8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Lolislol26 »

I just watched the video about the watch and I’m appalled. Why do they think this is funny? Sheltered kids do sneaky things. A watch may be innocent but as Julie gets older it won’t be. I would be embarrassed beyond belief if I received a phone call from my childs friends Mother telling me my child gave their friend $$ to buy something like that. Ruby even said “Julie wanted it for her birthday and I just didn’t buy it for her” so Ruby KNEW Julie wanted one.

Even if Ruby said “Julie, I know you really want this watch for your birthday but it’s not in our budget, if you would want to put some of your own money in Dad and I will pay the rest” I’d have more respect for her then Julie giving the $ to a friend to buy for her.

Didn’t CHAD complain recently that he’s not allowed to spend his money on what he wants? Maybe Julie had already offered to buy the watch on her own and Ruby said no.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by shortstop »

I hope Ruby told Russel to go put back the thing he found on his desk.
I’m sure the teacher has an activity planned.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by megtanner35 »

What the heck todays video is from Jan 25th so almost a month behind what the hell so over this. she posted that pic of Abby on jan 25 and in todays video she says I posted on Insta today you wanna see abby. how can they have such a huge delay a week I could try to understand but a MONTH WHAT!!!!!!!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by kates_crush »

ruby saying how important reading is, while abby and julie not only have never been to a book store, they didn't even know what it was, I am beyond shocked, no wonder they are both behind! this is clearly the first time she let the girls buy their own books, that breaks my heart. That is something you do with preschoolers.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by endof »

It is the first time I have ever seen Rubella kiss any of her children also Julie immediately went into a nervous laugh and tic faced with Rubella!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by HiHiWellItsMe »

I personally think that Ruby should really stop being so silly. Their food portion sizes? I bet the only reason they haven’t all stopped growing yet except for Shari haven’t stopped growing yet is genetics. If any of them were to eat what a normal kid their age should be eating, Shari wouldn’t only be 4’ 11’, and Julie would weigh around 80 pounds, and she definitely does not weigh that. Is Ruby being the Real Ruby? Or is she feeding small amounts so people like us don’t call them fat in the comments. Even though for April fools last year the posted a prank video where they pretend they aren’t real family and it’s just a show, but I think that Ruby isn’t being the fully real ruby. :-o If you don’t believe me, watch their videos.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Elah_w »

I think the whole secret/Julie paying her friend to buy a watch was completely fabricated. And I don’t think Ruby and Kevin were up late at night laughing hysterically over it. She is just trying to be #FamilyGoals for the kids that watch her videos, because she knows they will believe it and eat it up. She wants them all to comment how jealous they are of her perfect family, and praise her for showing when things aren’t perfect. No wonder she’s writing a book. She’s constantly being told she’s the best mom on the planet by people on the internet, even though all the situations she gets praised for are clearly fabricated!

Julie looked so uncomfortable and like she was being forced to lie for the camera. She looked so nervous and kept looking away. It looked like she wanted to be anywhere else. The paying Eve/secret/watch storyline didn’t even make sense or come together... like I don’t get how any of that was connected. Only Ruby would make up something like that.

Also- wow Julie is growing up to be so pretty! I didn’t watch for a while and she is so cute even though she’s kind of at an awkward age. I’m not saying the other kids are ugly or anything but she is definitely the best looking one to me. Maybe they pick on her because they’re jealous lol

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by endof »

Ruby disgusts me to no limits! She thinks she can mind control all her children! Abby clearly told her more than once to not film her, but she does it anyway and at an anxious time for Abby! She excuses it away by reminding she vlogs the boring stuff too, basically passively aggressively telling her she will vlog her whenever she wants! She then goes on to mind control Abbey by telling her she has an attitude and that she needs to be filmed to inspire others! Abbey should have every right to decide for herself which part of herself she needs to sacrifice for others not her mom decide! If this is not psychological abuse I don’t know what is! Abbey picked Robin Hood Ruby pretends fake excitement then says to her that she is ‘thinking of buying it’ again controlling her! No Rubella she picked that book! She then further tells Abbey she posted an insta pic of her, to which Abbey embarrassed pointed out her teeth looked funny, to which Ruby doesn’t respond, you look beautiful but says yes because you sucked your thumb to further embarrass her on camera and again adds that Abbey HAS ATTITUDE! You are manipulating, embarrassing,psychologically damaging the child you idiot! Let alone exploiting it for money!
Ruby is an everyday brain f.... so sad for those kids!
She also acts like this well read person half the time she knows nothing of what she is on about!
I feel nervous for the kids having such an unstable mother!
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by ctx2002 »

Does Ruby still do all the editing for the vlogs? Surely she's noticed that Abby usually has standoffish body language when the camera is focused on her. When Ruby is filming her about something personal (i.e. not a fun/exciting moment), she almost always gives some variation of a tight lipped smile-and-nod routine. She clearly didn't want to be filmed at all while at school for the reading assessment. And duh Ruby, of course she didn't have an attitude four years ago. She's older now and catching onto your whole "Ruby, The Powerful Mother Director" act.

