Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by CognitiveDissonance »

Today's vlog is just Bonnie sobbing non-stop with Joel and Olivia standing by looking helpless. It must be exhausting to live with her. I really hope she is receiving proper mental health treatment.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by Kataja »

Bonnie seriously doesn't have a way with words.

(Referring to their latest vlog ''Feels like a dark cloud looming, which was published 5am in Utah time (btw what's up with that? I'm European so I don't care but curious time) )

She told in the vlog about her calling the office about guys not showing up to finish their work. The lady on the phone told her that they are struggling and Bonnie cried to her and said to her that she thinks everyone is struggling right now. She tried to make it sound like they connected but just listening to those words, it sounded like she made the office lady feel like even though they are struggling, they are not ''exempt'' because everyone is struggling right now. I've struggled with feelings of invalidation in the past so maybe i'm overly sensitive but if I were that lady on the phone, I would felt that Bonnie invalidated my struggles with her words, even though it was nothing personal.

I think Bonnie might have good intentions but many times her bad wording makes it just bad.

edit to add: I'm non native English speaker, so it would be nice to know what you think. Am I totally reaching here?
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by ba1006 »

131618 wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:59 pm Omg whyyyyyy would you leave the house like that??? I feel like only a teenager could pull that off and its still not a good look ImageImage

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She looks like one of Santa's elves in those pants. Is this from their Bollie collection? It's just a big no.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by golden12345f »

I'm sorry, but Olivia has been identified as a close contact of a positive case and Bonnie still seems to think it's ok to bring her out of the house? What? Surely even Bonnie cannot be this stupid. Self isolating means staying at home, with no visitors, not even going outside for a walk. At first I thought maybe there was no one at the other house besides Joel, but there are multiple other people that she could be potentially exposing, and she's not even wearing a mask. How absolutely disgusting to be so careless.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by Kataja »

golden12345f wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:57 am I'm sorry, but Olivia has been identified as a close contact of a positive case and Bonnie still seems to think it's ok to bring her out of the house? What? Surely even Bonnie cannot be this stupid. Self isolating means staying at home, with no visitors, not even going outside for a walk. At first I thought maybe there was no one at the other house besides Joel, but there are multiple other people that she could be potentially exposing, and she's not even wearing a mask. How absolutely disgusting to be so careless.
And then she is crying about cousins, uncles and aunts that are going in and out of hospital due to covid (and other reasons.) How dense can one be?
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by YTIG60 »

Kataja wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:34 am Bonnie seriously doesn't have a way with words.

(Referring to their latest vlog ''Feels like a dark cloud looming, which was published 5am in Utah time (btw what's up with that? I'm European so I don't care but curious time) )

She told in the vlog about her calling the office about guys not showing up to finish their work. The lady on the phone told her that they are struggling and Bonnie cried to her and said to her that she thinks everyone is struggling right now. She tried to make it sound like they connected but just listening to those words, it sounded like she made the office lady feel like even though they are struggling, they are not ''exempt'' because everyone is struggling right now. I've struggled with feelings of invalidation in the past so maybe i'm overly sensitive but if I were that lady on the phone, I would felt that Bonnie invalidated my struggles with her words, even though it was nothing personal.

I think Bonnie might have good intentions but many times her bad wording makes it just bad.

edit to add: I'm non native English speaker, so it would be nice to know what you think. Am I totally reaching here?
Bonnie isn't coping and dramatic for some reason. I also question if she doesn't do these types of drama vlogs for views. If she isn't doing this stress vlog for content and isn't coping, I hope she reaches out and seeks help.

Struggling can mean many things in construction and my first thought is they are busy building (housing is booming in their area) and they are having problems keeping up with the demand. Not a bad problem to have in construction is you're busy. Goodness, she spent five hundred dollars on plants for a flip meth house. The way they've spent money on this house is amazing and detrimental to making a profit.

