Parsnips and Parsimony
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
Gosh, she interrupts Art a lot. That “where have we been” video. And, there’s really no need to excessively explain where they’ve been, why there weren’t videos and all that. It’s nice that they update thier viewers but she went on and on about it. Also, they haven’t visited his family in 8 years but they went at the same time Janelle had a 31 training or whatever. Wonder when they would have visited if she didn’t have any 31 business.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
I thought the same thing. I'll bet that they would never have had that trip if Janelle hadn't wanted to go that conference (which she ended up getting a migraine at anyway). She would have left Art with all of those kids to deal with while she was there too. They said that they couldn't have possibly travelled to see his family during the past few years because of all the kids. So what is different about it now? They have even MORE kids now, so that doesn't ring true to me. I think it was a simple question of her wanting to go to that conference. once again, what Janelle wants ... Janelle gets. Some time ago, Art never even got to go to his grandmother's funeral because Janelle wanted the whole family to go and they couldn't afford it. The poor guy missed that funeral because he wasn't allowed to hop on a plane by himself and just go.
Janelle also says that she isn't good at teaching the high school subjects in the latest vlog and that she didn't do well in high school herself. Well obviously! She never went to high school! From what she has said, she spent a lot of her teenage years playing the piano and sewing by herself in a downstairs room of their house. She has absolutely no idea what high school is all about. At least Art went to school and college, so he has a batter idea of what the kids need at that age. Charity and John seem to spend the vast majority of their days doing school work on the computer or reading. That is no life for a teenager. and no ... doing a "marbles olympics" and picking out countries from a jigsaw map are NOT effective learning experiences for kids of those ages.
Janelle also says that she isn't good at teaching the high school subjects in the latest vlog and that she didn't do well in high school herself. Well obviously! She never went to high school! From what she has said, she spent a lot of her teenage years playing the piano and sewing by herself in a downstairs room of their house. She has absolutely no idea what high school is all about. At least Art went to school and college, so he has a batter idea of what the kids need at that age. Charity and John seem to spend the vast majority of their days doing school work on the computer or reading. That is no life for a teenager. and no ... doing a "marbles olympics" and picking out countries from a jigsaw map are NOT effective learning experiences for kids of those ages.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
Oh man, I must have missed that one. That’s sad Art didn’t go to his grandma’s funeral! Just because they couldn’t all go?! Too bad, he definitely should have went.weed wrote:I thought the same thing. I'll bet that they would never have had that trip if Janelle hadn't wanted to go that conference (which she ended up getting a migraine at anyway). She would have left Art with all of those kids to deal with while she was there too. They said that they couldn't have possibly travelled to see his family during the past few years because of all the kids. So what is different about it now? They have even MORE kids now, so that doesn't ring true to me. I think it was a simple question of her wanting to go to that conference. once again, what Janelle wants ... Janelle gets. Some time ago, Art never even got to go to his grandmother's funeral because Janelle wanted the whole family to go and they couldn't afford it. The poor guy missed that funeral because he wasn't allowed to hop on a plane by himself and just go.
Janelle also says that she isn't good at teaching the high school subjects in the latest vlog and that she didn't do well in high school herself. Well obviously! She never went to high school! From what she has said, she spent a lot of her teenage years playing the piano and sewing by herself in a downstairs room of their house. She has absolutely no idea what high school is all about. At least Art went to school and college, so he has a batter idea of what the kids need at that age. Charity and John seem to spend the vast majority of their days doing school work on the computer or reading. That is no life for a teenager. and no ... doing a "marbles olympics" and picking out countries from a jigsaw map are NOT effective learning experiences for kids of those ages.
- DoodleBop2
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
Is it just me or does she treat Art like an idiot? When they did the video on Art possibly having ADHD or being autistic and now it seems she talks down to him, over him, doesn't value his opinion.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
She always does that. The poor guy never gets a word in because she is always talking over him. I don't know how he puts up with it really, but he is very easy-going, so I suppose he doesn't care too much. she does treat him badly and is definitely the dominant partner in that relationship. I noticed in the latest blog that Art was directing ALL the kids packing to get ready for their trip, while Janelle was .... checking out HER camera and packing HER "31" supplies. Has anyone ever noticed how she refers to things a to as HERS and not THEIRS? Of course she had to get their priorities right ... "31" supplies being the most important thing to pack of course. I am SO sick and tired of hearing about those stupid bags! They look like over-priced ordinary bags to me. What on earth is her fascination with them?
- DoodleBop2
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
Art actually seems really sweet in his own way she should be more grateful for that. I'm surprised how willing she is to throw him under the bus in public it seems disrespectful and just mean.
MLM companies love women like Janelle even more so since most of them have some religion-based pitch about staying home AND providing for your family. If it wasn't bags it would be essential oils or lipstick or leggings all of which aren't as amazing as these women claim them to be.
MLM companies love women like Janelle even more so since most of them have some religion-based pitch about staying home AND providing for your family. If it wasn't bags it would be essential oils or lipstick or leggings all of which aren't as amazing as these women claim them to be.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
Well those bags just seem like ordinary bags that you could find a lot cheaper in a discount shop. I don't get it. Yes you're right, lots of these YouTube homeschooling mothers seem to be into this sort of thing. Maybe Jangle really relates to the social accept of it all rather than the actual product. After all, she doesn't seem to have really had a social outlet (apart from her ambulance work and the church .... both of which are very narrow). I can't recall either of them EVER talking about any friends.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
She definitely doesn’t seem to respect him much, at least not outwardly in front of the camera. It took me a couple vlogs but I’ve really come to like Art. Sure, I guess he’s a pushover but he really does mean well it seems. Was she an only child? She just seems so self-centered.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
Also...I do have to say, I’d probably have never purchased a 31 bag myself. I’m kind of cheap with stuff like that. My mom has bought me a few. They look a little beat up but they’ve actually held up really well. I have nothing really to compare them to but they’ve been handy. But, worth the price tag? I don’t know about that.
