TheStyleDiet/LeFloofTV - Part 24

violet blue 2 U
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

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ms.peony wrote:
violet blue 2 U wrote:
You didn't offend me at all Sally. Its all good. Think of it this way...That we love your country as well isn't a bad thing. It might be that many people who immigrated felt they had no choice at the time because of economics and opportunity. Really not sure? You are Irish right? If your family ever moved do you think they would ever let you forget it? lol Its the same for us here. <3
Yea … my family immigrated to the US because of communism; they wanted a better life (at the time; it's different now).
I know. Its sad isn't it? Things are changing fast and many people are leaving. I have been thinking about it myself.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

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proudmama wrote:
Suntropics wrote:
proudmama wrote:I was looking at Anna's WIAW posts and calculating the calories. It looks like she's only consuming around 1,000 calories a day. Breastfeeding moms need, at the absolute minimum, 1500 calories per day but preferably around 1,800 to 2,000. Possibly even more for some moms who exercise regularly. Although since Anna is rather sedentary, 1500-1800 would probably be sufficient. I don't know how she can eat so little while breastfeeding. I know many nursing moms, including myself, get hungry quickly since breastfeeding burns a lot of calories and uses up a lot of the body's nutrients. She's not doing Emilia any favors by eating so little.
Well if she ate right, she wouldn't be able to brag about being smaller now than she was pre-pregnancy. :roll:
Remember her waist was 23" before pregnancy and now it's 25". You know she just has to reiterate that every freaking time. :roll: She's so fixated on her measurements it's unhealthy. If she isn't too pleased with her postpartum body then why not do some cardio or other workout? Oh right I forgot, that involves getting off the couch. ;)
That’s one of the reasons why she is always so tired. I don’t know how she eats such tiny toddler sized portions. Yes, she is way too fixated on skinny = pretty. She needs to look in the mirror; she looks like a young 40 year old.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by ms.peony »

proudmama wrote:
ms.peony wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:I wonder if Anna's going organic :roll: because of that bubblegarm lady she admired on Twitter.
Lol, bingo. That’s what I thought, too. She can not form her own way in life; she just follows and copies what others do. Same with the Filofax and label maker; she just wanted them because of organizedjen. There is a difference in wanting something some else has because its cute or what have you and just plain out copying someone. She’s like a middle schooler. 'Mom, can I have a label maker and a Filofax, organizedjen has them.'
I think it's just a sign that she has no direction in life. She doesn't know what to do or who to be so she copies others to see if maybe it's the life for her. To me she seems bored and unfulfilled. She doesn't know how to carve her own path because she has no clue what she should be doing with herself. I think that's why she's has six dogs and wants another baby because they're the only things she can think of when doing something with her life. It's a clear sign she has A LOT of growing up to do.
May I add therapy to the mix? She needs some of that, too, and fast.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

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violet blue 2 U wrote:
ms.peony wrote:
violet blue 2 U wrote:
You didn't offend me at all Sally. Its all good. Think of it this way...That we love your country as well isn't a bad thing. It might be that many people who immigrated felt they had no choice at the time because of economics and opportunity. Really not sure? You are Irish right? If your family ever moved do you think they would ever let you forget it? lol Its the same for us here. <3
Yea … my family immigrated to the US because of communism; they wanted a better life (at the time; it's different now).
I know. Its sad isn't it? Things are changing fast and many people are leaving. I have been thinking about it myself.
I’ve thought about this myself many times; move to Poland and be an English teacher, :) Where I live, everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off. If only it was that simple ...
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by violet blue 2 U »