I said in my first message "if" they can retrieve her mom's kidney stone recognizing they would place a stent. This is not abnormal to see happen, still results in a good outcome and it did. Technically, exposure to a positive Covid-19 close contact and testing, Olivia should be home in her room isolating from everyone until her results return/and has no clinical symptoms. Oliva could go out for a walk by herself and with a mask/social distancing.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by YTIG60 »

Kattiness Everdeen wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:58 pm Many people on the board think Joel is just as bad or worse than Bonnie, but I haven't found those videos yet where he takes advantage of her. And I don't consider simply choosing not set off your aggressive and mentally unstable partner to be the bigger character flaw. Sure Joel could tell her she is a crap mom and that he is firing her from dinner duty, but every time he is in charge of the kids, he is filling them up with tasty kid friendly meals, and letting them eat until they are full. Kevin is absentee, but he was always sneaking food in to supplement what Ruby fails to provide; Ruby responded by throwing away his cooking tools/machinery. Maybe Joel also does this behind Bonnie's back, as only Cody seems to have growth issues, or maybe he cares for them far more often than the vlog implies. He also takes them to activities whenever Bonnie is out for the count. I saw one vlog where Bonnie was sick, so he had all the kids on his day off work and toted them around the city to do errands, go out for lunch and play in the yard, while he also catered to Bonnie picking up all her favorite things and dealt with contractors. He used to wait on her hand and foot even when she wasn't sick.

Sure he is lazy now, and he certainly seems less enthralled with Bonnie, but I highly suspect it is because he used to think she was running herself ragged with the kids/making vlogs while he was at work. Once he quit his job, he probably saw that she was locking kids into their rooms for several hours of "quiet time" and spending most of the day in bed watching tv. Per Bratayley, a family vlog takes a total of 30-90 min a day. At that point Joel would have felt deceived, especially as Bonnie shed her responsibility for the vlogs/kids. He would have had two choices, try to force her to be a different person, or join her living the good life of "me time, all the time". I know which I would pick if I was married to such an irrational and explosive person for life and all eternity. YT success makes everyone lazy, Joel is still doing more than most.....when he is out of Bonnie's grasp at least. What does she do all day while he is at the Meth house? He has to be wondering that too.

I know some think Joel bought the house on an impulse, but I think he did it to get away from Bonnie and be able to work again. I suspect that Bonnie refused to have anything to do with it, then jumped in at the last minute to tell him he is doing it all wrong and to order as many high end fixtures that her heart desires. A year of being barked at by a "boss" like Bonnie would explain why he is looking at her differently now. Despite the all the griping about Joel's bad investments, Bonnie's only current contribution to the family seems to be shopping. I am rooting for Joel to find another job, this time something that doesn't involve any shopping.
Bonnie is doing the bulk of the work that actually earns income. Joel said this in a recent vlog. This includes YouTube, possibly Bollie, and brand deals. I agree Bonnie is no saint for other reasons, but up until recently, I felt she was a worker.
Joel filmed his wife under the influence of medication postoperatively with viewers' comments were begging him to stop and take a break. This was the first time I thought about what is going on with Joel. I think he is passive-aggressive and makes sure he was and is filmed in a good light. Looking back at some of these vlogs, I don't know how Joel felt ok uploading them since they embarrassed his wife who wasn't clear thinking enough to make editorial vlog decisions.
Joel had years to develop a plan for his own business outside of YouTube and never did. YouTube earnings are down and I believe he is being pushed into finding a different job.
They both had a savings goal to build a new house and Joel went out and bought the meth house. I repetitively said this is a red flag in a marriage.
I don't understand how you'd think Joel's unilateral decisions of bad investments would negate what Bonnie has done with building several businesses. Bonnie afforded Joel to quit his job at P&G that he has admitted was due to her success in YouTube. My impression, Joel wished the good life with YouTube continued so he could jog, edit a few hours a day, and nap in the afternoon, but that hasn't happened.
As far as Bonnie spending on the meth house, this is Joel's issue since he should have a budget on spending he should insist on following. Five hundred dollars for plants was shocking. Also, let's see what Joel does after one flip. He might go back to editing part-time again.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by Happy+Charlie »

That woman needs medicated or counseling. How unhealthy for those kids to be around her crying all the time. If she's doing it for the vlog drama, how sick. If we are only seeing a portion of what it's really like, get help!! She is desperate for validation of her emotions, always crying to the voice over the phone.

As far as the $500 on fall flowers for photo op, I don't feel sorry for you at all, Bonnie. That's just stupidity and entitlement. You would have been better off donating that money for people who are truly struggling right now and photo-shopping some flowers in.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by sunshine17 »

First off, what in God’s name is she doing carting Olivia round when she is a possible covid contact??? I’m in England and here you MUST self isolate if you are possibly exposed/definitely exposed until your test results come back. But sure, Olivia doesn’t think she has it. That’s fine then... 🤯 this family are just insane to me. No masks, construction workers at the house, they’re out spreading whatever to whoever all the time but if Olivia was exposed and her family/friends are ‘in and out of the hospital’ with covid then SURELY the penny should have dropped by now. She is so irresponsible.

