Bonnie doesn't seem to care too much about criticism. She's not a new mother, she knows what she's doing.usmelllikesnow wrote:
How is she going to deal with the Babywise criticism?
Honestly, if I were her I'd ignore it. She's done Babywise with her other children and they all seem healthy and well adjusted. This is coming from someone who basically did the opposite of Babywise, by the way. To each their own.
I will agree that safety wise, she's very (maybe too) laid back. But I also don't think some of the things she does are as bad as others here think. My son has been jumping from the swing to the trampoline since he was about 5. I think it's healthy to let kids take risks (within reason). All of the injuries my kids have had were simple things like bumping into a corner of a wall, or falling backwards off their chair. Never on any of the supposedly risky things.