Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by mommyoftwo »

See, now if you hired a nanny you could have some time to do the important things, like figure out wtf millennial pink is, and find clothing in that color. Get your priorities straight, gosh. I mean, when your kids get older don’t you want them to have memories of how “fashionable” and “hip” you were? They won’t care about the fact that you fed them home cooked meals and kept the house and their clothes clean for them, or that you taught them stuff.

#momgoals #millenialpink #momboss #hireananny

thewhisper wrote:Wtf is millennial pink and why is she wasting the day searching for it?!

I’m over here trying to scarf down a yogurt so I have time to mop, finish laundry, and work on some schoolwork with the kids before making dinner.

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by Jujuisonthatbeat »

She has the mental age of a 12 year old. Millennial pink? Who in the hell drives an hour away to get a t-shirt? She's seriousky sooooooo dumb.
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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by Carmencita »

Jujuisonthatbeat wrote:She has the mental age of a 12 year old. Millennial pink? Who in the hell drives an hour away to get a t-shirt? She's seriousky sooooooo dumb.
Not to mention it looks like a baby onesie.

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by Dundermifflin07 »

I haven’t been keeping up with this maniac lately but I am so happy to see that she has a nanny (or 2?) again.

This poor girl has failed at everything she has ever attempted. She failed at college, failed at becoming famous, although she’s still desperately trying, failed at being a working woman, now she’s failing at being a mother and she sucks at being a wife. Nick is no prize but I don’t see this marriage lasting at all.
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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by CanadianChick »

Dundermifflin07 wrote:I haven’t been keeping up with this maniac lately but I am so happy to see that she has a nanny (or 2?) again.

This poor girl has failed at everything she has ever attempted. She failed at college, failed at becoming famous, although she’s still desperately trying, failed at being a working woman, now she’s failing at being a mother and she sucks at being a wife. Nick is no prize but I don’t see this marriage lasting at all.
This 100% sums up her life! Well put!
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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by Jujuisonthatbeat »

CanadianChick wrote:
Dundermifflin07 wrote:I haven’t been keeping up with this maniac lately but I am so happy to see that she has a nanny (or 2?) again.

This poor girl has failed at everything she has ever attempted. She failed at college, failed at becoming famous, although she’s still desperately trying, failed at being a working woman, now she’s failing at being a mother and she sucks at being a wife. Nick is no prize but I don’t see this marriage lasting at all.
This 100% sums up her life! Well put!
I wonder what those two talk about when they have alone time. I bet she's not very interesting. Unless Nick is into millennial pink t-shirts and Starbucks..
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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by thewhisper »

mommyoftwo wrote:See, now if you hired a nanny you could have some time to do the important things, like figure out wtf millennial pink is, and find clothing in that color. Get your priorities straight, gosh. I mean, when your kids get older don’t you want them to have memories of how “fashionable” and “hip” you were? They won’t care about the fact that you fed them home cooked meals and kept the house and their clothes clean for them, or that you taught them stuff.

#momgoals #millenialpink #momboss #hireananny

thewhisper wrote:Wtf is millennial pink and why is she wasting the day searching for it?!

I’m over here trying to scarf down a yogurt so I have time to mop, finish laundry, and work on some schoolwork with the kids before making dinner.

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Exactly! I’m clearly doing it all wrong. Of course I should have a nanny and go to the movies instead of applying myself towards productivity all week!!

Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by Morethescarier »

She’s going to throw a fit when she sees that you can only buy those spirit jerseys at Disney world, I saw them when I was there last. An hour long trip for more Disney shit, more bears, god get a life
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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by SerendipitySusan »

Not only is she spending hours searching for “millennial pink,” she is paying another per person to watch her kids so she can. How can you not jut just shake your head at the stupid idiot.

