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BumblebeeBubbles wrote:These girls own everything and yet own nothing. Why do they insist on buying four of everything? Do they really need four nativity sets? Is that easier than teaching kids to share? And despite having four of everything in the house, the girls own nothing of their own. Well, heavy Ebbie does. She owns everything. “Ebbie’s turn.”
Tomorrow Ebbie will own four baby Jesus’s from the nativity sets. LOL
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I thought that when they had the four Cosy Coupes out a couple of weeks ago. There is absolutely no need for four of them for four children. Two of them and two push along bikes would be fine and then you teach them to share.
I wonder if they get a trampoline if they will have to get four of them. Probably only if other people send them. But they are so ridiculous that I could see them being so stupid.
Where are my other Aussie friends? Obviously having a more exciting Saturday night than I am!
It really annoys me the quotes they put up . Not everything works out for everyone
I’ve been a palliative care nurse and have seen many people die alone and haven’t had a happy life.
They think they are immune to anything bad happening ever again I really hope they never experience real grief
1) the girls are in a 3T but they are growing fast
2) they still have the same P.O. box if you want to send a Christmas card. He wants to display them but he hasn’t figured out/decided how he is going to do it yet.
Poor Indie was crying in the background. Supposedly Assley was consoling her, I doubt it. I’m sure she was in her caged crib crying to get out. He mentioned she had been naughty that day. I’m thinking she is naughty because YOU have never bothered to teach her how to behave or she is naughty because SHE is probably defending herself from Scarlet and Evie because YOU and ASSLEY don’t.
Last edited by WheredoIbegin on Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
My friends little girl 18 months who was a twin died from leukaemia in 8 weeks out of now where just last month . How will anything we ok for them again . Grrrrrr Its so unfair
Aussiegal2017 wrote:It really annoys me the quotes they put up . Not everything works out for everyone
I’ve been a palliative care nurse and have seen many people die alone and haven’t had a happy life.
They think they are immune to anything bad happening ever again I really hope they never experience real grief
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But they will experience grief at some point. We all do. Are narcissists capable of grieving?
Aussiegal2017 wrote:My friends little girl 18 months who was a twin died from leukaemia in 8 weeks out of now where just last month . How will anything we ok for them again . Grrrrrr Its so unfair
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Oh that is just so heartbreaking.
I wonder if part of this is their faith, I'm a Christian and that idea of things being God's will seems to comfort a lot of people or make them look through rose coloured glasses. Not that people don't grieve but there seems to be an acceptance of it. I struggle with that personally.
Aussiegal2017 wrote:It really annoys me the quotes they put up . Not everything works out for everyone
I’ve been a palliative care nurse and have seen many people die alone and haven’t had a happy life.
They think they are immune to anything bad happening ever again I really hope they never experience real grief
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But they will experience grief at some point. We all do. Are narcissists capable of grieving?
Good question. Narcissists are troubling and fascinating.
Do you think this culture of selfies and vlogging is increasing the amount of narcissists or do they all just have a platform now?
One lie I noted from the live feed: Someone commented that they saw the Gardners craigslist post for their couch and was wondering if it was still for sale. Tyson replied back that the couch was in the basement to use in the makeshift playroom. We shall see if the couch is really there when they film the girls running around barefoot on the cold cement.
BumblebeeBubbles wrote:These girls own everything and yet own nothing. Why do they insist on buying four of everything? Do they really need four nativity sets? Is that easier than teaching kids to share? And despite having four of everything in the house, the girls own nothing of their own. Well, heavy Ebbie does. She owns everything. “Ebbie’s turn.”
Tomorrow Ebbie will own four baby Jesus’s from the nativity sets. LOL
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I thought that when they had the four Cosy Coupes out a couple of weeks ago. There is absolutely no need for four of them for four children. Two of them and two push along bikes would be fine and then you teach them to share.
I wonder if they get a trampoline if they will have to get four of them. Probably only if other people send them. But they are so ridiculous that I could see them being so stupid.
Where are my other Aussie friends? Obviously having a more exciting Saturday night than I am!
Babysitting my Grandkids. I’m shattered lol. It’s exhausting after working a full time week but I’ve had a ball. Kids are now sleeping and I attempted to watch Tyass live feed but it put me to sleep. Just still can’t get over that they think they are going to put those kids in the basement to play. Idiots. They are in for a lot of rude shocks and I can see them coming fast and furious very soon.
It’s got to be freezing down there not finished: I don’t they thought of the girls once when designing the house just wrapped up in what ass and Tyler wanted and nothing else .
Aussiegal2017 wrote:My friends little girl 18 months who was a twin died from leukaemia in 8 weeks out of now where just last month . How will anything we ok for them again . Grrrrrr Its so unfair
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Oh that is just so heartbreaking.
I wonder if part of this is their faith, I'm a Christian and that idea of things being God's will seems to comfort a lot of people or make them look through rose coloured glasses. Not that people don't grieve but there seems to be an acceptance of it. I struggle with that personally.
Her twin brother doesn’t understand that she’s gone it’s so so awful . Keeps asking for her .
