home.
Once you factor in rates, agent fees, and rental insurance. She wouldn’t earning squat. Unless it was a damn mansion. Even then it’d make no sense to rent elsewhere.

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It's hard to enter the housing market here when your main income is centrelink. Heck, it's not easy to enter the narket period in some cases. Houses aren't cheap, even after the mining boom/bust. Perth is probably the cheaper capital city to buy in (speak to people on the east coast about buying, it's an organ/child selling price point), but deposits are still large and first home owner grants are pretty limited nowadays. Paying someone else's mortgage sucks, but being homeless and having kids taken away from you sucks more.

We wouldn't buy in Perth for a lot of reasons, but we're posted here, so looks like we'll keep renting. Shout out to the military for our subsidised rent in an over populated suburb.

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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by ShudnaB3 »

The house they rent is in Tasmania, if I remember correctly. And I want to say it's very tiny so I don't think they'd be living in it anyway. (Again, my memory is hazy but wasn't that the house she talked about on her old Tumblr where she "had" to stop using cloth nappies because the washing machine was in the kitchen...?)

From Instagram stories their annual "little cold" is here...ah, how quickly the year has gone, seems like just yesterday Miss I-Respect-My-Kids was lining her miserable, shivering kids up in towels to film after their baths and shortly thereafter was ditching them at the hospital so she could sleep in her own bed...
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by sysy49 »

True the house is in Tasmania but they wanted to move to be closer to their family and the house was to small. They said that it was already tight with just Evan and Otto, they can't be getting much rent from that property. Surely isn't more than they are paying for their own house.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by browncasom »

i don’t know if it’s just me but i find their annual colds so weird. it would make sense if the kids were around other kids often so it’s really easy to contract colds but they’ve recently isolated themselves and even before would go to places during school hours so there would be no one there. also i have siblings as well and if one of them was sick we wouldn’t all get sick because we practice good hygiene and make sure we don’t cough on each other. i feel like the reason behind this is their diet and hygiene. whenever they go to the park they’ll play then come back with their grubby hands and eat. they eat like 4 pieces of spinach so...

idk maybe i’m just a germaphobe
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by Acaena »

I believe, the isolation is another part of the problem (besides the lack of proper nutrition). When kids are in daycare/kindergarten/school they have a lot of chances to train their immune system, that these kids don't have. I have colleagues with young kids and in the first 1,2 years of daycare they are quite often ill, but afterwards it gets better and they stop to pick up literally everything.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by KiwiMama »

Acaena wrote:I believe, the isolation is another part of the problem (besides the lack of proper nutrition). When kids are in daycare/kindergarten/school they have a lot of chances to train their immune system, that these kids don't have. I have colleagues with young kids and in the first 1,2 years of daycare they are quite often ill, but afterwards it gets better and they stop to pick up literally everything.
Yep that's very true. I wouldn't want to revisit my kids first winter in Kindy, it was horrendous and our Dr said on average young kids will have 12 different illnesses across the 12 weeks of winter (plus other sicknesses the rest of the year) when they first start daycare/school. It's very normal and ultimately makes them stronger. My kids barely ever get sick now other than a couple of super mild colds each winter. By isolating them she isn't doing them any favours in the long run. Having sick kids sucks but you have to look at the bigger picture, our immune systems need practice to grow strong just like a muscle.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by DoodleBop2 »

I think they pass off "the rental" as being much more lucrative than it actually is. Similar to how she passed off Ro working in a bakery at a grocery store as him being a "professionally trained baker" "He made over seventy thousand a year" "We had a lot of savings before the triplets".
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by sysy49 »

Well they say they go to a homeschool group a couple of times a week, i don't know if i believe that but they say they do. But yes the 3 oldest didn't have any exposure to other kids before they started the homeschool groups, at least the triplets get that 1 day a week daycare. I don't really mind kids being dirty or eating sand every once in a while (research actually shows that your immune system improves when exposed to things that are not really that clean) but them not being in contact with other kids (AKA things that are not that clean :P ) is working against them, they need to get exposed to other people when they are young, Evan is already to old to really benefit from that, he should have had that when he was pre-school age. That plus the severe lack of vitamins and nutrients causes them to be sick more often than they need to be.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by Bekkaz »

I don't usually comment on the physical appearance of people but am I missing a trend with Chloe's eyelids? I don't do make-up so could be missing something but the way she's done her eyes or maybe the colour isn't good is it?
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by islasmumma »

Yes hahaha I've always wondered what on earth she did that for. Its almost like she went to to a full face but decided to stop after the eye shadow and do nothing else
Bekkaz wrote:I don't usually comment on the physical appearance of people but am I missing a trend with Chloe's eyelids? I don't do make-up so could be missing something but the way she's done her eyes or maybe the colour isn't good is it?
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by browncasom »

islasmumma wrote:Yes hahaha I've always wondered what on earth she did that for. Its almost like she went to to a full face but decided to stop after the eye shadow and do nothing else
Bekkaz wrote:I don't usually comment on the physical appearance of people but am I missing a trend with Chloe's eyelids? I don't do make-up so could be missing something but the way she's done her eyes or maybe the colour isn't good is it?
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i went back to her instagram to check it out and the picture where she wrote that long post about starting to live for herself or whatever and it looks like someone punched her in the eye. she only did her eye shadow on one eye and i’m so confused.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by Tulip24 »

IMO Her make up always looks like it’s been applied by a toddler lol.
The bendybeanstalk is now selling Jack n Jill toothpaste and toothbrushes, just checked her prices and google searched other online stores and guess what :-o yep hers are overpriced. Also someone asked if the kids have all seen a dentist yet and she said they had, something tells me she is doing what she does best and is bending the truth on that one. (All the vegans I know don’t go to the dentist). BTW those kids have gross teeth.
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Re: Chloe and Beans: The 5 Tries And The Girl - Part 6

Unread post by Bekkaz »

Tulip24 wrote:IMO Her make up always looks like it’s been applied by a toddler lol.
The bendybeanstalk is now selling Jack n Jill toothpaste and toothbrushes, just checked her prices and google searched other online stores and guess what :-o yep hers are overpriced. Also someone asked if the kids have all seen a dentist yet and she said they had, something tells me she is doing what she does best and is bending the truth on that one. (All the vegans I know don’t go to the dentist). BTW those kids have gross teeth.
Why do vegans not go to the dentist?
Sure, maybe some of their products used have animal products or animal testing but a metal pokey tool and a mirror can be done just to check over their teeth.

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