Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by lovethispage »

Looks like they did the same thing with the meat ball recipe. I did a reverse goggle image and found the picture and recipe.

I im'd the author of the ham and rice picture and recipe and encouraged her to report them and send a cease and desist letter. I added a bit of background as to these people's dishonesty.

I felt it was my responsibility as a citizen.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Beauregard1 »

KAD's are all in bed. School tomorrow.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by AthenaA »

Laughter6789 wrote:On their Instagram videos, there is one in which 2 of the girls are jumping off of the table into Madison and Garrison's arms and a 3rd child (Evil or Grain), pushes one of the girls as she jumps. Do they not see how dangerous this is?! Why are they teaching their kids that it's ok to not only stand on tables but to also jump off of them. And then to see one of the brats actually pushing one of her sisters off the table as she jumps just makes it that much worse.
Another video shows a boomerang shot of Assface handing one girl a piece of food and you see a heavy (probably Evil) down below being her usual grabby self and reaching for the piece of food that is being handed to her sister. These people are just awful.
One of the girls had socks on too. Socks on a slippery surface. They really are as dumb as the rocks they let their children throw at the bush (nice respect for other people's property Byson).

And the phrase I am hating more than good job- Holy Cow. Shut up shut up shut up.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by AthenaA »

Also apparently Trashley is some kind of superwoman according to Byson because she is dancing and cooking dinner at the same time. These people really don't realise that the vast majority of people cook dinner for their family on a daily basis do they? This is how normal people live.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Nikki »

qsauntiem wrote:
Night lady wrote:
Krouton wrote: I hope she reports them. They could've typed their own recipe and picture. They always have to take the easy way out, they should be reported. I can't believe she gave them a warning.
I wish they'd get reported. These 2 jerks think they're so entitled. Puke!!
Kudos to the person who caught it.

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Ah-mazing. So it is in fact a famous recipe, just made famous by someone else.

I'm too tired to look, but have they also copied the recipe itself on their blog as their own, or only the picture? (not that it's made better if it's only the picture, it's still violating copyright, just curious.)

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It is just the pictures technically, the recipe has been altered, more unhealthier of course (3 cups rice --> 2 cups, double the ham and green onions, 2 eggs --> 6 eggs, 2 T soy sauce --> 1/2 C + 1/2 C soy sauce (16x more, and 600% adult daily sodium allowance) are two obvious changes). But the image was I think number 3 on google search when I did it last week. GQS version would look substantially different, more brown like all their food.
Night lady wrote:
Bayareamom wrote:It looks as though they've posted that recipe AND picture AS THEIR OWN. That's the way it READS because Ashley never gave CREDIT to the actual owner of the picture, nor of the recipe itself. Clearly, she was implying it's her own recipe, not just by posting same on her Facebook page, but implying as such during her vlogs.

I remember way back when, when the girls were just babies, that she stated this was HER recipe. She bragged that it was one of their favorites. Not once, not ever, did she ever give credit to the actual maker of that recipe, nor say anything about this woman's website.
I'm truly curious as to what comes of this. I'm so want to see Assface try to defend this one. Ha ha!! And the nerve of one commenter saying, but they have FOUR 2 year olds maybe they were hungry.
Omg, shut up already. It's not because of the FTYO, it's because Assface committed plagiarism.

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That commenter just made me laugh, and not bother replying. At the time she initially posted it they actually had 4 one year olds. There is no credit showing up for me still. I hope Lauren does take it further.

Edit - I also just realised Lauren (better from scratch) is also from Utah. She went to BYU, which is probably how the idiots found her recipe to screw up and plagarise
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Wow just wow! I went to bed early never realizing what I was missing in Snarkville. Nothing surprises me about this family and I hope everything they say and post are put under a microscope!
No v'log today I guess. Thanks my snarky sisters for keeping us updated
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by SnarkyJ »

lovethispage wrote:Looks like they did the same thing with the meat ball recipe. I did a reverse goggle image and found the picture and recipe.

I im'd the author of the ham and rice picture and recipe and encouraged her to report them and send a cease and desist letter. I added a bit of background as to these people's dishonesty.

I felt it was my responsibility as a citizen.

They did it with potato soup last year too. They even cropped the copyright out of that pic. And their KAD just continue to make excuses. One could've fed the kids while the other took the time to plate and take pics of the meal for their blog. But we all know it's just easier to steal someone else's work. Man these people piss me off.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

AthenaA wrote:Also apparently Trashley is some kind of superwoman according to Byson because she is dancing and cooking dinner at the same time. These people really don't realise that the vast majority of people cook dinner for their family on a daily basis do they? This is how normal people live.

