Brianna K | Part 2

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by yeahsureok »

I could never imagine dropping my kid off at preschool, surrounded by a bunch of other moms and in a “Boss Mom” anything. That screams asshole, right? Lol. Like if I saw someone in that I would think they were overly confident and probably a douche. I could be stereotyping 😂 but idk....🤷‍♀️
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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by ActualWorkingMom »

yeahsureok wrote:I could never imagine dropping my kid off at preschool, surrounded by a bunch of other moms and in a “Boss Mom” anything. That screams asshole, right? Lol. Like if I saw someone in that I would think they were overly confident and probably a douche. I could be stereotyping Image but idk....Image
I’d think they were going to try to sell me some garbage MLM crap and would avoid at all costs.

Women who call themselves “boss” anything are rarely actually bosses.

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by yeahsureok »

ActualWorkingMom wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2019 6:10 am
yeahsureok wrote:I could never imagine dropping my kid off at preschool, surrounded by a bunch of other moms and in a “Boss Mom” anything. That screams asshole, right? Lol. Like if I saw someone in that I would think they were overly confident and probably a douche. I could be stereotyping Image but idk....Image
I’d think they were going to try to sell me some garbage MLM crap and would avoid at all costs.

Women who call themselves “boss” anything are rarely actually bosses.

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For sure! If you broadcast it on your body that you’re a boss mom, chances are you’re not a boss mom.

Did anyone else think Tiff and Myka seemed annoyed with Bri at the tea? And did they get scolded outside the Ritz for basically being American touristy vloggers blocking the entrance to an upscale hotel? 🙄🤮
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Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by geewhiz »

I just watched Bri’s “What I Ate Wednesday” with her recycled London footage. What a fuckin’ immature weirdo.

First we have Blackout Bri complaining about the breakfast portion to Jonathan who is graciously hosting and serving her breakfast in his home. I know BB likes to save all of her daily calories for her wine, but keep that to yourself next time, Bri.

Funny how every service person in London was making fun of these ditzes. The cab driver called them The Real Housewives of OC because they were acting so batty and dumb. Bri was having a temper tantrum because she couldn’t get her dad a photo in front of Big Ben. She acted like it was his dying wish or something, when in reality he probably just made a passing comment like, “Have fun! Say hi to Big Ben for me.” Her Dad isn’t actually going to care whether she did or not. And of course, the second things don’t go her way, “I hope they have wine at the tea!”

Love that they were late for their reservation at the Ritz and then proceeded to take video outside about how funny Yeaston is for taking a pumping picture on the bridge, making everyone late in the first place. The Ritz staff was clearly annoyed by their entitlement and lack of urgency. Thanks for making Americans look stupid and rude, girls!

Yeaston looked like she was going to have a coronary at the peep show themed restaurant. Do these women ever get out of the house? Tiffani was acting like a teenager who found a book on the Karma Sutra for the first time. Guess it’s safe to say she and Chris Scampi have a boring ass vanilla sex life by how offended she seemed by the art on the walls.

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by makeupjunkie91 »

Tpdcmm wrote:
Influencer wrote:
QueenMaleficent wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've seen, Brianna shows that she pours herself a glass of wine to take up to the bathtub AFTER the kids are in bed. It always seems to be AFTER. There is nothing neglectful that needs to be reported or on alert with Youtube. She doesn't drink in front of the kids and show herself as a sloppy drunk while the kids mill around her as she's passed out. She's not driving drunk with them in the car. Same goes for her husband, although to be fair, we don't know how he is doing the day when she's there unless we see him on camera. Those kids are well taken care of compared to kids out there with cracked out parents who are high and passed out for days on end. Let's not even go there with any of these girls as none of them are horrific to their children. I thought we were here for some snark, not life changing charges. I get that some on here have a massive bone to pick with a lot of these ladies and want to see them go down in flames, but ruining lives over what is only a perception of what goes on behind the scenes is just uncalled for and mean spirited.

Don't count me in on trying to bring any of these ladies down with any type of authority. I want no part of any of it.
Did you read my text? I simply asked if youtube had to report them?? And could their videos be used against them?? All of us on this thread have accused Bri and Adam of questionable life choices including Apothic and pain/ muscle relaxers.
Bri has made many IG stories where she is with her children alone and completely slurring her speech. Her trip to Disney with Tara, Bri and Adam were drunk, they recorded it. You can go back a few chapters and see where it is discussed. If you’d rather see for your self it’s at the end of the video it’s Tara and Bri at Disney with Tara and Tara’s Adam. Bri also pushed her young son to kiss Baylee on the lips, which caused Tara to back away from Bri. Tara thought that’s was inappropriate, and Tara husband had huge attitude towards Bri and her husband. That doesn’t just happen for nothing. Besides the fact that Tara is in recovery herself, she had to think about her choices and that also says something was shady about Bri.
I think it happens to be a good thing to have a conversation about. After all it is their life that they are putting on display. You have to have noticed that her fan base is younger girls 16-24. They whole heartedly trust EVERYTHING Bri says.
I never ever claimed to be bringing any authority into their situation. I simply asked a question for clarification. I’m sorry you feel the way you do. Feel free to block me from your thread. It’s pretty easy. It is kind of hypocritical to be able to voice you thoughts and opinions and be allowed to, but no one else gets to voice their thoughts. I am not one for thinking anyone it freer than another to voice their thoughts. But again sorry you don’t like what my question was. I agree to disagree and I will not tell anyone that they cannot have a voice.
It’s not “no one else gets to voice their thoughts”....I’m pretty sure YOU are the only person that consistently takes things too far in these threads.

