Abbiedownunder wrote:Well MervelllaB I have no idea where you get the idea I'm obsessed with the pullups. lol
I guess it does come across that way. And I guess I am.
I'm just intrigued why any parent wouldn't want the best for their child. My brain just doesn't compute that. Of all the things they do and don't do it's the one thing that I truly don't understand. And they have no shame. Today's vlog and one of the girls was quite literally being shown in it multiple times. It's just heartbreaking that 1, they would do that to her and maybe subject her to future bullying and 2, the privacy of their own child, It just blows my mind away.
With this and truck driving and the lack of nourishing food and leaving the girls home for up to half an hour when one of them had croup and the golf cart and Indie's falling out of it and her injuries and the whole flying back with her head split open then flying overseas and leaving her for 10 - 12 days. Their lack of educating their children on manners and proper behaviour together with the lack of teaching them how to speak properly is just plain neglect. They are greedy, selfish, abusive, self centred, neglectful con artists, pure and simple. And they call themselves followers of JC and HF. Someone somewhere needs to step up to the plate and make them accountable for what they are doing to their children. Money and a fancy house doesn't exclude them. Also Fatass needs to stop trawling the internet for pictures of little girls. It's actually criminal and my only hope is that one day a parent somewhere reports him.
Nightlady, I am in awe of what you deal with on a day to day basis. I'm not going to go on but I am just in awe.
Everything you say there is absolutely right and describes exactly what many of us feel.
Their whole lifestyle is so foreign to me. I just don’t even know how to process it.
I actually don’t understand how this can all be played out time and again on the internet and no one steps into intervene.
Tom Mills said recently on his channel that over the course of their time on YouTube they had been reported to child services over 30 times - they even came out to the house!
I think to myself why can’t people see through the Gardners. It has to be that they are little “rich” kids whose parents lie to and manipulate their followers and try to cover up the vile way they treat their kids.
Their followers are over there on IG claiming Indie was saved by divine intervention! Well it certainly can’t have been good parenting! What kind of parents whose daughter is lifeless, would have the presence of mind to lift the camera on the way out the door to film!
I remember being so angry about this last year! Just a few weeks after it happened I suffered a real life-threatening emergency. Somehow, certain things did happen over which meant that I had a much more positive outcome than I could have. Yes, God may have been looking after me but so was an incredible team of very skilled medical professionals. I know croup can be very frightening. However, if Indie’s life had ever been in any real danger I doubt she would have walked out of hospital the next morning. She’d have been in hospital for a few days!
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