I don't think Ruby realizes the potential long-term damage all this vlogging is doing to some of her kids' development (or at least many years of pent up resentment), especially for Abby and Julie. The more reserved and sensitive middle girls are clearly not into having both the mundane and more personal moments of their lives filmed/shared with the world, and unfortunately they're both conflict avoidant and lack the assertiveness to really stand up to Ruby's little manipulations and controlling nature. I wouldn't be surprised if by the time Abby and Julie are both in high school, one of them finally explodes on Ruby and Kevin and tears them up verbally. :?

By the way, like another poster mentioned, I found it really odd that Shari didn't know what Kesley and her mom were laughing about in the recent LeRoy vlog, when Kesley was reading a comment on Instagram asking if her and Chad had done it yet (ick!). As in, she couldn't figure out what that question might be referring to. She may be a pretty intelligent kid, but boy does she lack in 'street smarts' sometimes. I think I forget sometimes how sheltered these kids have been growing up.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by LilaRose »

I don't think the Gizmo watch thing was staged.

Ruby mentioned before that Julie makes sure that she gets what she wants - which I see as a good thing in a family where the children's needs and wishes are constantly and consciously ignored.

The kids were always paid to do stuff around the house and now get 50 bucks for every A at school. I'm not surprised Julie has so much money. As Chad has pointed out, when they told him about being paid for As: they are always paid for stuff but not allowed to buy something with the money. So they probably all have a stack of cash in their rooms.

What I find so sick about Ruby's behavior is that she said: I'm not against the Gizmo watch, I just didn't buy it. If she and Kevin would be against their kids having a Gizmo watch, it would be their parenting choice. But knowing that it's your daughter's biggest birthday wish, not having something against it, but deliberately not buying it, is just plain cruel. What kind of person do you have to be to do something like that? I have a folder in my laptop where I write down gift ideas for my family. If they mention something they love or would really like to have during the year, I write it down, so that for birthdays/Christmas I have gifts that are thoughtful and really makes the person happy and feel appreciated.

In a family where the needs and wishes are deliberately ignored, the kids have basically two options: to give up any personal desires, as Abby does. She doesn't know what to wish for for Christmas and is even afraid to ask for something as necessary as school shoes. Now Ruby is worried that Abby will be taken advantage of, because she doesn't stick up for herself - a direct result of the way she is treated by her mother.
The other option for the kids is to be deceptive and sneaky, as Julie obviously seems to be. I actually think it's the healthier option, because she takes her own needs and desires seriously and doesn't sacrifice them to her mother's crazy control mania.

Chad plays up and vocally complains, but still surrenders to his mother's rule. I actually hope he learns from Julie's example and just gives his money to Kesley so she and her mother buy him those damn vans.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by indigo7 »

ctx2002 wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:03 am Does Ruby still do all the editing for the vlogs? Surely she's noticed that Abby usually has standoffish body language when the camera is focused on her. When Ruby is filming her about something personal (i.e. not a fun/exciting moment), she almost always gives some variation of a tight lipped smile-and-nod routine. She clearly didn't want to be filmed at all while at school for the reading assessment. And duh Ruby, of course she didn't have an attitude four years ago. She's older now and catching onto your whole "Ruby, The Powerful Mother Director" act.

I don't think Ruby realizes the potential long-term damage all this vlogging is doing to some of her kids' development (or at least many years of pent up resentment), especially for Abby and Julie. The more reserved and sensitive middle girls are clearly not into having both the mundane and more personal moments of their lives filmed/shared with the world, and unfortunately they're both conflict avoidant and lack the assertiveness to really stand up to Ruby's little manipulations and controlling nature. I wouldn't be surprised if by the time Abby and Julie are both in high school, one of them finally explodes on Ruby and Kevin and tears them up verbally. :?

By the way, like another poster mentioned, I found it really odd that Shari didn't know what Kesley and her mom were laughing about in the recent LeRoy vlog, when Kesley was reading a comment on Instagram asking if her and Chad had done it yet (ick!). As in, she couldn't figure out what that question might be referring to. She may be a pretty intelligent kid, but boy does she lack in 'street smarts' sometimes. I think I forget sometimes how sheltered these kids have been growing up.
This is coming from the girl who is "not naive," but was utterly confused as to why the shower in her Hawaii bathroom had two shower heads...not sheltered at all :roll: :roll:
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Elah_w »

Shari is the epitome of a teen that thinks they know it all. All teenagers are like that (to an extent) by nature because of the lack of life experience. But she really takes it to a whole other level of obnoxious. She’s smug just like Kevin.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Elah_w »