Any law students, lawyers, or law junkies in this thread? What do y’all think about some lunatic woman who sits on gossip threads all day threatening to get people’s children taken away and writing harassing messages to these women that she is clearly obsessed with???

Smh. Image

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Wow. You just became my best friend.

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by tribeoffive »

Now she's doing Anna's workout on IGTV wearing her hair the same way Anna wears hers... Clip holding the front and in a pony... WTF is wrong with this girl...
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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by Graysky33 »

Is this Tara's white dress from the babymoon? Lol[IMG]// ... aec7c0.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by Mommy0912 »

Graysky33 wrote:Is this Tara's white dress from the babymoon? Lol[IMG]// ... aec7c0.jpg[/IMG]

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Yes!!! Lol if you listen she just has to add she bought that dress before they went to Disney. I doubt that

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by QueenMaleficent »

tribeoffive wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:02 pm Now she's doing Anna's workout on IGTV wearing her hair the same way Anna wears hers... Clip holding the front and in a pony... WTF is wrong with this girl...
She just can't help herself but be inspired by all things Anna, LOL. I'd be more impressed if she was the one coming out with workout routines, morning routines, etc., but I see what she's doing with aligning herself with Anna and now Anna's fitness guru. You have to hand it to her, she knows which avenues to take to get noticed and run with the big dogs.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by snagglesnoogle »

QueenMaleficent wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:02 pm
Influencer wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2019 1:11 pm It’s actually 100.00$ to buy 10,000. Followers on IG. I’m curious just how many times she’s added to her follower count for IG??
And that outfit smh Image no just no. She’s been catching up on here she mentioned that land o lakes is having speech therapy today and that he’s improved so much since fall. I can’t hear improvement. But whatever.

I wonder if YouTube has to report the YT’s to authorities if they’ve all been informed about the child abuse issues and they have t adjusted there content or taken the change seriously because the loss of revenue.
It’s not against the law to Drink, it is very frowned upon to be encouraging her followers who are under 21 with the constant pics and vids and comments and actual slurring and displaying intoxicating behavior. So much so there are laws to avoid such behavior. It is considered child neglect to be drinking every night like she does and if Adam is under the influence there isn’t a guardian present! So in my state you can get your children taken into social services until you become sober and go thru classes to get them back with you. The reason I mention this is because video doesn’t lie and can and will be used against you.
Any law students, lawyers or law junkies in this group? Would love to hear you thoughts Image
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've seen, Brianna shows that she pours herself a glass of wine to take up to the bathtub AFTER the kids are in bed. It always seems to be AFTER. There is nothing neglectful that needs to be reported or on alert with Youtube. She doesn't drink in front of the kids and show herself as a sloppy drunk while the kids mill around her as she's passed out. She's not driving drunk with them in the car. Same goes for her husband, although to be fair, we don't know how he is doing the day when she's there unless we see him on camera. Those kids are well taken care of compared to kids out there with cracked out parents who are high and passed out for days on end. Let's not even go there with any of these girls as none of them are horrific to their children. I thought we were here for some snark, not life changing charges. I get that some on here have a massive bone to pick with a lot of these ladies and want to see them go down in flames, but ruining lives over what is only a perception of what goes on behind the scenes is just uncalled for and mean spirited.

Don't count me in on trying to bring any of these ladies down with any type of authority. I want no part of any of it.
I was about to write the same thing, I am not a fan of Bri's but her children are not neglect - not in the sense that CPS would ever get involved. I am not a law student but am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Child neglect is failure to meet your child's basic needs, healthcare, food, supervision, etc. Bri seems to tend or have someone else tend to her children. You are allowed to drink alcohol in front of your children, as long as you aren't abusive and there needs are being met. Do I think she is the all time best mom of the world? No. But i would rather CPS focus on children who are locked in cages, malnourished, physically/sexual abused, etc. Of course all we see is what is posted on YouTube but this would be a waste of government resources and would take away from other children who are really truly being abused and neglected. I would imagine that if YouTube is informed of any type of abuse they would be obligated to report it IF they determined if really is abusive, then CPS would look and decide if they believe it was abusive or not and either open an investigation or just close the case without doing anything.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by snagglesnoogle »

QueenMaleficent wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:02 pm
Influencer wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2019 1:11 pm It’s actually 100.00$ to buy 10,000. Followers on IG. I’m curious just how many times she’s added to her follower count for IG??
And that outfit smh Image no just no. She’s been catching up on here she mentioned that land o lakes is having speech therapy today and that he’s improved so much since fall. I can’t hear improvement. But whatever.