- DoodleBop2
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
I'm surprised nobody IRL has taken Janelle aside and spoke to her about how she speaks to her husband. Although a while ago a cousin or sister in law in the comments of her video early on said something about portion sizes for their meals and Janelle was quick to admonish her that the children are not hungry, they eat healthy food etc. So maybe this is how Janelle treats everyone.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
I think it is how she treats everyone. She has talked about one brother that she has, but he doesn't seem to be very close to her as they hardly ever mention him. I think she was brought up as the princess in that family. Certainly everything seems to revolve around her. she had to marry an easy-going man like Art because no one else would put up with it. What Janelle wants, Janelle gets. I floors me how she has her own stash of chocolate that the kids aren't allowed to have. That is just mean and selfish considering how few treats those kids get.
- DoodleBop2
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
She tells the kids she has it and they can't have it. It's like the Aunt from Matilda - eating the chocolate in front of the kid and not giving her any.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
While also showing the oldest boy BEGGING for a single chocolate chip! In that “how we Home school” video. I get it, kids don’t need excess junk. I could see my younger kids begging like that but by his age? They wouldn’t care about an individual chocolate chip.
I was thinking the same thing but didn’t know how to properly word it. I’m just surprised, with the culture they seem to want to live/emulate that Janelle doesn’t want to come across as that sweet, I adore my husband and submit type. Like, in a sickening way. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely think husband and wife are equals but she comes across as wanting to “be the head” and belittling.
I was thinking the same thing but didn’t know how to properly word it. I’m just surprised, with the culture they seem to want to live/emulate that Janelle doesn’t want to come across as that sweet, I adore my husband and submit type. Like, in a sickening way. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely think husband and wife are equals but she comes across as wanting to “be the head” and belittling.
- DoodleBop2
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
I'm not all about the husband being head of household etc but I think respecting your SO in public, including on vlogs, and showing a united front to the world works both ways. If anyone should have your back it should be your partner. It's like she's so used to treating him like shit she doesn't realize this isn't normal. If Art treated Janelle the way Janelle treats Art the comments would be full of comments calling him out.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
For sure, it wouldn’t be tolerated in reverse for one minute.DoodleBop2 wrote:I'm not all about the husband being head of household etc but I think respecting your SO in public, including on vlogs, and showing a united front to the world works both ways. If anyone should have your back it should be your partner. It's like she's so used to treating him like shit she doesn't realize this isn't normal. If Art treated Janelle the way Janelle treats Art the comments would be full of comments calling him out.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
I'm not good with American geography but I'm assuming that the place where the conference was is on the way to Art's family? Apparently he was the one who suggested that they make the trip. poor beggar probably thought it was his only chance to actually visit his fall after all those years.
Does anyone else think it is really strange that Charity and John still refer to their parents as "mummy" and "daddy" at their ages?
Does anyone else think it is really strange that Charity and John still refer to their parents as "mummy" and "daddy" at their ages?
- DoodleBop2
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
It's probably part and parcel of keeping them isolated. Wouldn't want Charity to realize how close freedom really is.
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
They go all that way on a holiday and what do they end up doing? Going to the thrift store and looking at yarn for Charity. Couldn't they have stayed at home and done that? Why not take the kids to something different while they are in a different place?
- Caisflame
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Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
I'm in my 20's and still call my father "daddy". Always will. My mom has always been "mama" to me and that's what I still call her. I don't think it's too uncommon. I know a lot of adults who still call their parents that. I've never called mine mom or dad. It would feel weird. I feel like it's normal for them to call them that. One of the only normal things about that family lol.weed wrote:I'm not good with American geography but I'm assuming that the place where the conference was is on the way to Art's family? Apparently he was the one who suggested that they make the trip. poor beggar probably thought it was his only chance to actually visit his fall after all those years.
Does anyone else think it is really strange that Charity and John still refer to their parents as "mummy" and "daddy" at their ages?
Re: Parsnips and Parsimony
I really don't understand these people sometimes! They go away for a holiday and everything they do is exactly what they could have done at home. Visiting thrift stores, buying yarn and in the latest vlog going to a grocery outlet. Those poor kids being dragged to those places! They obviously weren't enjoying it and Grace even said a loud "no" when Art asked her if she was having fun. Take them to something fun that they will remember and enjoy as part of their trip for heavens sake! Not the same old shopping trips that Janelle enjoys. She said several times how much fun it was and how much she was enjoying it. Fun for who?? For herself, obviously.
When someone in the comments mentioned that they should actually do something that the kids might enjoy, she jumped on them and mentioned the State Capital excursion that they went on. Um .. no ... Art took them to that, not you Janelle! You were busy with your "31" conference at the time and left him with all the kids to fill in a day. That was the only time the activity was based around their interests. Janelle said that they enjoy shopping as a family. I don't see much enjoyment in those kids faces. The boys in particular were begging for food and kept being told no. They were bored out of their minds and weren't even allowed to have a treat ... even though they were so inexpensive.
I feel really sorry for those kids.
When someone in the comments mentioned that they should actually do something that the kids might enjoy, she jumped on them and mentioned the State Capital excursion that they went on. Um .. no ... Art took them to that, not you Janelle! You were busy with your "31" conference at the time and left him with all the kids to fill in a day. That was the only time the activity was based around their interests. Janelle said that they enjoy shopping as a family. I don't see much enjoyment in those kids faces. The boys in particular were begging for food and kept being told no. They were bored out of their minds and weren't even allowed to have a treat ... even though they were so inexpensive.
I feel really sorry for those kids.