Its that way here as well. We have turned into a slave society. :( That and there are so many things that are happening that I don't agree with. Everyone is so incredibly divided. People are becoming sick. Other countries seem to care more about their citizens welfare as far as chemicals in our food, smart meters, etc..etc...Have you seen the film on how China treats its Walmart employee's? Everyone here seems to shop there. (not me) They have nets outside the windows so that they can't commit suicide. People turn a blind eye to save a dollar.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by Gin0915 »

ms.peony wrote:Interesting. I had no idea people outside of the US had an ‘issue’ with people in the US being proud of their ancestry; I have to ask my family members about this, lol. All the Italians, Irish, Germans, Poles, Russians, Portuguese, Puerto Ricans, Colombians, Pakistanis etc American born individuals I know, or came across, associate themselves as being either Italian, Irish, German, Polish, Russian etc. I myself am an American born Pole and consider myself 100% Polish; both my parents emigrated here in the late 70’s. Polish was my first language and I speak it daily to friends and family members. Most of the patriotic Americans you see or hear about, also, ones I know or came across are 3rd and beyond generation America born. I will always consider myself an American born Polish individual as opposed to just an American. Perhaps that’s why I never found an issue with Anna associating herself as Italian, Irish or German even though she is American born; although, I do think she makes it seem as Italians are superior in some way.

Also, stereotypes exist because they are mostly true. The ones who like to drink like to drink, the ones who eat kielbasa eat kielbasa, the ones who eat pasta eat pasta, etc. There is nothing wrong with them and shouldn’t be frowned upon, imo, but rather embraced. I’m Polish and my family loves kielbasa (not me, though, I’m not found of meat in general), many like to drink (guilty), we rather eat potatoes than rice or pasta (guilty) and we like say ‘kurwa’ (guilty), lol. I’m not ashamed of it and think it’s rather kitschy; though, if someone tries to spin it in a negative then your ass is mine, lol.

Wow, part 24… Sorry I was late to the party; the server errors were brutal for me when I tried to come on earlier .
I had no idea either. I mean, I can imagine how it would be a bit irritating (it is for me, lol) but I didn't think they'd take that Americans pretend to be other nationalities. We certainly don't do that, people fail to see the difference between nationality and ethnicity. And ethnicity is a favourite subject of Americans. So many of people go on a trip Europe or wherever and make it a point to visit the village or city where the great-greats came from.
The whole issue with stereotypes is that they are so limiting. Sure as a Pole or Italian one may eat kielbasa or pasta, drink vodka or wine, but is that all there is to one? Certainly not. These stereotypes are very superficial and surface without depth can be very misleading and liable to be twisted. And it's so freaking annoying when some uneducated boor starts throwing around these statements after one told them what's one's nationality or ethnicity. Lol, I got so sick of it after a bit that just for the fun of it I started making up countries to see the inquirer's reaction. I had rather amusing results. And btw, I don't say the k word but sometimes the more benign "cholera", heehee ;).
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

— The Master and Margarita
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by Gin0915 »

Don't ask me why, but I watched the idiotic WIAW vid today. One thing that irritates me is her saying she'd like to try other porridge flavours but they only buy this one because Dofus only likes this kind. WTH?! What difference would it make if she bought herself a box of one she liked and he bought his? None, not even financial. I've heard her say it before as well, eg. eggs, she said she loved eggs but Dofungus doesn't like them so they don't buy them. I don't allow LePoop to make me angry, I prefer to laugh at them, but this makes me a bit piqued. They only seem to eat dinner together and make breakfast and lunch separately so why couldn't she make herself some eggs for breakfast. :o Either she is incredibly stupid and doesn't realize she can buy her own, lol, or he is a vile control freak. Idk, both?
'Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!'

— The Master and Margarita

Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by thepinkrabbit2012 »

Hi guys long-time lurker here...I love your posts about these idiots, so insightful and eye-opening! I'm not logged in that often (kinda nervous to post) but this thread is so good I couldn't resist :P Also I just noticed this thread is called "LeFloorTV" instead of the much more name appropriate LePoopTV :lol:
violet blue 2 U
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by violet blue 2 U »

thepinkrabbit2012 wrote:Hi guys long-time lurker here...I love your posts about these idiots, so insightful and eye-opening! I'm not logged in that often (kinda nervous to post) but this thread is so good I couldn't resist :P Also I just noticed this thread is called "LeFloorTV" instead of the much more name appropriate LePoopTV :lol:
Welcome! Please don't be a lurker. Its so much more fun to hear what everyone thinks! :)
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by ms.peony »

