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Unread post by busybuyingbins »

yeah one week i lost 9 pounds. so far its been about 4 months and i've lost 20 pounds. which is insane to me!

good luck, auntietoababyboy! :)
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Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

I'm going to join weight watchers I think its safe to say that its more safer than just taking random drops and thank you ashbby :)
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Unread post by briannaspeaks »

If all else fails try a diabetic diet. I think that's what it's called. Or maybe its called a low glycemic diet, something like that.
When my mother was pregnant with my brother she had gotten gestational diabetes, so they put her on that diet.
She had been on that diet for about 4/5 months and while she was pregnant lost 35 lbs.

On another note... Is having irregular periods a big, common symptom of PCOS? Can one have PCOS while having normal, regular periods?

"She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)."


Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

There's no real endemic symptoms amongst sufferers. A lot have irregular periods, some don't. That's what makes it so hard to diagnose.

Some women will just use it as an excuse for being fat. The only way it can be diagnosed is via ultrasound or laparoscopy.
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Unread post by briannaspeaks »

thegooseiscooked wrote:There's no real endemic symptoms amongst sufferers. A lot have irregular periods, some don't. That's what makes it so hard to diagnose.

Some women will just use it as an excuse for being fat. The only way it can be diagnosed is via ultrasound or laparoscopy.
That's horrible but sadly I have heard some people say this.

I think my mom has PCOS, not sure. I just know she went in with extreme abdominal pains and her ovaries were covered in cysts, so they removed them and had to take off half of her left ovary. Don't know if they diagnosed her or not though.
So I'm on my toes right now if I have it or not.

You said you have endometriosis.. I'm nearly certain I have that, I think it suppressed when I was pregnant and hasn't came back yet but slowly is.
If you don't mind me asking; How did you find out? Through an ultrasound or how? And how severe was it?

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Unread post by busybuyingbins »

no not the only way. i found out through blood tests.
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Unread post by mumma2one »

ashhbby wrote:no not the only way. i found out through blood tests.
Yeah, blood test & ultrasound is how I am getting tested.

If I do indeed have it the only symptoms I am experiencing are irregular periods, Im not in any extra pain than normal period cramping, I am still waiting for my period, last one was 29th of august...
& also facial hair, but both my mum & grandma have that & they do not have PCOS so that could just be in my genes...


Unread post by thegooseiscooked »

No problem at all. I had always had irregular, painful periods from the age of 13. As for symptoms and how severe, read above.

I wasn't diagnosed until just before I got married. I had met my husband to be and became sexually active. My mum told me I had to go for a Pap smear. I had bad cells picked up and went for a D&C and hysteroscopy. The surgeon I had said he thought I had endo but wasn't an expert so referred me to a gynaecologist. He advised me to start ttc-ing ASAP.

We tried for a baby for 8 months with no luck. My gyn said he wanted to do a laparoscopy to investigate further and, if necessary to burn off any endometrium he found in there. Turned out it was pretty bad, my uterine walls, bowel and ovaries were all covered in the stuff so much so that a pink surface could not be seen at all. It was all black, inflamed and very aggravated. I was in surgery for 3 hours for what is normally a 20 minute procedure. My ovaries were also found to be covered in cysts, all of which were cut off and sent for pathology.

Diagnosis: severe endo and PCOS. My husband was also diagnosed with low sperm count and we were given a 5 % chance of falling pregnant on our own. I was back at the gyno within 3 cycles with a positive pregnancy test.
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Unread post by sleep84 »

There is a pretty detailed thread on the old GG! Take a look there, maybe you'll find it useful ;)
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Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

My periods are 40+ days apart. Its hard to detect ovulation :( I don't have the symptoms at all instead of feeling sick and i'm not sure if that is even a symptom.
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Unread post by busybuyingbins »

i've never heard of that being a symptom.

but i have no idea if those things work or not but have you ever tried those like clearblue ovulating tests?
i don't know if they're very accurate or anything.
and also if you track your periods on an app it always tells you the time that you are ovulating. i don't know if you do that or how accurate those days are either, but worth a shot if you've never tried it.
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Unread post by AuntieToABabyBoy:) »

I have the Fertility Friend app on my phone and i'm going to the store to get one of those ovulation kits
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Unread post by AndrewLRose »

I have the first one in my family have it. I noticed it when I see extra weight around the waist. I was always in the anxiety situation and when breathing stops for short periods of time while asleep. Now I am sure I have it.
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Как правильно купить вечернее платье

Unread post by Alinkama »

Новое платье – замечательная возможность прекрасной девушке проявить свою индивидуальность. В этом виде одежды, вы можете воплотить свои мечты – быть богиней во дворце.
Поводов одеть шикарное платье не так уж и мало, надо только научиться их разыскать и разглядеть. И потом с головой определить конкретное платье, которое украсит вас, и именно вы в этом платье украсите бал.
А если вы – тамада на празднике, сложилось что вы громко отмечаете праздник вдруг приглашены на именины к знакомым может родне и подозреваете, что праздник пройдёт в парадной обстановке, это означает вам тут же будет необходимо купить вечернее платье.
В любом варианте прикид возможно могут быть неодинаковыми. На именины или мероприятие. В самый раз превосходное вечернее платье.
Порыв выглядеть шикарно – предстать в выгодном свете, взблеснуть и повергнуть в изумление характерно всем в любой момент
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Как правильно купить вечернее платье

Unread post by Alinkama »

Вечернее платье – чудесная возможность всякой женщине показать свою природу. В таком платье, в вас будет возможность открыться миру – быть королевой красоты в замке.
Предлогов одеть модное платье очень много, надо только уметь их разыскать и определить. Ну и потом грамотно определить именно то платье, которое украсит вас, конкретно вы в нем преобразите всё вокруг.
Сложилось что вы – тамада на балу, вдруг вы с размахом отмечаете юбилей сложилось что вас пригласили на праздник к коллегам возможно родственникам и знаете, что торжество пройдёт в парадной обстановке, значит тут вам опять понадобится купить вечернее платье.
В подобном случае фасон скорее всего должны быть всякими. На именины или именины. Удобно пышное вечернее платье.
Порыв смотреться роскошно – взблеснуть, взблеснуть и сразить похоже дамам в любой момент
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