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canyoudancing wrote:Of course that bitch Trashley had to be Dorothy. Can’t let anyone else be the center of attention. Poor Indie, that makeup is awful.
It looks like she purposely made her look horrible. It looks like she just threw that shit on her poor little face. When she is older and sees this picture she’ll wonder why 2 of her sisters got their hair curled and looked not as bad as herself and why her babysitter made her go out with that shit on her face. I mean come on, for two dumb fucks who are ALL about looks, even on Halloween, they did a shit job with Esme but especially with Indie.
GA Peach70 wrote:I don’t think the costumes for the girls are very cute at all. They look miserable. Asswipe $ the Waddlin’ Windbag sure are looking pretty thick around the middle especially the Waddler. Hey fat ass - how’s that diet going? Bhahahahaha! He looks so disgustingly fat in that. Asswipe looks like she just pulled something out of her polygamy closet.
Why don't they ever take the time to have someone behind the camera getting the girls to smile?? Every picture the patents are glammed out and the girls look spaced out.
GA Peach70 wrote:It has been a very long time since my children went trick or treating. Is it the new “normal” for families to have, I guess for a lack of a better word, a theme for the entire family? When my kids were younger they each decided what they wanted to be and went as that. There was no whole family dressing alike stuff for us or anyone else we knew. Just curious.
I know. My husband and I never dressed up with our children. They picked what they wanted to be and then I usually made their costumes. And they were never anything fancy. This generation goes nuts over Halloween. It’s a whole family affair. Nuts if you ask me!
Why does their vlog say October 28? Is she so stupid she doesn’t know what day Halloween is on? Sheesh really? Come on ASSWIT that part of editing can’t be that hard...
Why in the world would A$$ put glass doors in her new office? Did you see the piles and piles of junk in the room when she was putting Indie's makeup on last night?
Skipped through the Binghams vlog. They did way better with the costumes. Their vlog was cute, fun and Branden was hysterical at times as Peter Pan.
I didn’t feel like I couldn’t get those wasted minutes back like I did when watching the Greedners who can’t even get the date right.
Special note: Branden was noted as saying he wasn’t wearing underwear. Nothing between him and his leggings. Take note ASSLEY you can watch this vlog over and over during your special alone time and think about Mr. Mountable’s mountables.
Blah, blah, blah! Why did you have children if you didn’t want or know you’d be tired? Morons! How to you think your FF feel after eating nothing all day but crap?
These two are truly unbelievable.
I missed MImi’s unmasking. Where in the vlog is it? And how rude of Tubby to say his brother dressed up as their mother. He is a pig and so disrespectful to his mother.
Notice to at the beginning of the vlog he is channeling his Mr. Mountable by swinging his arm around? Good try Tubby.
GA Peach70 wrote:I don’t think the costumes for the girls are very cute at all. They look miserable. Asswipe $ the Waddlin’ Windbag sure are looking pretty thick around the middle especially the Waddler. Hey fat ass - how’s that diet going? Bhahahahaha! He looks so disgustingly fat in that. Asswipe looks like she just pulled something out of her polygamy closet.
Why don't they ever take the time to have someone behind the camera getting the girls to smile?? Every picture the patents are glammed out and the girls look spaced out.
I think it’s because they are so lost and they don’t have any comprehension of what is going on. It’s really sad. Most kids, especially if THEY get to pick out their OWN costume, have the biggest, cutest, teethy smile on their faces. Of course Asswipe is always glammed out. After all, ALL of this is for HER to be the center of attention...again.
So last night I was handing out candy and the cutest one year old came to my house. You could tell he had just learned how to walk, his mama held his hand and helped him up to my door step. He very politely took one piece of candy and when prompted said his version of trick or treat ☺ and after he took his piece of candy his mama said say thank you, and he did! Well it was more of a oouuuu! But he was trying! He was a tiny little thing and was more with it than any of the quads seem to be.
ugh.....Brandon Bingham and his no underwear comment. Repulsive. I wonder if there is anything he won't do for attention?
The Greedners are definitely inconsiderate pigs.....allowing the FF to run amok with Hazels toys. But, where are her parents? Too busy making asses of themselves. You are on your own, Hazel! 5 against 1...... the FF and Fat Creeper with the perv laugh. gag
I can't imagine myself sitting back and allowing my child to be mistreated so badly! All of the "parents" involved are nothing but attention whores using their kids as bait.
You know what bothers me the most about the Greedners?? They think they are entitled to an easy life. Why do they think they can always take the easy route, especially when it comes to the girls' health and development? Oh, we feed the girls fast food all the time because it's easier. We keep them on pacifiers and crib tents because it's easier. We don't potty train because changing diapers is just easier.
When you are parents you don't get to take the easy way out! Those little girls are their own people and they deserve to be treated better than they are. They deserve to have their comfort and well-being to come before their "parents." Even if that means hard work, exhausting days, long hours. It doesn't mean that you get to sleep in and stay home and eat junk because you think you deserve an easy life. No one's life is easy! Especially parents.
Tubby said Assley was "a master at this" when putting on make up, so why does she look so orange? She smeared that senegence stuff all over her kids, then had to use chemicals to clean it off. Joey was apparently dressed as Jodi, according to Tubs. Those boobs on that guy were as round as he was tall. What was he supposed to be, then? At all the house they went to, Tubs told each girl to take one piece of candy, but Evie had to be told many times not to take them all. Garrison had to step in and stop her at one house.
Evie is probably the most behind when it comes to the girls' speech. Assley asked her, "What did they give you?" and Evie answered "knock knock." It was hard to tell how well Esme is talking because during her chat at the end, there was a cut made to the camera for each question she was asked. When Ashley asked Indie what she got, Indie said "purple" as she popped a green piece of candy in her mouth. Assley just laughed.
Tubs says he hasn't had a coke in 3 weeks. Did he just mean a giant Sodaliscious, because not only is there still coke in the fridge at their house, but he had a can of it on his nightstand recently. He doesn't look as if he's lost weight, but he will never be able to admit that he couldn't keep up with his diet.
After all that candy, and the dinner the girls ate, why did they need applesauce right before bed? Maybe they think that negates the handful of candy all the girls shoved in their mouth all night, by eating applesauce. I just know that those things are full of sugar and they did not need a snack before bed, especially considering they are still taking sippy cups of milk to bed. We got to see a couple girls without a top on, and the weight is piling up on them.
The girls were "crying and whining all day," which is why Tubs and Ass are SO EXHAUSTED. You know who else is exhausted, guys?? Everyone! Only we don't get on the interwebs and bitch and moan about it. Called life.
Sisteroo wrote:I haven’t watched today’s vlog but several comments on the FB page are praising the girls for their speech and then I come here and hear a totally different story which I know is the truth, are these KAD’s delirious?? They are not doing them any favors by lying. I think Evie may definitely have Apraxia of speech. I had a little 2 1/2 year old boy come up to my door last night for Halloween & his conversation with me was amazing, I asked his dad how old he was & was really shocked
The girls could’ve been Minnie Mouse or Daisy or Moana, characters they can actually relate to and like. They’ve would’ve been way more excited if that were the case. Scarlett thought she was a princess. Evie some random lion. Indie thought she was monster and poor Esme mustn’t have had a single clue what she was dressed as. And that costume with those frills didn’t look like the Tin Man at all.
Frills on all the costumes just to indicate they are quads and part of the same unit. Different yet same. God.
Most of their delays are because of their environment or at least that's what I suspect. Which sucks considering they had and have every opportunity to give those girls the world and they don't. Sure they have lots of outfits but imagine their speech if they'd just been talked to normally. One small change could mean so much.