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by CaffeineMachine »

***Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by Aaryn Williams***

Hey newbie poster here, long time lurker and just COULD NOT hold back any longer. Still figuring out how to work this forum but wanted to say hello. I used to like Aaryns channel back in the day with her first pregnancy vlogs, as I was also pregnant at the same time. I even really enjoyed watching her while she was pregnant with Adeline ... but right around the big move from Georgia while they were staying in CO at her moms I thought something was really off about her and thought, gosh I can't be the only one thinking these things... which brought me to this forum and you lovely people. I know the majority of her views are people like me that started watching because she used to be relatable and continue watching only to witness the train wreck... they have to be. Anyways, Im finally ready to join the fun.

To start- the latest Adeline Update her claim that she can't get ANYTHING done (staying home all day) with two girls is rather insulting and I couldn't have rolled my eyes farther into the back of my head. I am a working mom and every day I wake up early to get myself ready before my 22 mo old wakes up ... what a concept! Plus make dinner and spend quality time with my son after work and than do the laundry, clean the house, food prep etc AFTER my child goes to bed. I really think she only wants to be a mom for the fun parts of parenthood. The Disney Vacays, the ballet recitals.... and not put in the actual WORK that is raising capable and caring little humans.
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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by CanadianChick »

CaffeineMachine wrote:***Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by Aaryn Williams***

Hey newbie poster here, long time lurker and just COULD NOT hold back any longer. Still figuring out how to work this forum but wanted to say hello. I used to like Aaryns channel back in the day with her first pregnancy vlogs, as I was also pregnant at the same time. I even really enjoyed watching her while she was pregnant with Adeline ... but right around the big move from Georgia while they were staying in CO at her moms I thought something was really off about her and thought, gosh I can't be the only one thinking these things... which brought me to this forum and you lovely people. I know the majority of her views are people like me that started watching because she used to be relatable and continue watching only to witness the train wreck... they have to be. Anyways, Im finally ready to join the fun.

To start- the latest Adeline Update her claim that she can't get ANYTHING done (staying home all day) with two girls is rather insulting and I couldn't have rolled my eyes farther into the back of my head. I am a working mom and every day I wake up early to get myself ready before my 22 mo old wakes up ... what a concept! Plus make dinner and spend quality time with my son after work and than do the laundry, clean the house, food prep etc AFTER my child goes to bed. I really think she only wants to be a mom for the fun parts of parenthood. The Disney Vacays, the ballet recitals.... and not put in the actual WORK that is raising capable and caring little humans.
***Raises hand*** lmao!! Welcome :)
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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by vandelynn »

Carmencita wrote:
Tinabelle wrote:Adeline is in size 5 diapers?! My 14 month old is still in size 3, size 4 at night. Maybe that's why the HEB brand "leaked all over the place," shes wearing the wrong size!

I don't think Aaryn has ever put her girls in the correct size diaper. She always complains about blow outs and leaks and has to make sure she brings MULTIPLE outfits with them when they leave the house in case there's an accident. After the newborn stage, that's not really a normal occurrence.

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Yeah but have you seen that baby? She’s bigger than Skyla!

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Adelines head is bigger than Aaryns!! Unless it's just the camera angle but she seriously looks like she really struggles to even hold Adeline.

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by vandelynn »

CanadianChick wrote:
CaffeineMachine wrote:***Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by Aaryn Williams***

Hey newbie poster here, long time lurker and just COULD NOT hold back any longer. Still figuring out how to work this forum but wanted to say hello. I used to like Aaryns channel back in the day with her first pregnancy vlogs, as I was also pregnant at the same time. I even really enjoyed watching her while she was pregnant with Adeline ... but right around the big move from Georgia while they were staying in CO at her moms I thought something was really off about her and thought, gosh I can't be the only one thinking these things... which brought me to this forum and you lovely people. I know the majority of her views are people like me that started watching because she used to be relatable and continue watching only to witness the train wreck... they have to be. Anyways, Im finally ready to join the fun.

