Cranberry wrote:hannahbanana wrote:Spacekitty- I would love to know more about their back history (before vlogging) if you don't mind explaining. I've heard stories that they were super poor that they had to steal toilet paper from public bathrooms because they couldn't afford to buy some? I'm curious to know more stories about that.
Unfortunately, I am not Spacekitty, but I have also been watching for many years so I can try and help with backstory.
I'm not completely sure on Colette and Shay's college situation, but they got married very young and had Gavin soon after. So, couple in their early twenties with newborn and limited education, they were pretty poor. Shay did granite work and I think Colette was a waitress, but she might not have been working at this time. Avia was born a year and a half after Gavin, so then they had two babies and all the expenses that come with a newborn and a toddler, but still 1 or 2 minimum wage jobs. I think the toilet paper thing was a one time incident where they didn't have any and instead of spending money on a new roll, Shay went to taco bell to take some until his next paycheck came in. When the vlogs started, Shay was 29 and I think Gavin was 4 or 5. So sometime between his birth and the start of Shaytards, their financial situation improves as Shay gets a job at a radio station and he is getting some money from his Shaycarl channel. Sorry I wish I had a clearer timeline, I'm just going off of memory from what I've watched.
Shay went to college and dropped out, Colette did not go. Colette wanted to for nutrition but it never happened though. Anyways, Shay had many odd jobs. I don't remember what they were, but the granite business came a little later because Shay wanted to be more of his own boss. Colette worked at Wingers as a waitress for quite awhile, and they put her tips to as much use as possible. After 2 months of being married, Gavin was conceived and born that December. Like said, 18 months later Avia is born. I think it was at this time they went from an apartment to a house.
They were tight on money mostly because of Shay switching his job often and they had 4 mouths to feed (+Malachi, their old Great Dane). I remember when they posted the vlog of them paying off the loan on the old white van they were thrilled to have put money towards that vs a motorcycle. Anyways, the family ate out A LOT. Hence Shay having his weight gain. It was affordable and easy, especially because he could take it to go. Once the vlogs began, he was radio DJing and Emmi was here. He worked a better time for the family and he enjoyed doing what he did more than he did in the past. They didn't seem to struggle as much as they did prior to the vlogs by now.
They used credit cards A LOT in the past as well, they had a vlog of cutting their last credit card. And debt stayed for awhile even after vlogging.
I don't think it was they were super poor but they did struggle a good amount and with having Gavin and Avia so close and so young, it seemed much more.
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