CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by IsaywhatIsee »

"We are just as shocked as you are!!" On her YouTube announcement. Oh Danielle, you're only fooling yourself if you think you're fooling others. I wonder how Matt really feels about this? He works 24/7 and he'll get no sleep now because she's too lazy to get up and feed the baby herself at night. I'm sure he's not real thrilled. Who will chauffeur dani around now? Her mom is sick, and Matts family doesn't do shit for her (and rightfully so because she's a terrible excuse for a wife/sahm, and they know he can do better) (I know they don't care for her) She won't get her license, she's too lazy and she'd be worried that adding $50 to their insurance is too much. This is all for attention. Her YouTube comeback failed and now she needs to reel in subbies. Having a baby for all the right reasons. That's mature.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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IsaywhatIsee wrote:"We are just as shocked as you are!!" On her YouTube announcement. Oh Danielle, you're only fooling yourself if you think you're fooling others. I wonder how Matt really feels about this? He works 24/7 and he'll get no sleep now because she's too lazy to get up and feed the baby herself at night. I'm sure he's not real thrilled. Who will chauffeur dani around now? Her mom is sick, and Matts family doesn't do shit for her (and rightfully so because she's a terrible excuse for a wife/sahm, and they know he can do better) (I know they don't care for her) She won't get her license, she's too lazy and she'd be worried that adding $50 to their insurance is too much. This is all for attention. Her YouTube comeback failed and now she needs to reel in subbies. Having a baby for all the right reasons. That's mature.
I've always had the feeling his family didn't care for her! I found it weird they got matching tattoos how long into their relationship? And talking about marriage within a week? Matt was just rushed into the whole thing by the sounds of it!

I'm curious of Joey's reaction to this! I don't image he's to thrilled. He's already pushed aside as is! The picture on her video, would have been nice to have included Joey not just Alice, he's going to be a big brother again, it's important to him too! Just another kid to push him aside even more!
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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Their relationship moved too fast, she's got him hook, line and sinker now. In the beginning when Matt met Danielle she worked had a purpose. Then she got used to a cozy life with him paying the bills and checked out again. He was tricked and manipulated. I think he wants to get away from her sometimes. She's so boring. He goes to fix his truck for hours or go out with the boys to go hunting or whatever. It's like he needs to get away.
Joey's going to resent this baby and his mother. Next thing you know this baby will have Joeys room and Joey will sleep on the couch. Wouldn't surprise me. I feel so bad for him.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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IsaywhatIsee wrote:Their relationship moved too fast, she's got him hook, line and sinker now. In the beginning when Matt met Danielle she worked had a purpose. Then she got used to a cozy life with him paying the bills and checked out again. He was tricked and manipulated. I think he wants to get away from her sometimes. She's so boring. He goes to fix his truck for hours or go out with the boys to go hunting or whatever. It's like he needs to get away.
Joey's going to resent this baby and his mother. Next thing you know this baby will have Joeys room and Joey will sleep on the couch. Wouldn't surprise me. I feel so bad for him.
She always said she couldn't work because of her heart issues! Which is a load of shit! My sister had heart surgery and guess what she worked before surgery and worked after surgery! Danielle just has a new excuse every time as to why she can't work. I can't imagine how this is going to rock their world. Alice was such a horrible sleeper for what 3 years? Now she's grown up in a routine and overall much better, they have their lives/evenings back. And now they are back at square one. I can remember Matt always having a tough time with Alice not sleeping and it would make him exhausted for work! Shits going to get real fun for them now!
And how perfectly planned time wise. A new baby for right when Alice is off to school! Assuming that kid gets potty trained and can go!
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by Metalheadmama666 »

Why is it such a big deal she works? Unless they can't afford her to be home why is it so bad she's not working? I've been watching DanI for a long time. I never once heard her say Matt wants her working. Maybe I missed something.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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[quote="Metalheadmama666"]Why is it such a big deal she works? Unless they can't afford her to be home why is it so bad she's not working? I've been watching DanI for a long time. I never once heard her say Matt wants her working. Maybe I missed something.[/quote]

She's far from a successful stay at home mom. I have no problem with stay at home moms, but they have to contribute to the well being of their children and make home life easier. How does she do that? She's never put Alice in play groups to build her social skills, she can't even get groceries for her family during the day and run simple errands, pay bills, or take Alice out to events. I've never seen her do a craft with her either. Walking around the block or to the park (with no play equipment) is hardly beneficial. She stays home watches YouTube and Netflix, Alice plays on the iPad and she makes supper. Whoppie. That's it. I'm sure Matt doesn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her she needs to work. The man works his ass off, far more than he'd have to if she could contribute by working even a few hours. There's nothing wrong with her heart if she can run like she does during her health videos. She chooses to use that as an excuse.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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makes sense.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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Metalheadmama666 wrote:Why is it such a big deal she works? Unless they can't afford her to be home why is it so bad she's not working? I've been watching DanI for a long time. I never once heard her say Matt wants her working. Maybe I missed something.
That's the thing, they CAN'T afford for her to be home! That's the problem! They are so financially unstable! They can't afford the basics of anything without needing help from their family-well her parents by the sounds of it! Matt gets paid, they get groceries and they have no money left! Their house is SO small it barely fits them, now they add another baby, but she has even said they can't afford anything more then $700/month for rent.