violet blue 2 U wrote:Its that way here as well. We have turned into a slave society. :( That and there are so many things that are happening that I don't agree with. Everyone is so incredibly divided. People are becoming sick. Other countries seem to care more about their citizens welfare as far as chemicals in our food, smart meters, etc..etc...Have you seen the film on how China treats its Walmart employee's? Everyone here seems to shop there. (not me) They have nets outside the windows so that they can't commit suicide. People turn a blind eye to save a dollar.
Agreed, but in actuality, moving to another country, won’t change much: new country = new problems, lol. All governments are terrible and think of wealth, power, control, etc before its citizens; that’s why things are the way they are in the world. Democrat, Republican, doesn’t matter; they are all the same. The things governments/corporations do, to fool its people, is astonishing. There are too many blind-and-deaf (not in a handicapped way!) people roaming this world, too many believers, too many 'well, if he said it than it must be true’ and not enough critical thinkers/questioners! I’ll stop myself here, though, because this type of topic fascinates me and I could go on for days, hehe.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by ms.peony »

Gin0915 wrote:
ms.peony wrote:Interesting. I had no idea people outside of the US had an ‘issue’ with people in the US being proud of their ancestry; I have to ask my family members about this, lol. All the Italians, Irish, Germans, Poles, Russians, Portuguese, Puerto Ricans, Colombians, Pakistanis etc American born individuals I know, or came across, associate themselves as being either Italian, Irish, German, Polish, Russian etc. I myself am an American born Pole and consider myself 100% Polish; both my parents emigrated here in the late 70’s. Polish was my first language and I speak it daily to friends and family members. Most of the patriotic Americans you see or hear about, also, ones I know or came across are 3rd and beyond generation America born. I will always consider myself an American born Polish individual as opposed to just an American. Perhaps that’s why I never found an issue with Anna associating herself as Italian, Irish or German even though she is American born; although, I do think she makes it seem as Italians are superior in some way.

Also, stereotypes exist because they are mostly true. The ones who like to drink like to drink, the ones who eat kielbasa eat kielbasa, the ones who eat pasta eat pasta, etc. There is nothing wrong with them and shouldn’t be frowned upon, imo, but rather embraced. I’m Polish and my family loves kielbasa (not me, though, I’m not found of meat in general), many like to drink (guilty), we rather eat potatoes than rice or pasta (guilty) and we like say ‘kurwa’ (guilty), lol. I’m not ashamed of it and think it’s rather kitschy; though, if someone tries to spin it in a negative then your ass is mine, lol.

Wow, part 24… Sorry I was late to the party; the server errors were brutal for me when I tried to come on earlier .
I had no idea either. I mean, I can imagine how it would be a bit irritating (it is for me, lol) but I didn't think they'd take that Americans pretend to be other nationalities. We certainly don't do that, people fail to see the difference between nationality and ethnicity. And ethnicity is a favourite subject of Americans. So many of people go on a trip Europe or wherever and make it a point to visit the village or city where the great-greats came from.
The whole issue with stereotypes is that they are so limiting. Sure as a Pole or Italian one may eat kielbasa or pasta, drink vodka or wine, but is that all there is to one? Certainly not. These stereotypes are very superficial and surface without depth can be very misleading and liable to be twisted. And it's so freaking annoying when some uneducated boor starts throwing around these statements after one told them what's one's nationality or ethnicity. Lol, I got so sick of it after a bit that just for the fun of it I started making up countries to see the inquirer's reaction. I had rather amusing results. And btw, I don't say the k word but sometimes the more benign "cholera", heehee ;).
Exactly. People forget that America is comprised of every.single.ethnicity. of the world. There are about 800 languages spoken in NYC, alone. 800! From different types of people from ALL over the world. In other countries you ‘are’ what country you were born in but in America you ‘are’ what country your ethnicity lies (does that makes sense? lol not sure.. ).