To start- the latest Adeline Update her claim that she can't get ANYTHING done (staying home all day) with two girls is rather insulting and I couldn't have rolled my eyes farther into the back of my head. I am a working mom and every day I wake up early to get myself ready before my 22 mo old wakes up ... what a concept! Plus make dinner and spend quality time with my son after work and than do the laundry, clean the house, food prep etc AFTER my child goes to bed. I really think she only wants to be a mom for the fun parts of parenthood. The Disney Vacays, the ballet recitals.... and not put in the actual WORK that is raising capable and caring little humans.
***Raises hand*** lmao!! Welcome :)
Welcome! Thats exactly how I found this forum. I thought to myself I can't be the only one who sees she is an absolute Trainwreck with a capital "T" As for being a Mom she just doesn't want to be bothered unless it's something she wants or something she can use or want's to do. She just wants the fun stuff like the previous poster said.

She doesn't realize she is supposed to be raising her kids to be normal functioning adults one day. All she is doing is making sure it's the society that are going to have to deal with her shortcomings when they are older.

She complains on her vlog how she doesn't want to cook dinner at 8:00 at night. Ummmm most people don't cook at 8:00 most sahm have dinner started and done by the time their spouses get home. That's how I did it. Then by the time dinner was done it would be bath time, family time and then kids bedtime. It's essential to be on a schedule with kids and trust me they appreciate it

I joke a lot when talking about her but all jokes aside her Mom or Nick seriously need have some sort of intervention with her bc shes been in this state too long and she will crash and burn and its not a matter of if but when & it's not going to be a pretty sight.

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by kristieanne87 »

Ohhhhhhhh my gosh.

We make fun of her setting powder, and now on her IG she is explaining about it. So many people were asking about it.


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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by Jujuisonthatbeat »

kristieanne87 wrote:Ohhhhhhhh my gosh.

We make fun of her setting powder, and now on her IG she is explaining about it. So many people were asking about it.


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She checks this page constantly. It's sad, really. Why would anyone ask her about her setting powder? It doesn't look good on pictures or on video. Why would anyone want to purchase it? She's such a liar.
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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by JVK19 »

Dear aaryn,

Please get yourself acquainted with a crock pot. There are 1,000,000 recipes on Pinterest for it. Literally throw everything in it after you feed your kids breakfast in the morning and then you have dinner ready no matter what time you want to eat!

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by mommyoftwo »

Yeah 8pm is ridiculous for dinner. My kids are in bed by 8pm at the latest, plus we’ve all eaten, the kids have had baths, and had books read to them. 8pm is sit on the couch, relax with hubby, and do my teacher work (grading, planning, etc.) time.

Even during the school year I almost always have dinner ready for my hubby when he gets home, since I get home first. It’s not that hard. Throw some meat and veggies in an instant pot and within an hour or less you will have a complete meal. Or crock pot it all day.

I feel like she’s missing some basic life skills.

vandelynn wrote:
CanadianChick wrote:
CaffeineMachine wrote:***Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by Aaryn Williams***

Hey newbie poster here, long time lurker and just COULD NOT hold back any longer. Still figuring out how to work this forum but wanted to say hello. I used to like Aaryns channel back in the day with her first pregnancy vlogs, as I was also pregnant at the same time. I even really enjoyed watching her while she was pregnant with Adeline ... but right around the big move from Georgia while they were staying in CO at her moms I thought something was really off about her and thought, gosh I can't be the only one thinking these things... which brought me to this forum and you lovely people. I know the majority of her views are people like me that started watching because she used to be relatable and continue watching only to witness the train wreck... they have to be. Anyways, Im finally ready to join the fun.

To start- the latest Adeline Update her claim that she can't get ANYTHING done (staying home all day) with two girls is rather insulting and I couldn't have rolled my eyes farther into the back of my head. I am a working mom and every day I wake up early to get myself ready before my 22 mo old wakes up ... what a concept! Plus make dinner and spend quality time with my son after work and than do the laundry, clean the house, food prep etc AFTER my child goes to bed. I really think she only wants to be a mom for the fun parts of parenthood. The Disney Vacays, the ballet recitals.... and not put in the actual WORK that is raising capable and caring little humans.
***Raises hand*** lmao!! Welcome :)
Welcome! Thats exactly how I found this forum. I thought to myself I can't be the only one who sees she is an absolute Trainwreck with a capital "T" As for being a Mom she just doesn't want to be bothered unless it's something she wants or something she can use or want's to do. She just wants the fun stuff like the previous poster said.

