Marie Bits and Clips

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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by luci417 »

nottaylorswift wrote:In some ways, I respect her for her nonchalance about her channel. Being a mom of three is not easy, and raising those three SHOULD be her priority, and she doesn't owe anybody on the internet anything. But she can't live that YouTube life, with the sponsored content and the $$$ and the free stuff, if she doesn't invest some time into maintaining her channel. She's had a lot of opportunities over the years to capitalize on her channel, and she hasn't taken them. She won't get those chances forever, and they're gonna start drying up soon.
I slightly disagree with you there. Youtube is her JOB so she kind of does owe it to her subscribers to take it seriously and put out content regularly. It seems like without youtube they really wouldn't be in a financial position where Marie can stay at home now they have three kids. I'm sure it is hard to edit, etc. with her young children but imagine how much harder her life would be if she had to have a full time job on top of raising them? I don't see her making it big/staying afloat on youtube after the next couple of years because she really holds her subscribers at arms' length about a lot of stuff which imo turns people off of vlogging channels very quickly. That 'come into my life, we're like a little family! but stay out of my business and don't ask anything too personal or question me in any way.' thing just doesn't fly on yt. I understand why people have boundaries and especially on yt I think they're very important but marie is very unwilling to show anything that isn't exactly what she wants you to see which gets tiring after a while. i've never even seen one of her kids so much as yell, it comes across as pretty sickly sweet and fake.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by nottaylorswift »

I slightly disagree with you there. Youtube is her JOB so she kind of does owe it to her subscribers to take it seriously and put out content regularly. It seems like without youtube they really wouldn't be in a financial position where Marie can stay at home now they have three kids. I'm sure it is hard to edit, etc. with her young children but imagine how much harder her life would be if she had to have a full time job on top of raising them? I don't see her making it big/staying afloat on youtube after the next couple of years because she really holds her subscribers at arms' length about a lot of stuff which imo turns people off of vlogging channels very quickly. That 'come into my life, we're like a little family! but stay out of my business and don't ask anything too personal or question me in any way.' thing just doesn't fly on yt. I understand why people have boundaries and especially on yt I think they're very important but marie is very unwilling to show anything that isn't exactly what she wants you to see which gets tiring after a while. i've never even seen one of her kids so much as yell, it comes across as pretty sickly sweet and fake.
I think we largely agree and are just saying it in different ways. I'm with you that YouTube IS her job and is likely providing a small cushion for their family, and that she's pretty damn bad at said job.

But saying she "owes it to subscribers to take it seriously and put out content regularly" is where you lose me. She only owes it to viewers if she wants to be successful and relevant. Right now she considers herself as successful as she wants to be, and she thinks she's mega-relevant. But she's been half-assing it for a while, and seriously like quarter-assing it since her pregnancy announcement. If she wants to keep the viewers she has -- let alone get more -- you're absolutely right. She's gonna have to open up more (that's actually why I like her Awestruck videos more than her own channel videos -- she's not quite so OMG MY KIDS ARE PERFECT there) and post regularly on her actual channel, not Instagram Stories. And I just don't see her doing that.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by Caisflame »

Has she ever mentioned what Ryan does? I've been watching and following along for 5 years, coming up on 6, and don't recall her saying. I'm curious because Scarlet goes to a private school that Marie said is not cheap (like all private schools of course).
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by Caisflame »

Sorry for the double post, but I'm so happy this thread is getting more traffic lately. After following her for so long I've definitely wanted to talk about her occasionally, but I never had anywhere to go.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by luci417 »

nottaylorswift wrote: I think we largely agree and are just saying it in different ways. I'm with you that YouTube IS her job and is likely providing a small cushion for their family, and that she's pretty damn bad at said job.

But saying she "owes it to subscribers to take it seriously and put out content regularly" is where you lose me. She only owes it to viewers if she wants to be successful and relevant. Right now she considers herself as successful as she wants to be, and she thinks she's mega-relevant. But she's been half-assing it for a while, and seriously like quarter-assing it since her pregnancy announcement. If she wants to keep the viewers she has -- let alone get more -- you're absolutely right. She's gonna have to open up more (that's actually why I like her Awestruck videos more than her own channel videos -- she's not quite so OMG MY KIDS ARE PERFECT there) and post regularly on her actual channel, not Instagram Stories. And I just don't see her doing that.
I think you're right, we're agreeing about a lot and just phrasing it differently. I pretty much agree about her 'owing' it to people if she wants to be successful but I think that is the situation. I think it just depends on what your definition of a successful youtuber is. Imo, if you can support yourself primarily from doing videos, you're successful on youtube. I don't think you need a Daily Bumps level subscriber count so by those standards, Marie is successful. I think if her subscribers are paying her bills by watching her she should at least respect that by putting out content regularly. If she wants to do it just as a hobby and not feel pressure to update regularly then she should make that clear. You can't have a segment called 'the weekly bit' (which tbh i always thought was kind of lazy) when at this point it's more like 'the monthly bit' if even that. I also think she's making a mistake putting all of her eggs in the Awestruck basket instead of investing in her own channel. I like Marie but I'm never going to subscribe to Awestruck so I barely if ever watch her videos because they're not there. And even when I do, all Awestruck videos are garbage because they're just these weird, shallow, staged 'how to mom' videos that don't go into any detail or say anything remotely interesting. 'MY Pregnant Life' was realllly boring because instead of listening to Marie ramble it was all stilted pre-scripted dialogue about things that really weren't very interesting.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by jessyaye »