You can not go to Europe without visiting Babcia!!! (Grandma) :D

Stereotypes are just cultural characteristics spun negatively. Everyone does it at some point but when you let the person know it got/gets to you, then they have the upper hand, and will continue to do it. I, too, get the kielbasa or drinking thing, but when I do, I just spin it around on them and poke fun also, ‘haha, yea we do eat a lot of kielbasa and drink a lot of vodka, mostly in shot form and chase it with a pickle, all you guys do is eat pizza and drink wine all day while singing the meatball song, right?’ Whatever, embrace it. I once had a poking fun session with an ex-coworker who was Russian and Jewish and I was like ‘what a combo you’re a cheap communist who loves to drink, and she said, I am cheap, I was born during communism, and I do love to drink!’; we died laughing, lol.

To make this post tread related – I liked Anna’s hair in the beginning, but now not so much. It looks so, blah.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by ms.peony »

Gin0915 wrote:Don't ask me why, but I watched the idiotic WIAW vid today. One thing that irritates me is her saying she'd like to try other porridge flavours but they only buy this one because Dofus only likes this kind. WTH?! What difference would it make if she bought herself a box of one she liked and he bought his? None, not even financial. I've heard her say it before as well, eg. eggs, she said she loved eggs but Dofungus doesn't like them so they don't buy them. I don't allow LePoop to make me angry, I prefer to laugh at them, but this makes me a bit piqued. They only seem to eat dinner together and make breakfast and lunch separately so why couldn't she make herself some eggs for breakfast. :o Either she is incredibly stupid and doesn't realize she can buy her own, lol, or he is a vile control freak. Idk, both?
You must not have a temper if that is all they do that makes you mad, lol. Everything they do makes me mad. They are so irresponsible and just excuse it with being carefree. Ugh, wrong. You are not carefree, you’re a jerk. There’s a difference. Lol.

I don’t get why she won’t buy her own foods, either. She is so, so weird. Perhaps he is a control freak and doesn’t let her. :rofl:
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by ms.peony »

thepinkrabbit2012 wrote:Hi guys long-time lurker here...I love your posts about these idiots, so insightful and eye-opening! I'm not logged in that often (kinda nervous to post) but this thread is so good I couldn't resist :P Also I just noticed this thread is called "LeFloorTV" instead of the much more name appropriate LePoopTV :lol:
:wel: LePoopTV is one of my favorites! I was kind of ‘nervous’ in the beginning, too. Some boards are very cliquey; this one isn’t. Everyone here is very friendly and intelligent. Please post more often as I enjoy reading them all; same goes for other lurkers.

Yes, we know it's LeFloorTV, lol, a mod needs to change it, though, I think ..
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by ms.peony »

Gin0915 wrote: And btw, I don't say the k word but sometimes the more benign "cholera", heehee ;).
I forgot to add: mine is cholera jasna, hahah! What does that even mean? I think I missed it in my Polish schooling as a child, lol.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by RubyWoo »

Gin0915 wrote:Don't ask me why, but I watched the idiotic WIAW vid today. One thing that irritates me is her saying she'd like to try other porridge flavours but they only buy this one because Dofus only likes this kind. WTH?! What difference would it make if she bought herself a box of one she liked and he bought his? None, not even financial. I've heard her say it before as well, eg. eggs, she said she loved eggs but Dofungus doesn't like them so they don't buy them. I don't allow LePoop to make me angry, I prefer to laugh at them, but this makes me a bit piqued. They only seem to eat dinner together and make breakfast and lunch separately so why couldn't she make herself some eggs for breakfast. :o Either she is incredibly stupid and doesn't realize she can buy her own, lol, or he is a vile control freak. Idk, both?
I really haven't followed them long enough to have heard her say she loves eggs but doesnt buy them because Jonathan doesn't eat them, but what the HELL is she doing?
Did she not get him into eating porridge to begin with?
Such a dope. I hope she has her own account. If she does she needs to do her own freaking shop. Anna doesnt stuff herself with chocolate yet Jonathan insists on buying freaking easter eggs and bars and bars of chocolate, why can't she try a different type of freaking PORRIDGE? Such a dope! I would never let my husband hen peck me like that. He doesn't eat cheese but that doesnt stop my love affair with the stuff. What happens when I mae a lasagne? I take his cheesey bit and have twice as much for me! What a tit! There are ways to get around stuff. buy six eggs instead of 12 so they dont waste (even though they last AGES), buy two boxes of alpen, give him one and keep one for yourself. she is brainless I swear.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by Dandelion »

