GA Peach70 wrote:Oh please! Hold on, I have to go throw up. Something must have really ruffled his feathers.
Gratitude From a Father
JUNE 5, 2018
Today my mind is filled with many different thoughts, but looking out the window enjoying this beautiful summer day, none more so than gratitude for everything I’ve been given in the wonderful life! Id like to share of few of my thoughts with you all on what I’m grateful for this day!
My Family- I’ve lived on this earth 36 years, and none of them have been as eventful, joyous, exciting or full of as much love as they have these past three years. My children have absolutely taken over my life and my heart. Ashley and I always knew we wanted a family, but I don’t think we knew just how much our children would change our lives for the better. They have truly enhanced our way of living, our hearts capacity, and our vision of what we want in this life and the next. I’m truly grateful firstly and mostly for my beautiful family that God has blessed me with!
My Wife- There would be no family without my wife. She has sacrificed so much to bring our family here, and there isn’t a day that this goes unnoticed. Although I may not speak up enough and tell her just how wonderful she is, I hope she can she from my actions just how much I love and appreciate everything she does for this family, and for me as her eternal companion. She means the world to me and I feel so blessed that I get to experience this life and the next with the love of my life. I couldn’t imagine life without her.
My Heavenly Father and Mother- I am so grateful for Heavenly parents who care about me so much that they continually bless my life daily. To trust me to raise and educate 4 beautiful miracles in righteousness is no easy task. I’m grateful for the opportunity and privilege it is to be responsible for these tiny miracles who will no doubt make a difference in the world. I’m grateful for my Father in Heavens divine plan that I can be with my family in the eternities. Families can be together forever through our Heavenly Fathers plan. How grateful I am for that divine knowledge!
My Health- I’ve realized recently how important health is, and also realized I’ve take my health for granted. I’ve always been the strongest, fastest, most energetic, endurable among my family and friends. I’ve taken that for granted over the last 20 or so years, and I don’t want to do that anymore. God has blessed me with so many talents and abilities, and I want to continue being able to use them as much as I can. I want enjoy sports with my daughters, walks with Ashley, and maybe even a game of catch with my grandson! Health is no joke. What we decide today affects us tomorrow. My goal is to be better about how I treat my body today, so it can continue working tomorrow! LOL. You all have my permission to hold me accountable!
My Savior Jesus Christ- How do you show your gratitude for someone who died for all of your sins? Seems impossible doesn’t it? I just hope that my actions here in this life get me close to being the disciple I yearn to be. I am grateful for my brother Jesus Christ and for his perfect example of love, charity and kindness. I will forever be in his debt, and that is my inspiration day to day when I interact with my family, friends, neighbors and customers. I love my savior very much and am eternally grateful for his love and compassion towards me and all mankind.
My Trials- I would be nowhere without my trials. They have shaped and molded who am today. They have taught me critical knowledge that I needed, but didn’t understand in the moment. They have given me opportunity to change and to become a better person. They have shown me that no matter how many times I fall down, I can always pick myself back up and try again. Through my trials, I have found my successes. Through tears I have found joy. Through hardship I have found accomplishment. Through loss I have found gain. This life is full of trials and tribulations. How we react to those experiences is the key four our survival and our own growth. God would not put anything in our life that we couldn’t handle or benefit from. I’m grateful that I’ve experienced some of the bad, so I can know more of the good. This knowledge has led me to appreciate all that I have been blessed with so richly from my Father in Heaven.
My Mother- I’ve had a very long and windy road from birth through today. One person that has physically been there every step of the way has been my beautiful and loving mother. She is far from perfect, just like each one of us, but without a doubt she is also the most empathetic, loving, charitable mother I know. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t or didn’t do for us 10 children, and I’ll be forever in her debt for her love and devotion shown to me. On a side note, she has been a wonderful grandmother to my children and they are blessed to have her in their lives.
My Faith- I am tremendously grateful for my faith. It has been a constant rock upon which I can always build upon. It has taught me correct principles on how to live my life, treat people around me, handle trials, and bless others lives through service and charity. My faith has been a constant reminder of how much our Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ love each and every one of us. It has been a comforting knowledge that our family will be together not only in this life, but in the eternities as well. What a simple and emphatic promise we have been given by a truly benevolent God. I am grateful for my faith.
Thank you for letting me share just a little piece of what was in my heart today! Ill try and make the next blog a little more exciting and full of Quadruplets for you! I love you all so much! Have a wonderful Summer Day!
Check out my most recent blogs below:
Oh dear God! What a bunch of bull!
First. He could not have written that. Again, big words and no exclamation points at the end of every sentence. I call bull crap, Tyler.
Second, can he be any more obvious he is attempting to calm the waves? Called out for degrading his wife so now he has to share oh how much he loves, treasures and adores her. Bull crap. Called out for eating like an ACTUAL, LITERAL pig so he has to claim (once again) he misses how he used to be a stud athlete and knows he needs to do better so he can run and play sports with his girls who eat the exact same crap because that’s all they know by watching him and walk with his amazing wife whom he never belittles or insults. Guilty much? Feeling like you need to shed a different light in the world so you don’t lose your little and teenage girls, sad ladies who are lonely and your creepy pervert friends as followers?
Tyler YOU ARE SUCH A PATHETIC, RIDICULOUS, DISGUSTING LOSER. You tell lie after lie after lie after lie...and then cry on and on about how holy and faithful you are. That’s it, you just keep flying your flag with your verson of your Heavenly Father up that flagpole of lies. The true Heavenly Father, God, Christ...whomever you THINK you believe in KNOWS THE TRUTH, YOUR TRUTH. He is ASHAMED OF YOU AND YOUR PURPLE HAIRED CHILD WIFE. He wishes you would love your daughters AS HE LOVES YOU. He cries because you and your child wife continually use your daughters and others for money and fame. He turns from you both in shame because you continually use HIS name in vain.
You best figure what real TRUTH and FAITH is buddy or you will learn the hard way you really can’t get away with all your lies forever. Personally, I look forward to seeing you crumble.