2011MommyFirstLilySecond- Part 25

True Gossiper
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Re: 2011MommyFirstLilySecond- Part 25

Unread post by olemama »

Emcee wrote:^^^. Like someone else said "keeping up with the Sills". She'd most definitely get accepted into head start right away because of her speech delay. She should definitely look into it, HS is nothing to be ashamed of. She would save a whole bunch of money and Lily would benefit from it.

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Vanessa and David's income and Lily's Turners may make Lily eligible for a headstart program assuming there is one close by to where Vanessa lives. However there is a waiting list a mile long for children to get into Headstart programs. I doubt Lily would have a chance to get into a Headstart this academic year; however she may have a shot for next fall.
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Re: 2011MommyFirstLilySecond- Part 25

Unread post by fossilfinger »

Was the wrong thread locked?

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