RubyWoo wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:Don't ask me why, but I watched the idiotic WIAW vid today. One thing that irritates me is her saying she'd like to try other porridge flavours but they only buy this one because Dofus only likes this kind. WTH?! What difference would it make if she bought herself a box of one she liked and he bought his? None, not even financial. I've heard her say it before as well, eg. eggs, she said she loved eggs but Dofungus doesn't like them so they don't buy them. I don't allow LePoop to make me angry, I prefer to laugh at them, but this makes me a bit piqued. They only seem to eat dinner together and make breakfast and lunch separately so why couldn't she make herself some eggs for breakfast. :o Either she is incredibly stupid and doesn't realize she can buy her own, lol, or he is a vile control freak. Idk, both?
I really haven't followed them long enough to have heard her say she loves eggs but doesnt buy them because Jonathan doesn't eat them, but what the HELL is she doing?
Did she not get him into eating porridge to begin with?
Such a dope. I hope she has her own account. If she does she needs to do her own freaking shop. Anna doesnt stuff herself with chocolate yet Jonathan insists on buying freaking easter eggs and bars and bars of chocolate, why can't she try a different type of freaking PORRIDGE? Such a dope! I would never let my husband hen peck me like that. He doesn't eat cheese but that doesnt stop my love affair with the stuff. What happens when I mae a lasagne? I take his cheesey bit and have twice as much for me! What a tit! There are ways to get around stuff. buy six eggs instead of 12 so they dont waste (even though they last AGES), buy two boxes of alpen, give him one and keep one for yourself. she is brainless I swear.
Or it could be just another lazy Anna excuse not to follow through. Like "I couldn't write the ingredients down because of Emilia", "I can't clean because of Emilia", "I had to get up late because of Jofecky's birthday", "I can't make a decent video/photo because it's dark outside", whatever.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by RubyWoo »

Dandelion wrote:
RubyWoo wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:Don't ask me why, but I watched the idiotic WIAW vid today. One thing that irritates me is her saying she'd like to try other porridge flavours but they only buy this one because Dofus only likes this kind. WTH?! What difference would it make if she bought herself a box of one she liked and he bought his? None, not even financial. I've heard her say it before as well, eg. eggs, she said she loved eggs but Dofungus doesn't like them so they don't buy them. I don't allow LePoop to make me angry, I prefer to laugh at them, but this makes me a bit piqued. They only seem to eat dinner together and make breakfast and lunch separately so why couldn't she make herself some eggs for breakfast. :o Either she is incredibly stupid and doesn't realize she can buy her own, lol, or he is a vile control freak. Idk, both?
I really haven't followed them long enough to have heard her say she loves eggs but doesnt buy them because Jonathan doesn't eat them, but what the HELL is she doing?
Did she not get him into eating porridge to begin with?
Such a dope. I hope she has her own account. If she does she needs to do her own freaking shop. Anna doesnt stuff herself with chocolate yet Jonathan insists on buying freaking easter eggs and bars and bars of chocolate, why can't she try a different type of freaking PORRIDGE? Such a dope! I would never let my husband hen peck me like that. He doesn't eat cheese but that doesnt stop my love affair with the stuff. What happens when I mae a lasagne? I take his cheesey bit and have twice as much for me! What a tit! There are ways to get around stuff. buy six eggs instead of 12 so they dont waste (even though they last AGES), buy two boxes of alpen, give him one and keep one for yourself. she is brainless I swear.
Or it could be just another lazy Anna excuse not to follow through. Like "I couldn't write the ingredients down because of Emilia", "I can't clean because of Emilia", "I had to get up late because of Jofecky's birthday", "I can't make a decent video/photo because it's dark outside", whatever.
Yeah thats true. I'm shocked at how much she doesn't think for herself though, if she's telling the truth and saying that the reason she doesnt buy things is because her gnome doesnt like them
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by ms.peony »