Caisflame wrote:Has she ever mentioned what Ryan does? I've been watching and following along for 5 years, coming up on 6, and don't recall her saying. I'm curious because Scarlet goes to a private school that Marie said is not cheap (like all private schools of course).
I remember in some of the earlier vlogs, Marie mentioned that he coached basketball for a school. So maybe he's also a teacher? Before she got really into Youtube, poor Ryan was working 3 jobs and only had 1 day off. But it seems that he has cut down, since we see him in the vlogs more often. I would think that Marie, and any good wife, would want to unburden her husband a bit and put some more effort into her vlogs so that he wouldn't have to work so much.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by hahehihohu »

Blackswan wrote: It's a matter of the number of people per room. By the time her youngest doesn't need to share a room with Marie shouldn't 3 people have the bigger room and 2 people have the smaller one? Idk why the poster got her panties in a twist. God forbid she doesn't occupy the master bedroom.
I didn't get my panties in a twist. I didn't realize that you didn't hear Marie say that Luca would be getting the small room off the kitchen, so I thought you were saying that Luca and Scarlet should be sleeping in the master now. That seemed ridiculous to me.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by Caisflame »

I wish she wouldn't cut Luca's hair everytime it grows a millimeter. Poor kid has a 90's bowl cut in her latest story on ig. It doesn't suit his big ears (not putting him down for that, I think little boys with big ears are absolutely adorable).
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by Caniption »

I have been a lurker on this site for about 2 years now, but decided to make my first comment as I have especially been wanting to talk about this Youtube. She has annoyed me for years with her bragging . We were Facebook friends and I watched her from the beginning , I really liked her and we even had several conversations together in which she seemed genuinely a sweet caring person. However over time, I could really begin to see a change in her as her channel grew. Once she and Louise actually met and she gained many of Louise's subscribers, her channel grew and she started withdrawing from the simple friendships she had made early on and only had time to acknowledge those with Youtube channels. I am not the only one of her early friends who feels this way either. I unfriended and unsubscribbed from her last year but still will occassionall watch a video of hers, and from what I can see, she is even worse now. She really thinks she and her husband and kids are the best of the best. That's fine, as we all love our families, but the bragging just gets to be too much. She just has this attitude now as if she sits on a high horse and the rest of us peons are to just support her with praise and blow fairy dust up her butt. She wants the attention and support for her channel but wants us to wait with baited breath for when she is ready to update . She would post photos of her kids on Facebook, that many would like and comment on, but she rarely would reciprocate a like or make a nice comment about another childs photo. Some of us who she shared friends with began to notice this . We just began to see a far different and more fake sort of person then who we had first knew.

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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by nottaylorswift »

I believe you.

I think I'm about done with Marie. She's not the only YouTuber who does this, but it makes me crazy when people put content up and then don't want constructive criticism. Especially on parenting-focused channels where the exchange of tips and stories is PART OF THE DEAL. She was so quick to pass judgment on a mom disciplining her kid in Trader Joe's the other day (who even knows what that whole story was...), but specifically said in her Awestruck bedtime routine video ( that she did not want advice in the comments. (And sure enough, she was snotty in the comments to the top commenter offering advice.)

And it's too bad, because she could use some advice, for sure. She totally lets those kids rule the roost at bedtime. I like her Awestruck series in general, because she's a little more open about her ups and downs (as opposed to her own channel, where it's ALL UPS, ALL THE TIME). But damn. Brushing their teeth at 9:30 PM? Yeesh. Luca's night terrors could be potty-training related, and her not letting him get up to pee before bed isn't helping if that's the case. Telling them exciting, funny stories to "make good memories" is sweet, but isn't going to get them to go to sleep. And, oh God, Ryan jamming in their room late at night in a Weekly Bit. WHAT A SURPRISE YOUR KIDS WON'T SLEEP.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by Caisflame »

She acts like she had a really horrible childhood (of course we'll never truly know what it was like but I don't doubt that she had it rough growing up) so I wonder if all the bragging about how perfect her kids are is because she wants them and herself to live this happy, magical storybook life that Marie didn't have. I'm friends with her on Facebook and though she did stop posting as frequently as she did after her mom passed away, everything before and after was about how smart Scarlet and Luca were for their ages and how nice they are to other kids and how Scarlet could practically play songs on the piano straight from the womb, blah blah blah. I totally get being a proud mom and wanting to share these moments, but she wrote paragraph upon paragraph damn near everyday. She just wants this perfect life and these cookie cutter kids soo bad. Or maybe cookie cutter isn't the right word. More like whimsical fairy angel babies.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by luci417 »

