First and foremost thank you SISsies for all of your kind words. You have to be the sweetest bunch of “haters” that I’ve come across
. Seriously though thank you for giving my spirits a boost.
I’ve finally caught up here but am yet to check out the Instagram page and the YouTube channel. As far as my thoughts go in relation to the statement I’m in two minds......
Initially my thoughts were that they are getting on the front foot in a PR sense ahead of more serious allegations or actions that are yet to be made public. As we all firmly believe, based on what we’ve seen, this is not a one off. There have been incidents dating back years. It doesn’t make sense that this time it’s evoked not just a response but a significant reaction including the closing of his account and the published statement. That was the basis that led me to think there must be more that is yet to be made public.
In my opinion the statement was written by or with the guidance of somebody else - lawyer, PR, family etc. At the same time I can’t help but think any half decent lawyer or PR person wouldn’t ok a public statement like that. He doesn’t make a full and unreserved admission but he does admit to wrongdoing. It skates close enough to thin ice to cause issues if there is something like an open case with authorities that he’s dealing with.
So that’s what leads me to my alternative possibility. I’m wondering whether the likes of say their church have stepped in and they’re advising him. Put a temporary hold on all social media. Issue an “apology” statement but, as one of our eagle eyed SISsies pointed out, do so only on one platform so it’s seen by a more restrictive audience. Play the pity card of the wife and children not feeling safe. Take an opportunity to throw out the threat of legal action to scare off potential victims and/or commenters. Get yourself some counselling. Lay low until things subside before making a quiet return to social media, ideally in the midst of the next online scandal. Hey presto the issue is swept under the carpet and they return as if nothing ever happened. Please don’t think I’m disparaging the church because if they are advising him then they can only go on what they know and I highly doubt they would take the time to do a deep dive to see if there’s more than what they know.
As much as I hate the thought of how many young girls have been impacted I hope to Hod that it’s the first theory and not the second. I also noticed that he apologised to his loved ones but when it came to an apology for those on the other side of the screen who have also been directly and deeply impacted by his actions it was crickets.