Dandelion wrote:
RubyWoo wrote:
Gin0915 wrote:Don't ask me why, but I watched the idiotic WIAW vid today. One thing that irritates me is her saying she'd like to try other porridge flavours but they only buy this one because Dofus only likes this kind. WTH?! What difference would it make if she bought herself a box of one she liked and he bought his? None, not even financial. I've heard her say it before as well, eg. eggs, she said she loved eggs but Dofungus doesn't like them so they don't buy them. I don't allow LePoop to make me angry, I prefer to laugh at them, but this makes me a bit piqued. They only seem to eat dinner together and make breakfast and lunch separately so why couldn't she make herself some eggs for breakfast. :o Either she is incredibly stupid and doesn't realize she can buy her own, lol, or he is a vile control freak. Idk, both?
I really haven't followed them long enough to have heard her say she loves eggs but doesnt buy them because Jonathan doesn't eat them, but what the HELL is she doing?
Did she not get him into eating porridge to begin with?
Such a dope. I hope she has her own account. If she does she needs to do her own freaking shop. Anna doesnt stuff herself with chocolate yet Jonathan insists on buying freaking easter eggs and bars and bars of chocolate, why can't she try a different type of freaking PORRIDGE? Such a dope! I would never let my husband hen peck me like that. He doesn't eat cheese but that doesnt stop my love affair with the stuff. What happens when I mae a lasagne? I take his cheesey bit and have twice as much for me! What a tit! There are ways to get around stuff. buy six eggs instead of 12 so they dont waste (even though they last AGES), buy two boxes of alpen, give him one and keep one for yourself. she is brainless I swear.
Or it could be just another lazy Anna excuse not to follow through. Like "I couldn't write the ingredients down because of Emilia", "I can't clean because of Emilia", "I had to get up late because of Jofecky's birthday", "I can't make a decent video/photo because it's dark outside", whatever.
Those two are spun from the same web, I swear; idiots, Idiots, IDIOTS. Who in there right mind doesn’t buy or eat something because their spouse doesn’t like it? Like I mentioned before, I always have a glimmer of hope for Anna, but when she says things like that and does the things she does; I just can’t, I can’t.

Her ‘because of Emilia’ excuses piss me off to no end. She is so wicked. Who says that type of nonsense about their child; as if she’s a burden. If she’s such a burden then you should have never had a child. Loving mothers do not name call their children and act in the manner she does and you can not even begin to tell me otherwise, minions.
Last edited by ms.peony on Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by geekinthepink »

ms.peony wrote:
thepinkrabbit2012 wrote:Hi guys long-time lurker here...I love your posts about these idiots, so insightful and eye-opening! I'm not logged in that often (kinda nervous to post) but this thread is so good I couldn't resist :P Also I just noticed this thread is called "LeFloorTV" instead of the much more name appropriate LePoopTV :lol:
:wel: LePoopTV is one of my favorites! I was kind of ‘nervous’ in the beginning, too. Some boards are very cliquey; this one isn’t. Everyone here is very friendly and intelligent. Please post more often as I enjoy reading them all; same goes for other lurkers.

Yes, we know it's LeFloorTV, lol, a mod needs to change it, though, I think ..
I already messaged a mod. I hope they change it soon :)
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Re: TheStyleDiet/LeFloorTV - Part 24

Unread post by geekinthepink »

thepinkrabbit2012 wrote:Hi guys long-time lurker here...I love your posts about these idiots, so insightful and eye-opening! I'm not logged in that often (kinda nervous to post) but this thread is so good I couldn't resist :P Also I just noticed this thread is called "LeFloorTV" instead of the much more name appropriate LePoopTV :lol:
don't be nervous... we aren't that scary, are we? :)

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