Yeah it’s god wills and they needed another angel in heaven really I don’t get but then I’m not very religious at all
Did you see he couldn’t name one charity when someone asked for one on the feed to donate too. He was like NICU and infertilty but not a name of the actual charity then he said something about the girls giving out light as being a charity
Aussiegal2017 wrote:My friends little girl 18 months who was a twin died from leukaemia in 8 weeks out of now where just last month . How will anything we ok for them again . Grrrrrr Its so unfair
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh that is just so heartbreaking.
I wonder if part of this is their faith, I'm a Christian and that idea of things being God's will seems to comfort a lot of people or make them look through rose coloured glasses. Not that people don't grieve but there seems to be an acceptance of it. I struggle with that personally.
Her twin brother doesn’t understand that she’s gone it’s so so awful . Keeps asking for her .
Yeah it’s god wills and they needed another angel in heaven really I don’t get but then I’m not very religious at all
Did you see he couldn’t name one charity when someone asked for one on the feed to donate too. He was like NICU and infertilty but not a name of the actual charity then he said something about the girls giving out light as being a charity
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Oh that has got to be so difficult. I don't think trite statements like God's will is helpful at all, I think often they are used to make the person saying it feel better rather than acknowledging the pain of the person that is grieving.
Because a link to a Bingham vlog popped up I watched it because I'm so sick of the Greedners. So I have questions even tho I know this isn't their page.
Where is older daughter Madi? Is she a kid of only one of them? How old is younest boy? Shouldn't he be in school, he looks big enough? Hazy definitely doesn't like the FF, she ignored them at the dance studio. She is way smarter than FF and way more personable although that ugly cry she did when her brother didn't kiss her good bye was annoying! But they really are loving and good kids. I shop a Sam's club which is 2 miles away. Recently a Costco opened up about 12 miles away but I have n o desire to switch although I know many that are. But I noticed watching the Bingham's blog how much alike sams and Costco are even have same tables to eat at, 2 in 1 pizza slices etc. Love to eat at sams too. Cheap deals with pop. And all beef Nathan hot dogs. Love that the binghams are so much more appreciative to their followers for the gifts, although don't understand people sending stuff to strangers. Sorry sissies, but Brandon's hyperness just gets on my nerves, was glad mindy did majority of blog.
So back to bison, what kind of parent asks their kid which parent they like better? He is such a dumbass, horrible parent and I can't stand looking at his butt ugly shaggy hair and awful beard. And no we didn't need to know your fav hand lotion which you probably used to provide your genetic material to the FF. Smdh.
I would bet that both T&A names will be on house paperwork. If you're married and it's community property state. Hubs and I each had houses when we met and married. When we sold his, my name was on the check for the sale and I signed closing paperwork in though I wasn't on deed etc.
As a parent I would be so pissed if someone was filming me and my kids. I wonder how long that will last until dance studio says something. My kid was in gymnastics and after a while I didn't even watch her. Couldn't stand being around the noisy siblinGS waiting with the moms and I wanted my own time in peace. I would wait in the car! My kid didn't care if I watched. And she took one candy, maybe 2 if teacher allowed it but 2nd one she gave to her sister! Unlike the grabby pigs. How can dumb and dumber not realize how unliked their girls will be by kids and adults if they don't teach them manners? When and if they ever allow them to go to school, they are in for a rude awakening. And no I don't think they will home school because that takes work! Fatass will have to get off the couch.
Thanks to all especially polly for posting pictures on here. I don't do the tap talk thing so I see none of those when they are posted. And I don't do snap chat or greedners ig. I can only handle so much! What the hell was the picture of fatass with the weird glasses and loves girlsies. He posted that on SC? Not understanding.
I recently got on IG only to see Busbys whom I love. Those girls are shown each holding their own lovey item, like blanket stuffed animal etc. Those parents don't talk the entire time of blog and let girls do their thing! Their followers are not creepy!
skipperpt wrote:One lie I noted from the live feed: Someone commented that they saw the Gardners craigslist post for their couch and was wondering if it was still for sale. Tyson replied back that the couch was in the basement to use in the makeshift playroom. We shall see if the couch is really there when they film the girls running around barefoot on the cold cement.
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They will have to have a couch or 2 down there. When the girls get banished there to play, at least on of the babysitters will need to be down there and you know they have to lounge their lazy asses somewhere.
New v'log Dec 1 Starts off with "What did you get from the doctor? Gucky So the girls are not sick, do you think they went for their 3 year checkup? Strange how nothing was said and the most important part was a sucker.
I wonder when Evie and Scarlett are in a size 12 and Esme and Indie are in a size 6 if they are still going to make the smaller girls wear the same size as the larger ones because it is EASIER
At Target of course it was Evie who opened a big bag of peanut M&M's and neither parent had enough balls to take them away from her. They bought the girls NAY-tiV-i-tee's After telling Evie (I think) angel, the rest was daddy angel, a wise man was a mama angel and so on. Scarlett did pretty well as did Indie and Esme and of course no one said, you are doing good this is the wise man etc you can tell by their.......... Quote of the day, "We are definitely thankful for our children, the have completely changed our lives" Yep you have EVERYTHING you have on the backs of your girls. Just remember Greedners, the higher you climb the further you have to fall and its coming. Enjoy it now.