It’s great Aria is getting help but don’t mistake this for Brit accepting or realizing anything. Brit could of prepared Aria, Nolan and Ean instead of moving out suddenly right after the holidays in the middle of the school year. Then letting Ean around to just drop him again when Fran shows up. Aria was aware of all of these changes and it’s hard for any child to go through. Then Brit has bad mouthed Ean (probably worse in front of Aria) and started a new little family. Now she wants to move again and have another baby. Brit doesn’t care that her choices effect her children.cass wrote:im glad arias getting the help she needs! theres no shame in it! she went through alot in a short amount of time and this is a great way for her to vent to someone who isint biased!
where ever the idea came from either the school, ean, or britt atleast its happening!
also the person a few posts up has a point. if britt never mentioned anything people would still be talking saying she needs to get help for her, put her in therapy ect ect. yes she could have said she was getting help and left it at that but then again with out detail people on here would still be speculating on what that means.
i find people on here can be very hypocritical at times! dont get me wrong i used to love britt sshe was the first mommy youtuber i watched but this site opened my eyes to her ways( alot of other youtubers as well) but some people just wont be happy with her choices no matter what they are, even if they are positive.
in this situation i see both sides. but give her a break lol arias been in therapy for a while ( atleast so she says) thats a good positive step!
yes, the reason she needs therapy is because of britt, but atleast B swollowed her pride and realized or accepted or w.e and got her the help she needed before things got worse for aria in life.
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