Caisflame wrote:She acts like she had a really horrible childhood (of course we'll never truly know what it was like but I don't doubt that she had it rough growing up) so I wonder if all the bragging about how perfect her kids are is because she wants them and herself to live this happy, magical storybook life that Marie didn't have. I'm friends with her on Facebook and though she did stop posting as frequently as she did after her mom passed away, everything before and after was about how smart Scarlet and Luca were for their ages and how nice they are to other kids and how Scarlet could practically play songs on the piano straight from the womb, blah blah blah. I totally get being a proud mom and wanting to share these moments, but she wrote paragraph upon paragraph damn near everyday. She just wants this perfect life and these cookie cutter kids soo bad. Or maybe cookie cutter isn't the right word. More like whimsical fairy angel babies.
She's said a bunch of things that make me think she did have a very rough childhood/early life. Not abusive, but super unstable. And she really is obsessed with happy perfect families and sunshine and rainbows etc. I think it's a coping mechanism. I agree she really really wants her kids to have this incredibly whimsical storybook childhood she never had and I think she romanticises a lot of family related things - eg she's always bragging about how much her kids love each other and they NEVER fight and always help each other. Which might be true but no siblings are like that even 90% of the time at that age. I think she wants everyone to see her as this amazing effortless whimsical mother but actually it's all VERY contrived. I have never seen one of her kids crying or being sassy in a video but you know what i have seen? 3 million shots of Scarlett eating lettuce because she's such a little bunny who loves her veggies and telling her mom 'I love you mama' and being eerily perfect. I think the way she edits all of her kids' behaviour makes them seem really creepy. She's always waxing poetic about the wonders of childhood but I wonder what she does when her kids are rowdy and want to eat junkfood and play on the ipad instead of eating organic turkey sandwiches and picking sunflowers.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by Caisflame »

They really need to find a new name for her videos on Awestruck. She hasn't been pregnant for what, almost 3 months now? It's no longer "My Pregnant Life". I guess it's up to the people who run the channel, just doesn't make sense to me.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by nottaylorswift »

They really need to find a new name for her videos on Awestruck. She hasn't been pregnant for what, almost 3 months now? It's no longer "My Pregnant Life". I guess it's up to the people who run the channel, just doesn't make sense to me.
She's missed two weeks of Awestruck videos without explanation, which she rarely ever does. Rebrand of her videos? Or think they're done with her? Or just "computer problems"?
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by thenightowl »

I don't believe her anymore when she says she is having computer issues, unless Macbooks are really that bad and if they are then she should really look into getting a more reliable computer for youtube.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by luci417 »

I 100% believe her because in Marieland 'computer problems' is code for 'I couldn't be bothered to upload this month'. I could see awestruck dropping her for being unreliable/lazy behind the scenes but her videos for them were always pretty regular. That's when I kind of lost all sympathy - it's very telling imo that she's so consistent with her sponsored/prepaid videos and so slapdash about bitsandclips vids. The clips for the most recent weekly bit weren't even in order (ryan and luca had both had haircuts and their hair/beard length was all over the place in the vlog) which was super confusing and marie's response was essentially 'eh who cares'. I think she'd kind of like to be done with yt but doesn't want to get a job. she used to be a lot more enthusiastic about her little community and connecting with people.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by boredmamaneedsdrama »

She mentioned while she was pregnant that someone edited her awestruck videos, so computer problems wouldn't affect her uploads there. Like someone mentioned, it could be a rebranding since she's not pregnant anymore.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by luci417 »

boredmamaneedsdrama wrote:She mentioned while she was pregnant that someone edited her awestruck videos, so computer problems wouldn't affect her uploads there. Like someone mentioned, it could be a rebranding since she's not pregnant anymore.
I don't know why she doesn't just get someone to edit all of the vlogs too. She clearly hates doing it and she's not great at it either. I hardly notice that stuff normally, and even I know it's bad when almost every video has a voice over from 'editing marie' explaining something. I think it's fine to be more of a vlogger and leave the editing to someone who enjoys it and will do a good job.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by Caisflame »

As long as I can remember Marie has always cut to "editing Marie" at some point in the video. Sometimes it's needed but most of the time it's totally unnecessary and annoying. I've been watching her for however old Scarlet is, and she's 6 now I believe? So six years of Marie cutting in in damn near every video. We don't need such in depth explanations about flaws most people won't even notice.
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Re: Marie Bits and Clips

Unread post by Caisflame »

I just noticed her last 2 videos were called Marie Plus 3, so you guys were right, rebranding. Reminds me of britneyandbaby's new name, BEplus3.
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