She doesn't realize she is supposed to be raising her kids to be normal functioning adults one day. All she is doing is making sure it's the society that are going to have to deal with her shortcomings when they are older.

She complains on her vlog how she doesn't want to cook dinner at 8:00 at night. Ummmm most people don't cook at 8:00 most sahm have dinner started and done by the time their spouses get home. That's how I did it. Then by the time dinner was done it would be bath time, family time and then kids bedtime. It's essential to be on a schedule with kids and trust me they appreciate it

I joke a lot when talking about her but all jokes aside her Mom or Nick seriously need have some sort of intervention with her bc shes been in this state too long and she will crash and burn and its not a matter of if but when & it's not going to be a pretty sight.

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by SerendipitySusan »

Oh my god. The setting powder. ROFL!! Who in the world does she she think anyone believes is “asking about it?” It looks cakey and gunky and gross, like all her layers of foundation. She’s worried about looking ‘aging?’ There is reason #1, right there. Stop wearing so many layers of products on your natural skin. It isn’t necessary and it makes you look like a corpse. So.... sorrry, arayn, you tried to throw shade at the board but this time you made a total fool of yourself. See you tomorrow.

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by SerendipitySusan »

Itsjustanosering wrote:
Rkp65i wrote:My husband is Army and let me tell ya, I did it all without a nanny. Just last year we had to be apart. I had a 4, 2 yr old and was 8 months pregnant. I had to suck it up and be an adult. I showered after they went to bed, cleaned at night etc. Aaryn doesnt know struggles.

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Same here! My husband is Army and he leaves next week for a few months. Aaryn has no idea how easy she has it. I will be by myself with my one year old... no family around to help and no hired help.

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God bless ya Itsjustanosering and Rkp65i. Real, devoted, hardworking moms who deserve our admiration and respect. Hang in there mamas. It will get easier.

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Re: Aaryn Williams: Build-a-brat | Part 11

Unread post by vandelynn »

Yes!! Most definitely missing the basic life skills and common sense!!! If she wasn't such a narcissistic asshole she would actually listen take the advice that people are trying to give her but then she would have nothing to complain about and something tells me she loves to complain for the attention.
mommyoftwo wrote:Yeah 8pm is ridiculous for dinner. My kids are in bed by 8pm at the latest, plus we’ve all eaten, the kids have had baths, and had books read to them. 8pm is sit on the couch, relax with hubby, and do my teacher work (grading, planning, etc.) time.

Even during the school year I almost always have dinner ready for my hubby when he gets home, since I get home first. It’s not that hard. Throw some meat and veggies in an instant pot and within an hour or less you will have a complete meal. Or crock pot it all day.

I feel like she’s missing some basic life skills.

vandelynn wrote:
CanadianChick wrote: ***Raises hand*** lmao!! Welcome :)
Welcome! Thats exactly how I found this forum. I thought to myself I can't be the only one who sees she is an absolute Trainwreck with a capital "T" As for being a Mom she just doesn't want to be bothered unless it's something she wants or something she can use or want's to do. She just wants the fun stuff like the previous poster said.

She doesn't realize she is supposed to be raising her kids to be normal functioning adults one day. All she is doing is making sure it's the society that are going to have to deal with her shortcomings when they are older.

She complains on her vlog how she doesn't want to cook dinner at 8:00 at night. Ummmm most people don't cook at 8:00 most sahm have dinner started and done by the time their spouses get home. That's how I did it. Then by the time dinner was done it would be bath time, family time and then kids bedtime. It's essential to be on a schedule with kids and trust me they appreciate it

I joke a lot when talking about her but all jokes aside her Mom or Nick seriously need have some sort of intervention with her bc shes been in this state too long and she will crash and burn and its not a matter of if but when & it's not going to be a pretty sight.

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