Also the incessant crying and drama is getting SO old. Joel should have stepped in, she shouldn’t have been filming and poor Olivia looked horrified at another ridiculous outburst. I get being overly emotional (I really am) but Jesus I can hold it together 100x more to an she can. Seriously she is a world away from the woman I once really admired. Are mental health issues treated seriously in the Mormon church/culture? It seems like something that if her kids were struggling (like Boston being so insecure and anxious) they’d be told to get over it and put a smile on. She needs help and she needs it now!
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by sunshine17 »

First off, what in God’s name is she doing carting Olivia round when she is a possible covid contact??? I’m in England and here you MUST self isolate if you are possibly exposed/definitely exposed until your test results come back. But sure, Olivia doesn’t think she has it. That’s fine then... 🤯 this family are just insane to me. No masks, construction workers at the house, they’re out spreading whatever to whoever all the time but if Olivia was exposed and her family/friends are ‘in and out of the hospital’ with covid then SURELY the penny should have dropped by now. She is so irresponsible.

Also the incessant crying and drama is getting SO old. Joel should have stepped in, she shouldn’t have been filming and poor Olivia looked horrified at another ridiculous outburst. I get being overly emotional (I really am) but Jesus I can hold it together 100x more to an she can. Seriously she is a world away from the woman I once really admired. Are mental health issues treated seriously in the Mormon church/culture? It seems like something that if her kids were struggling (like Boston being so insecure and anxious) they’d be told to get over it and put a smile on. She needs help and she needs it now!
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by ICantEven »

I don't understand why they're outfitting the master closet as if they're making a custom closet for an imaginary person using ideas Bonnie has seen from pinterest. I don't think closet organization is necessarily a place you make money on a flipped house? It's great they built a walk in closet with a window, but aside from that I don't see how it would pay off to put in anything but the cheap wire shelves /rods.

Is this her approach to the whole house? This is the first video I've watched in a while, and it seems like Bonnie is using this as a way to get some of the experience/satisfaction of designing and building a house, which she desires. She must not think she'll get to do that for real anytime soon. If I were in her shoes I'd be like, let's get the cheapest basic stuff and offload this house and move on! I really doubt in that area that her "designer look" upgrades will pay off.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by ICantEven »

On the topic of Bonnie's emotions, I know she's saying she's sad about family who is sick. And she's definitely more emotionally in tune than a lot of her family, so I don't doubt it's bothering her.

But I truly believe she's upset about money and status as a social media influencer. I think she sees that things aren't going to be as they were forever. She's already having to work again on the vlogs. She's losing her nanny/housekeeper. They've spent way too much on a house flip. And her prospects of building her own house are seeming farther away. While I truly question her decision to put her family online for money, it's true that the glamorous life of a YouTuber is changing. She is dealing with some true losses.

Is hard for me to imagine because I don't tend to care as much about material things and image, but those are very important values to her, passed on from her mother and probably generations before. The whole issue with the "after" picture is a case in point. Obviously no matter what the house is going to look better after. But she is putting so much time and energy into envisioning it. There must not be snow. But it's already winter so nothing is growing, so the only thing she can do is spend $500 on new plants that will die after the picture?? I truly can't understand. And I truly doubt the photo for the before /after will be worth 500 (maybe it will though. It's crazy how a thumbnail can cause a video to go viral). This screams of a person trying desperately to control something that she feels is out of her control. I really think this is what's behind her emotional state, and once you're emotional, anything can push you over the edge. Or is she back on pain meds somehow?
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by natalka81 »

ba1006 wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:49 am
131618 wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:59 pm Omg whyyyyyy would you leave the house like that??? I feel like only a teenager could pull that off and its still not a good look ImageImage

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She looks like one of Santa's elves in those pants. Is this from their Bollie collection? It's just a big no.
I would have felt extremely awesome in this outfit circa 1993. But maybe that's the point? Isn't 1993 cool again?
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by RottieMama »

Hey ladies! Time for a new thread!! Please comment your title suggestions down below, and the one with the most “likes/thanks” by tomorrow afternoon, will be selected!