Superwoman because she is cooking and dancing at the same time? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: He really has low expectations of her doesn't he. Or maybe she isn't used to multitasking but I don't think I would call what she does dancing so maybe no multitasking there. How about cooking, holding a crying baby, a toddler or two at your feet while helping another one or two with homework? I remember those days well. Yes Asswipe $ Titboy, it can and is done every day by millions of other parents.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

I have not seen any snarks or likes from Sophie! I hope everything is ok! If you are reading our snarks Sophie, thoughts and prayers!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by SnarkyJ »

AthenaA wrote:
Laughter6789 wrote:On their Instagram videos, there is one in which 2 of the girls are jumping off of the table into Madison and Garrison's arms and a 3rd child (Evil or Grain), pushes one of the girls as she jumps. Do they not see how dangerous this is?! Why are they teaching their kids that it's ok to not only stand on tables but to also jump off of them. And then to see one of the brats actually pushing one of her sisters off the table as she jumps just makes it that much worse.
Another video shows a boomerang shot of Assface handing one girl a piece of food and you see a heavy (probably Evil) down below being her usual grabby self and reaching for the piece of food that is being handed to her sister. These people are just awful.
One of the girls had socks on too. Socks on a slippery surface. They really are as dumb as the rocks they let their children throw at the bush (nice respect for other people's property Byson).

And the phrase I am hating more than good job- Holy Cow. Shut up shut up shut up.

I think it's stuff like this is why their preteen/teenage followers think they're amazing parents. They allow the girls to do "cool" things that most reasonable parents don't allow because they aren't safe or just are really bad judgement. Like climbing on furniture, running wild in public, going to places even though they're closed, eating out every meal, etc. so they're the cool/fun parents because they don't have rules. Ugh
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Sisteroo »

What really amazes me about these 2 is they don't vlog on Sunday but they SC, IG because they can't let one day go by without having their fame whore faces all over social media, for god sake your so into your faith & say that Sunday is for spending time with your family why don't you stand by your word & put your damn phones & cameras down & give your FF your 100%!
As far as the recipes go I don't see how they could even post a pic of their own self claimed creations w/o being laughed at by the world
#1 everybody knows they don't cook
#2 they don't even own any real plates, they have always eaten off of paper plates
#3 they are idiots
I'm sure there will be a live feed today, they can't let the KAD's not know their every waking minute
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Krouton »

I completely agree. There are not many parents who would actually let their kids eat the amount of donits and junk that these kids eat. The adolescent fans don't understand it's for their own benefit. Cool parents let you eat chick fila and donits everyday.

The Greedners girls, however, will be the only ones thinking their parents are not so cool, when the are battling obesity and other health problems while their little friends are thin. I know it shouldn't matter how much you weigh, but little girls in middle school can be very mean to fatties.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by canyoudancing »

Ashley's "famous" ham fried rice post in now missing from their FB page. I love it.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Sisteroo »

canyoudancing wrote:Ashley's "famous" ham fried rice post in now missing from their FB page. I love it.
They must have just deleted it I was looking at it a few minutes ago, what idiots!
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by DoodleBop »

I wonder if she deleted it from the blog as well.

Do the girls get labs. I have no experience with relatively healthy preemies but it would be interesting to see what their sodium looks like. I have wondered before if they haven't been called out by their doctor yet because they have money. Oh we're "friends" with our doctor so he lets things slide.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by canyoudancing »

DoodleBop wrote:I wonder if she deleted it from the blog as well.

Do the girls get labs. I have no experience with relatively healthy preemies but it would be interesting to see what their sodium looks like. I have wondered before if they haven't been called out by their doctor yet because they have money. Oh we're "friends" with our doctor so he lets things slide.
The recipe is still on the blog but the picture is gone.
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Sisteroo »

Scrolling through their 66 pages of blogs I came across a post from September 14,2016 about the FF first dental visit, so it's been a year now since their last visit to the dentist, have they had another visit since then?
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Snarky Lady »

Sisteroo wrote:
canyoudancing wrote:Ashley's "famous" ham fried rice post in now missing from their FB page. I love it.
They must have just deleted it I was looking at it a few minutes ago, what idiots!
I don't see the pic or recipe. I even went to their blog and typed in chicken fried rice and didn't find it. I could be looking in the wrong place though
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Re: Gardner Quad Squad: A Miracle Unraveling | Part 7

Unread post by Sisteroo »

Snarky Lady wrote:
Sisteroo wrote:
canyoudancing wrote:Ashley's "famous" ham fried rice post in now missing from their FB page. I love it.
They must have just deleted it I was looking at it a few minutes ago, what idiots!
I don't see the pic or recipe. I even went to their blog and typed in chicken fried rice and didn't find it. I could be looking in the wrong place though
It's still on the blog dated May 10,2016 , but the picture is gone

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