Well, I'm from a long line of people who have done this so it certainly is not a new concept. My grandma learned it from her family. They moved here to the U.S. from Germany in the 40's. We always got one small gift on our sibling's birthday. We opened it after they were done with all of theirs. I have the most non spoiled, polite, and well behaved children. My own siblings beg me to teach them how to get their children to behave like mine and strangers stop us constantly to comment on them. So...Playsinrain wrote:I was just poking around online and found a study that was conducted in 2014 that said that out of 2000 parents polled 45% of them bought sibling presents for another child's birthday.. FORTY FIVE PERCENT!!! I'm shocked, no wonder we are growing up in a society of spoiled ass children.
The majority of parents aren't like B&M and the majority of children are not like Ollie. Every generation calls the generation beneath them spoiled. Kids today are not any more spoiled. They are poorly parented by parents who can't get their face away from their iPhone long enough to do their damn job.