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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by YTIG60 »

ICantEven wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:42 am But I truly believe she's upset about money and status as a social media influencer. I think she sees that things aren't going to be as they were forever. She's already having to work again on the vlogs. She's losing her nanny/housekeeper. They've spent way too much on a house flip. And her prospects of building her own house are seeming farther away. While I truly question her decision to put her family online for money, it's true that the glamorous life of a YouTuber is changing. She is dealing with some true losses.
I agree she is dealing with the loss of a job that provided them luxuries. I also think she has grown to dislike vlogging and I can understand this with the unpleasant side of vlogging with constant criticism. It was all fun and games when they were making numerous viral vlogs->lots of money, but now YouTube is work trying to develop content when really their lives are boring and the income is not as fantastic as years ago. They've become a rerun television show and I see she is grasping at controversial topics or clickbaits i.e. her mom's kidney stones, stress, etc. to get views. It will be sad if she turns more to Olivia to help save their channel.
I'm happy for Bri who will love caring for her own family in the near future. I'd imagine she will look back at how she was asked to do way more than should have been expected of her job including cleaning bathrooms, or the entire house, taking care of kids with lice, cooking meals etc. My gut feeling Bri wasn't paid what she was worth, but I could be wrong.
Bonnie's 2-minute vlog has 19K views today. I think basically she was taking a day off and didn't want to ruin the five-day week schedule they depend on.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

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natalka81 wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:52 am
ba1006 wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:49 am
131618 wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 6:59 pm Omg whyyyyyy would you leave the house like that??? I feel like only a teenager could pull that off and its still not a good look ImageImage

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
She looks like one of Santa's elves in those pants. Is this from their Bollie collection? It's just a big no.
I would have felt extremely awesome in this outfit circa 1993. But maybe that's the point? Isn't 1993 cool again?
Those pants look like long johns. They are so thin that you can see the outline of her garments and what is going on with her knee? When they launched those weren't they lounging clothes? How did they become clothes to wear out of the house?
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by actuallydear »

rottiemama wrote:Hey ladies! Time for a new thread!! Please comment your title suggestions down below, and the one with the most “likes/thanks” by tomorrow afternoon, will be selected!

A crap on the bed keeps you a mess in the head.

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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by Ohnonotme »

Me personally, I don’t believe for one second that Bonnie is a victim of Joel’s covert filming while she’s so heavily under the influence of opioids. She well knows how they effect her, and she also knows it brings in the views. The “Operated on the Wrong Body Part” is a great example. If she was so worried about how she’d be perceived, she would have demanded he not film her. But no, after every procedure the filming continued. She knows people will watch, than forget about it, apart from the people on gossip sites who enjoy the snark.

She doesn’t afford her children the respect of privacy, and not showing the world their vulnerabilities, so why should she get any better treatment.

I still think Joel bought the meth house to prove his manhood, and he too is contributing to the household coffers. I got the impression when he said that Bonnie was the money maker the other day, he said it sarcastically. She probably reminds him a million times, especially since he’s risking so much by gambling on this house. I’m sure he constantly hears from her how she’s the one that got them to where they are, and he better not forget it. And while that is true, it’s arguably the children that keep most coming back. And if we see a hysterical, or drug affected Bonnie, that’s a bonus. For them, and for us.

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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by sparkle lemon »

Personally, I think all these histrionics we are seeing are just part of her personality disorder which she shares with her mom and at least two of her sisters. Outside of that what we are seeing is basically a massive temper tantrum as she realizes those sweet sweet YouTube dollars are rapidly disappearing. Views are down, ad revenue is down, and the older boys seem less interested in her filming/pimping them out for easy money.

No more exciting paid-for vacations, Bollie is a lame-duck business... there's no way they can be making all that much from ugly lounge-wear and robe sales. Even YouTube is saying that viewers are losing interest and are moving away from watching vlogs. Brand deals are becoming increasingly harder to get and the kicker is that the products that ARE actually doing well during the Covid era are those that are aimed at home educators and parents who are finding themselves in the position of having to run home schools in their own homes. What business selling learning curriculums, books, or educational tools would willingly offer a brand deal to Bonnie, who literally has mashed potato for brains and has very clearly expressed her disdain for education, learning, and teachers in numerous vlogs? It must really chap her ass that at least some of her sisters (mainly Julie) have been getting brand deals for this kind of stuff and she hasn't.

I also just have to say that I hate her frizzy hair. It looks like it's crispy AND sticky at the same time because of all the products she loads into it. She needs to try the curly girl method.
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Re: Bonnie Hoellein: Do As I Say, Not As I Vlog | Part 61

Unread post by ba1006 »

RottieMama wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:51 am Hey ladies! Time for a new thread!! Please comment your title suggestions down below, and the one with the most “likes/thanks” by tomorrow afternoon, will be selected!

Bonnie Hoellein: Crying, Compulsive Buying and Mom Dying

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