I just watched the new vlog and ugh sweet Nolly. When they were getting her into the van and she kind of fell on her butt, my heart broke. That must have hurt her back and hips. Kind of weird seeing Ruby talk about Nolly all of a sudden after neglecting her for years. She must’ve gotten a lot of comments about it or read here
I find some of the camera work Ruby does to be SO weird. For instance when they got to the vet, the camera is by the van and pointed at the entrance of the vet. We see Ruby and Eve walk in from across like half a parking lot. So she just leaves her camera set up in the parking lot, goes into the vet, and then turns around again to go grab her camera? And films herself napping later?? It’s just so weird and phony to me.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by mix10 »

I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes when she was getting the dog hair off of Eve’s coat with the tape and kept moaning about how “oh, only a mother would do this!” Then the next shot is her climbing into bed to take a nap. Wow Ruby, your life is SO hard. lol
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8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Elah_w »

mix10 wrote:I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes when she was getting the dog hair off of Eve’s coat with the tape and kept moaning about how “oh, only a mother would do this!” Then the next shot is her climbing into bed to take a nap. Wow Ruby, your life is SO hard. lol
I know right. I don’t know why she thinks getting fur off of a coat proves how much she loves her children. Does she think feeding and clothing them proves love as well?
I thought it was weird that they didn’t have a lint roller when they have a yellow lab (they shed a lot). I guess when you don’t interact with your dog regularly, you don’t really need one. Or Ruby is too dumb to know they exist.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by kates_crush »

Elah_w wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:06 pm I just watched the new vlog and ugh sweet Nolly. When they were getting her into the van and she kind of fell on her butt, my heart broke. That must have hurt her back and hips. Kind of weird seeing Ruby talk about Nolly all of a sudden after neglecting her for years. She must’ve gotten a lot of comments about it or read here Image
I find some of the camera work Ruby does to be SO weird. For instance when they got to the vet, the camera is by the van and pointed at the entrance of the vet. We see Ruby and Eve walk in from across like half a parking lot. So she just leaves her camera set up in the parking lot, goes into the vet, and then turns around again to go grab her camera? And films herself napping later?? It’s just so weird and phony to me.

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lol to actually see a vlogger vlog themselves throughout the day would be hilarious, many vloggers set the camera down on the say side of a walkway, walk back a bit, then walk past the camera, then walk back to get the camera, just for one shot. It's kind of ridiculous if you stop and think about it, but that's how vlogs are filmed. If they are shopping they set the camera up on a shelf in the aisle, grab their cart, walk back, walk past the camera (pretending to be looking at food) then they walk back to grab the camera, it's all quite weird if you think about it.
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by Tiger27 »

Paraphrasing Ruby on instastories “we really liked this movie but the swearing was just too much! There were two f-bombs! Why do all movies have to swear so much these days, it’s like they’re required to say the f-bomb at least once. We are always like this is so good we’re going to make the kids watch this and then the start swearing.“

And you wonder how these kids turn out so sheltered. Ruby you have bigger issues to deal with than your kids hearing some swear words in a movie. Teach them the words are inappropriate and not to say them and move on. They’re going to hear them from their peers in school and a million other places anyways.

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by ujvs_ »

Tiger27 wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 7:08 pm Paraphrasing Ruby on instastories “we really liked this movie but the swearing was just too much! There were two f-bombs! Why do all movies have to swear so much these days, it’s like they’re required to say the f-bomb at least once. We are always like this is so good we’re going to make the kids watch this and then the start swearing.“

And you wonder how these kids turn out so sheltered. Image Ruby you have bigger issues to deal with than your kids hearing some swear words in a movie. Teach them the words are inappropriate and not to say them and move on. They’re going to hear them from their peers in school and a million other places anyways.

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I know right! God forbid their sweet children hear swearing... #mothersarepowerful #fathersareinfluential. I haven’t seen the film but I know its set in the past based on a true story (?) focusing on racism in America (?). Surely they can understand that those words serve a purpose in the plot of the film, and swear words are so commonly used all over. I don’t think the producers are going to cater to the small group of people who’d rather hear ‘frick’ or ‘darn’ because those words sound silly. Anyway, it’s not a kids movie, and if you’re in your 40s/late 30s and have a problem with hearing profanity a couple times, well...
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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

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Re: 8 Passengers: Controlling Mothers aren’t powerful. Part #10

Unread post by HeyKatie »

So after all the secrets Julie’s watch wasn’t comparable so now they have to go back and buy one that’s 4G comparable.

And Ruby won’t get Chad a smartphone. And counter acted it with the only reason Shari got hers was because she has her own channel and needs it for her “job” so she can check stats and companies can call her.

Didn’t Chad used to have a smartphone and then went to a flip phone??

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