Rachelle&Justin BuyBuy (the next) baby | RachelleJustin | Part 15

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Re: Rachelle&Justin BuyBuy (the next) baby | RachelleJustin | Part 15

Unread post by staceyla »

maisiefrommaine wrote:
staceyla wrote:
rottiemama wrote:
I wasn’t “annoyed” by your question! I just thought it was funny bc you were on another thread yesterday telling people they needed to stop talking about a topic YOU weren’t interested in. You’ve done that quite a few times actually but I didn’t mean it in a rude way...hello, laughing emoji? ImageI don’t take things too serious and you shouldn’t either! Image

The only time I ever like to change the flow is when 2 people are on opposite sides of a topic and they’re extremely passionate about their opinions. It will usually lead to other people hopping in and can quickly go from a 1 on 1 discussion to a 5 on 1 real fast.

No one likes to see pages of people arguing their points back and forth. Image
Well all your emojis make you seem condescending at times. Too many people use them when they're being sarcastic and want to seem "unbothered." Not saying that's you, but it can often be taken that way. Surely my question did not continue that argument that was had earlier. In fact, it was pertaining to the infertility topic which is often had here. When I said it on the other thread it was because they were literally going on and on about their personal child care that had absolutely NOTHING to do with OK. This topic is Rachelle and infertility. She was compared to someone so I was curious how the two were different fertility wise. (Completely on topic). What is said in other threads should not be commented on in this thread. They were two very different situations. If it was an issue then you could have said something in that thread. I don't even comment on it. That was the first time I ever mentioned "clogging a thread."

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Channon Rose has endometriosis.

Can we move on now ...?

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If only it was answered the first time. Image Thanks!

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Re: Rachelle&Justin BuyBuy (the next) baby | RachelleJustin | Part 15

Unread post by maisiefrommaine »

staceyla wrote:
maisiefrommaine wrote:
staceyla wrote:Well all your emojis make you seem condescending at times. Too many people use them when they're being sarcastic and want to seem "unbothered." Not saying that's you, but it can often be taken that way. Surely my question did not continue that argument that was had earlier. In fact, it was pertaining to the infertility topic which is often had here. When I said it on the other thread it was because they were literally going on and on about their personal child care that had absolutely NOTHING to do with OK. This topic is Rachelle and infertility. She was compared to someone so I was curious how the two were different fertility wise. (Completely on topic). What is said in other threads should not be commented on in this thread. They were two very different situations. If it was an issue then you could have said something in that thread. I don't even comment on it. That was the first time I ever mentioned "clogging a thread."

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Channon Rose has endometriosis.

Can we move on now ...?

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If only it was answered the first time. Image Thanks!

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Would've said it a long time ago if I knew youd annoy tf out of everyone for the next thirty minutes.

Anyways, does anyone know when Keren Swanson's wedding is? I'm curious when they'll be in Orlando. Image

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Re: Rachelle&Justin BuyBuy (the next) baby | RachelleJustin | Part 15

Unread post by staceyla »

maisiefrommaine wrote:
staceyla wrote:
maisiefrommaine wrote:Channon Rose has endometriosis.

Can we move on now ...?

Sent from my SM-J337P using Tapatalk
If only it was answered the first time. Image Thanks!

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Would've said it a long time ago if I knew youd annoy tf out of everyone for the next thirty minutes.

Anyways, does anyone know when Keren Swanson's wedding is? I'm curious when they'll be in Orlando. Image
Then that's what ya get.Image Don't be an ass about it. Next time just answer.

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Re: Rachelle&Justin BuyBuy (the next) baby | RachelleJustin | Part 15

Unread post by RottieMama »

Hey beauties! Here’s the new thread! Sorry it took me so long! I hate doing their recaps! They’re sooooo boring! Also, I mixed a few titles together bc it didn’t seem like very many people voted!

Helicopter Mom, Snacky Stoner & Average Emma | Rachelle & Justin | Part 16
https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?share_ ... are_type=t

Btw, I’m going to try to move the most recent posts!

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