2011ExcusesForNotUploading (Part 43)

True Gossiper
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Re: 2011ExcusesForNotUploading (Part 43)

Unread post by msliss »

marshmellow wrote:
Amelia322 wrote:How many think they won’t last? I have a feeling she is having an extremely hard time without David, and doesn’t see this as a life for her. She will either move with him or stay and break up. I just don’t see them working out. She looks like a total mess. What happen to that video she posted a while back saying she was happy and content with herself and David being gone?

For sure does anyone remember when they broke up and she made a video about how now she’ll actually have to go to school and get a job because her plan was to be a stay at home mom... s e r i o u s l y I was like girl wth. No guy is guaranteed and that he ruined her plans.

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Whatever she does, one thing I don't think she never does is breaking up with David. His parents are the strongest support system in her and her kids life (not emotionally but financially and otherwise) She is basically zero without being married to him.
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Re: 2011ExcusesForNotUploading (Part 43)

Unread post by MamaJoAnna »

RIP Dad - 09/30/2017 :angel:

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