All along the plan was once Alice was in school she was going to work part time retail or something to help out a bit because they struggle financially!

I have no issues with being a stay at home parent, I think it's amazing for kids if they can have a parent stay home with them. But the problem with her is she does NOTHING with Alice to prepare her for her future! She just assumes that's the job of the teacher and doesn't need to work on anything at home with Alice. She should be doing crafts, activities, colouring, counting, shapes, etc. She doesn't know any of these basics for kindergarten! She can't even supply her family with food, meaning going to the store to get it! Isn't that the point of a stay at home parent, to take care of the HOME, other then cleaning Matt has to take care of groceries, etc! And with him working all these 14 hour days I bet the last thing he wants to do is rush home and have to go out and get food because his wife cant!

Things are going to be so messed up when that baby comes along. I can't wait to sit back and watch it all crumble! I feel like Matt is to good of a man and father, he would never leave her because what would she do? She has no education, a bunch of kids now, no place to live. He most likely feels obligated to stay!
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by Metalheadmama666 »

Wow I sure didnt know all that.

I don't work or drive right now. Have my learners just need to get more practise in. We grocery shop on my s/os days off. I meal plan to make Food last so we only go once a week. It works for us. Maybe that's how she thinks? I'm not defending her because really learning to drive is very importnant.

I would kill to have rent be only 700 a month! We pay 1000 and that's a tiny little place lol.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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Metalheadmama666 wrote:Wow I sure didnt know all that.

I don't work or drive right now. Have my learners just need to get more practise in. We grocery shop on my s/os days off. I meal plan to make Food last so we only go once a week. It works for us. Maybe that's how she thinks? I'm not defending her because really learning to drive is very importnant.

I would kill to have rent be only 700 a month! We pay 1000 and that's a tiny little place lol.
At least you have a learners. That's more then she can say for herself.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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I got it 4 years ago lol!!! I'm horrible. But I also have bad driving anxiety
trying to get over it. my oldest needs a ride to preschool. Actually he's working on drawing his 2s and 3s lol. I'm so nervous he will be Behind
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by ladybug »

How does someone make it to their 30s without getting a drivers license?? I couldn't survive as a SAHM without one, between school drop off/pick up, soccer practices, and everything else that just ONE child requires.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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I honestly think it Would be pretty hard unless you want to walk every where.
She probably relies on family close by or friends
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by gurumama »

Metalheadmama666 wrote:I honestly think it Would be pretty hard unless you want to walk every where.
She probably relies on family close by or friends
Her mom used to drive her everywhere, except now she's not doing well and had back surgery so she can't expect her to do that anymore. Her dad works full time and from my understanding Matt's family doesn't like her enough to drive her everywhere she needs to go! Hence why she just sits at home all day. Although way back in this thread did her or Matt not come on here saying it's a small enough town you can walk everywhere? And that she doesn't drive because she loves walking outside...........................still not an excuse to not drive if you ask me, or at least have your license in case God forbid something happens to Matt one day then she can at least take care of herself!
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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My grandma never drove. She was scared. She is 84. My mom took her grocery shopping every Friday until my grandpa retired.

I'd be lost if I didn't drive. I take my kids to everything. My husband works long hours.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

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My hope is with this new baby on the way and Matt's new job it might be the push she needs to kick her life in gear...................................................or so I hope! <3
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by Jamiecrickets »

Having a license isn't a huge deal IF you can travel by foot or public transit to things. But that's just my opinion since well I only have my learners and don't plan on getting my full license for another few years. Everything is literally within walking distance or on a bus root, which comes ever 15 minutes. I can walk to get groceries, take my kids to their programs/play groups, to and from school and even to the doctors if need be. A lot of Mom's don't drive or they do, but refuse to in our area. Why when everything you can walk to? But perhaps it's a different life style here. Anyways, with Dani, I think she is really just too lazy. And even if she did have her license I really doubt she would be doing the typical sahm thing and taking her kids to play groups, grocery shopping until she really has to. She just seems to not have the drive(no pun intended) to really go out and socialize or doing anything with her kids, because it either involves money which they can't afford or she doesn't want to socialize herself. And if what some are saying is true about the parents that are not a good influence because of drugs or such, well then move! But then again wasn't Joey in soccer? Why can't Alice be in anything either?
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by IsaywhatIsee »

So even if she did get her license, she still wouldn't go out and get groceries and run errands. She has a problem with her social skills, social anxiety. She needs help for it. It's not normal to seclude her child because she has issues and doesn't want to interact with the public. Look at her vlogs, park, walk on empty street, visit mommy and daddy, and the cabin. When she does go out in public it has to be with Matt for security. She's got big issues with that and her confidence. Even if it is a small town, and she can walk by foot to do xyz, she doesn't. So her having her license wouldn't change a thing.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by IsaywhatIsee »

Saying her town is full of druggies is also another excuse. When was the last time you seen a cokehead at a playgroup with their child? I call bullshit. They're in every town, unless you're in a crew that associates with them, you're not going to be around them. Good and bad are everywhere. You can't live in a box because of that. The reason Joey was in soccer is because his dad pays for it. Alice and this baby will grow up with necessities only because they have no extra money. That's borderline negligence to a child's development.
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Re: CrazyCoolShorty (Dani) Part 1

Unread post by ladybug »

^^^ social anxiety is a very real thing and I get the vibe like you are making fun of her for it.
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