Well it has been almost 2 weeks - I'll grade her recent activity since I made these suggestions
>1) You are an expert at ONE thing - Broadcast Journalism. Stick to that. You have no training in fashion, makeup, home decor, cooking, ..., so don't put yourself across as a self-proclaimed expert in things you really know nothing about. You look foolish and you come across as pretentious. Now with regard to Broadcast Journalism, your degree has helped you quite a bit. Compared to other websites, your production values are quite good. You do a fantastic job with filming and editing.
I'll give her a B grade - Her Vlog of the school principal was good (maybe a little long and repetitive though). Sadly it has one the lowest number of views of all her recent videos. There may not be a paying future for her with these type of videos. I would have given her an A if it wasn't for her blowhard shopping and decorating videos.
>2) Tone it down with the makeup. Everyone online is critical of it (esp. the lashes). You look MUCH better with very little makeup on.
B - Too much makeup at the wedding though.
>3) Stop trying to make Adam do social media. Let him concentrate on his primary job which is the safety net for your family and allows you to explore your career. Social media does not provide insurance, retirement benefits, and long term stability - his job does.
C - She is still pushing his channel even though I think she is the one actually running it.
>4) No more kids on camera. Let them grow up as normal children. There is a reason most celebrities plead with the media to leave their children alone. It is obvious they are damaged from the exposure you have already given them - it is time to fix that.
F - Keep your kids lives private.
>5) Stop sending the kids to GG's. No one following you on the internet likes that you dump the kids off on your 80 year old grandmother. Occasional visits are fine.
? - She may still be dumping them on GG but she is keeping mum about it.
>6) Completely knock off the alcohol. You both clearly abuse it (disorderly conduct / intoxicated) and need to shut it down completely.
C - She obviously checks out this board because ever since her husband's disorderly conduct / intoxicated convictions have come to light she has completely stopped showing him drinking and has stopped pushing wine (she was probably the one who complained about the court postings). She still showed a few pictures on her recent trip with a wine glass in her hand.
>7) Seek real in person therapy for both of you. Realize you came from a VERY dysfunctional family. That's OK - learn to enjoy and appreciate what you have in the status quo instead of always looking for the next thing in shopping, vacations, ... to satisfy your addictions.
? - She hasn't talked at all lately about her "therapy" sessions.
>8) It's your choice, but I would suggest NO MORE KIDS. Go back and look at your previous YT, IG, Blogs, Vlogs, ... and see all of the complaining you have done regarding the stress of the children you already have. You have more than you can handle.
? - Has stayed mum on baby number 3.
>9) Stop trying to compete with other moms, your mom, ... the rest of the world. You will never win - someone else out there will always have more than you. Relax and appreciate what you have. If you don't you will wind up losing it all.
To be determined ...
And a few random notes - she keeps saying she has toddlers. Toddlers are when kids are just starting to walk (~1 year old) and hence they TODDLE. Her 2 and 4 years old kids are NOT toddlers! And she looks ridiculous using her 2 and 4 year olds for back-to-school videos. Her 2 year old doesn't even go to school, and the 4 year old maybe goes to pre-school a few days a week. Don't act like September is a big going back to school production in your house!
That's it for now - Goodbye Loves!!!