Haleigh Everts

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Sarai »

Ladies... what would Heavenly Father say? Let’s all just calm down.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Oh I can fully admit I am not being Christ-like AT ALL here and need to repent for not turning my cheek and for being totally rude. I am far from perfect, but I face the truth and I tell the truth, to myself and to the liars here.

I wonder if anyone else on this forum can or will admit to any fault, weakness, or guilt. Several pages in and not even a lame apology to Haleigh’s family, assuming she reads here.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by red3head »

What does anyone need to apologize for? She chose to come to this site. Is it proven that someone here called the cops on her? There are a lot more people posting “hate” in her comments than there are users posting on her page on this website.

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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Things you can apologize for:

-contributing comments to a forum which directly caused damage to two adults and innocent children

-making up and/or spreading lies about someone

-gossiping about someone

-refusing to show compassion for someone in pain

- making dangerous assumptions about a stranger

-stalking somone’s social media for the purpose of creating harmful rumors

-bolstering a conversation that incited violence

-not following the Golden Rule

-refusing to acknowledge wrongdoing


-joining the mob mentality which resulted in severe emotional distress and opportunity loss

-engaging slanderous speculation that turned into bullying

-mocking strangers

-misrepresenting and twisting others’ actual words

-projecting assumptions to power with mal-intent

-NOT speaking out against other commenters who made fun of Ireland and body shamed CJ, among other disgusting comments

...the list goes on and on
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

-using someone’s misfortune as entertainment

- contributing to toxic online culture

-confusing bullying with harmless and/or constructive criticism

-insisting Haleigh deserves it because she put herself out there (equivalent logic of shaming a rape victim who walked alone at night)

-minimizing others’ pain (like insisting it isn’t that big of a deal and she needs to get a life or cope better)

- chasing Haleigh away from followers who benefited from her content

-making people feel unsafe

-scoffing at people pointing any of these offenses out/avoiding responsibility

- defending people who are guilty of multiple of the above offenses
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

I’ll start. I am sorry for being extremely rude and angry (even resorting to name-calling) towards all of you who hurt my friend and her family. I wish I was more Christ-like and I will try to be better.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by OnAPlaydate »

Fucking hell, don't you have things you need to do other than spam this forum?
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

I’m not going to let you guys spam the forum without resistance. Sorry if that’s annoying. I know you are not used to so much White Knighting; you usually get to bash and trash without challenge.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

for someone that wants people to stop talking about Haleigh, you sure are flaming the fire
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

That is another deflection/projection. I am merely calling out wrongs as I see fit, just as you claim you do in this forum. Let’s try to not be hypocritical. There would be no fire without y’all.

Talk about her all you want. (never told anyone to stop by the way, so that’s ANOTHER false premise) I just wish you’d be less cruel about it.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by OnAPlaydate »

Welcome to the fucking internet, buttercup. If you think Haleigh's thread is filled with bashing...ooh boy! hahahaha

On that note, I'm going to actually spend my evening doing something of value with my time. Keep having fun talking at yourself, cause you're certainly not doing anything of value here. In fact, you're probably just doing the exact opposite of what you were hoping. This will most likely just make people dig their heels in even deeper and become even more curious about why she left social media.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

OnAPlaydate wrote:Welcome to the fucking internet, buttercup. If you think Haleigh's thread is filled with bashing...ooh boy! hahahaha

On that note, I'm going to actually spend my evening doing something of value with my time. Keep having fun talking at yourself, cause you're certainly not doing anything of value here. In fact, you're probably just doing the exact opposite of what you were hoping. This will most likely just make people dig their heels in even deeper and become even more curious about why she left social media.
Love it, very well said, couldn't agree more.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Good, I sincerely hope you continue to spend your time doing valuable things rather than gossiping about strangers online and contributing to the online bullying epidemic you referenced! That’s actually my goal. Woohoo!!!!!

What do you think I was hoping for? I never asked any of you to discontinue your curiosity or stop talking. In fact, I encouraged her to post a video explaining further why she left, for curious minds. False premise. Assumptions. Again.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Interesting that my one afternoon/evening spent standing up to bullies is perceived as a waste of time to you.

But gossiping about strangers on forums for hours over years isn’t? I feel sad about that, for you. But this is the internet, buttercup, right? Gossip sites are a bully gang paradise.

As predicted, nobody wants to take ownership and apologize. Just want to mock the one calling out the cruelty.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

Wow you really are totally desperate to have the last word on this aren't you?

Bully gang paradise, do you have any idea just how tame the stuff people are saying about Haleigh is? You should look at some other forums so you can see what real hate is
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

Hate is hate. I do not abide any of it. This isn’t about the hundreds or thousands of other forums. This is about my friend. I’d be a bad one to not defend the truth and her.

It is not a contest to see which forum is the worst. What you’re attempting to do is minimize and downplay the damage caused here. I will not take that bait. I will not back down. Just like you won’t.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:Hate is hate. I do not abide any of it. This isn’t about the hundreds or thousands of other forums. This is about my friend. I’d be a bad one to not defend the truth and her.

It is not a contest to see which forum is the worst. What you’re attempting to do is minimize and downplay the damage caused here. I will not take that bait. I will not back down. Just like you won’t.
Again, I strongly recommend that Xanax, calm down, and considering Haleigh speaks about religion and parenting views that a lot of people find controversial the amount of back lash she actually gets is extremely minimal. If this forum is really enough to upset her then she really does need counselling
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

So you’re victim blaming essentially by saying she deserves all the horrible things that happened to her because she shares controversial opinions. And that SHE needs therapy for being affected by real life threats and attacks. Yikes.

Nothing about these multiple attacks in real life is minimal. Again, what I see is you trying to dodge responsibility by downplaying the damage done. I hope nobody ever retaliates against you in similar ways because someone took offense by your opinions or read lies about you online...Then gaslights you and any of your defenders by suggesting counselors and drugs because you’re overreacting for attention or whatever.
Last edited by YouMustBeMiserable on Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by Blossom76 »

YouMustBeMiserable wrote:So you’re victim blaming essentially by saying she deserves all the horrible things that happened to her because she shares controversial opinions. And that SHE needs therapy for being affected by real life threats and attacks. Yikes.

Nothing about these multiple attacks in real life is minimal. Again, trying to dodge responsibility by downplaying the damage done. I hope nobody ever retaliates against you in similar ways because someone took offense by your opinions.
I'm saying its part and parcel of being in the public eye, which she wanted to do as a source of income. So to say that we are responsible for things that have happened to her as a result of her being in the public eye, is fucking ridiculous. Grow up
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Re: Haleigh Everts

Unread post by YouMustBeMiserable »

So when a celebrity is burglarized, or their nudes are leaked, or people try and send authorities after them based on total lies, that is the celebrity’s fault and not the actual culprit? It’s just part and parcel of being in the public eye? Of course not. It’s an unfortunate reality, but that doesn’t remove responsibility from the culprits.

That’s like saying a woman who hikes alone and gets raped is to blame because that’s just “part and parcel” of her putting herself out there and vulnerable to predators because it’s her source of exercise.

I will never agree with that victim shaming philosophy. It removes responsibility from wrong-doers by using unfortunate reality patterns (part and parcel) as a cover. You have a choice whether to engage in bullying someone in the public eye. You have a choice to be part of the “part and parcel” reality.

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