Eleanor Terese wrote:It's sickening thinking about those 3 girls left alone in a house. What if someone evil, had gotten in & taken them or one of them? Awful. I know it's likely that something like that wouldn't happen but do people not learn from Madeline McCann, left alone in a holiday apartment & taken.
They should have just bundled everyone in the car and arranged pick up of the girls from the hospital later on. I mean they have a million family members who can hel. Ridiculous.
I'm a foster parent and have encountered all sorts of situations over the years. One that really stands out to me was getting a call in the middle of the night, short term care was needed for a toddler, pick up was at our local hospital. This is completely normal as children who have been apprehended are often checked out by medical staff prior to being placed, and that's what I assumed was going to be the case. Nope, the toddler was the sibling of a child who was being admitted. Poor mama had taken BOTH her children via stroller up to the ER to have the one who was sick checked. When it was determined an admission was necessary, she was very upset, no family in town and on top of a sick child she was also dealing with a cranky toddler and torn between leaving her child alone in the hospital and going home with the younger one, or asking for help. Which is what she did, the hospital social worker got the ball rolling, hence an emergency voluntary placement in our home. Single mom, low income, no car, no family and very little supports. She was also, loving, kind, gracious and hands down, one of the best parents I have ever met. I think it broke her heart to have her little one go off with a stranger, it had to have, but as a parent, she did what she needed to do to meet her children's needs.
Imagine loading up 2 small children, in the middle of the night, one sick and the other one crying, and pushing them in a stroller to seek medical care? I can guarantee you that the thought of leaving one of them at home never crossed her mind.