I wonder if YouTube has to report the YT’s to authorities if they’ve all been informed about the child abuse issues and they have t adjusted there content or taken the change seriously because the loss of revenue.
It’s not against the law to Drink, it is very frowned upon to be encouraging her followers who are under 21 with the constant pics and vids and comments and actual slurring and displaying intoxicating behavior. So much so there are laws to avoid such behavior. It is considered child neglect to be drinking every night like she does and if Adam is under the influence there isn’t a guardian present! So in my state you can get your children taken into social services until you become sober and go thru classes to get them back with you. The reason I mention this is because video doesn’t lie and can and will be used against you.
Any law students, lawyers or law junkies in this group? Would love to hear you thoughts Image
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've seen, Brianna shows that she pours herself a glass of wine to take up to the bathtub AFTER the kids are in bed. It always seems to be AFTER. There is nothing neglectful that needs to be reported or on alert with Youtube. She doesn't drink in front of the kids and show herself as a sloppy drunk while the kids mill around her as she's passed out. She's not driving drunk with them in the car. Same goes for her husband, although to be fair, we don't know how he is doing the day when she's there unless we see him on camera. Those kids are well taken care of compared to kids out there with cracked out parents who are high and passed out for days on end. Let's not even go there with any of these girls as none of them are horrific to their children. I thought we were here for some snark, not life changing charges. I get that some on here have a massive bone to pick with a lot of these ladies and want to see them go down in flames, but ruining lives over what is only a perception of what goes on behind the scenes is just uncalled for and mean spirited.

Don't count me in on trying to bring any of these ladies down with any type of authority. I want no part of any of it.
Last edited by snagglesnoogle on Wed Mar 20, 2019 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by Influencer »

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by Daffodil82 »

I don't think I've ever posted any compliments about Bringing since the begining of these 70 threads, so I can give her a few...

The blue shorts on her insta stories are super cute and her legs look good in them. I think her Anna Saccone copy cat workout video on insta was good. Ok enough compliments!

HOWEVER the pink flamingo dress looks like a curtain. Try again cause that isn't it.
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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by jazieg »

Influencer wrote:I’ll leave this here. [IMG]// ... b463be.jpg[/IMG][IMG]// ... 8b6d95.jpg[/IMG]
That’s allImage
First off you post this with A FUKING SMILEY FACE! Like see I'M RIGHT ABOUT THESE MOMS... How sick are you???

We have NO Indication any of these Mom's here are spraying Pepper Spray on their babies genitals, forcing ice baths, locking them in closets and all the other disgusting things that were done.

Tuff, your 50+ so why in the hell are you so obsessed with young woman who could be your daughter??? Plus obsessed with interfering in their real lives.

You are a Sick Woman

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by BobbiB6606 »

I'm just shocked she was willing to screw up the aesthetic of her feed with these last two posts.
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Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by Anastasia2468 »

ActualWorkingMom wrote:
yeahsureok wrote:I could never imagine dropping my kid off at preschool, surrounded by a bunch of other moms and in a “Boss Mom” anything. That screams asshole, right? Lol. Like if I saw someone in that I would think they were overly confident and probably a douche. I could be stereotyping Image but idk....Image
I’d think they were going to try to sell me some garbage MLM crap and would avoid at all costs.

Women who call themselves “boss” anything are rarely actually bosses.

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Omg yes I’m sooo over the mlm crap already lol Image

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by Buckeyebaby »

tribeoffive wrote:Now she's doing Anna's workout on IGTV wearing her hair the same way Anna wears hers... Clip holding the front and in a pony... WTF is wrong with this girl...
And who the hell wears dangley earrings to workout Image

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by ActualWorkingMom »

Buckeyebaby wrote:
tribeoffive wrote:Now she's doing Anna's workout on IGTV wearing her hair the same way Anna wears hers... Clip holding the front and in a pony... WTF is wrong with this girl...
And who the hell wears dangley earrings to workout Image

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The same woman who wears fuzzy slippers (until she can no longer affiliate link them) and VS pajama pants while drinking coffee.

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by mssqueen233 »

NooooImageImage[IMG]// ... 6f8704.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: Brianna K | Part 2

Unread post by geewhiz »

mssqueen233 wrote:NooooImageImage[IMG]// ... 6f8704.jpg[/IMG]

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Hahaha I thought those were her Spanx peaking through, but apparently the shorts are built into the pants. Hideous! Image

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