Before watching the vlog: Really? I already know they didn't get another dog
After watching the vlog: Wow. They must go to corner bakery all the time too. I love their food, but it's a little too much out of my pocket to go very often. Kind of nitpicking, because I don't know how often they go, but they never eat at home, so...
I can hear Bryan's voice echo in the grocery store. Ew.
Nice to see Ollie playing with Finn. And putting his mouth on his chicken sh*t socks.
Why do they need so much food? I have two brothers, so my parents have 3 kids. We didn't get nearly as much food, and we had money for a lot more than we got. I feel like B&M eat most of it...
Two freezers? Why!? We already know they need to limit their spending and the eating. Do I really need to say it again?
Also, I know they're doing all this stuff for family coming over, but it still seems very unnecessary.
Ollie and Finn really don't need a skateboard, especially because I know Bryan isn't teaching them how to skateboard.
When Missy was reading that book, all I could think of was Despicable Me, when Gru was reading the book to the girls
Finn was having a good time listening to the story, and Ollie was just over there, not engaging.
If they weren't jumping off the bunk bed in vlogs I've missed, than I've seen Ollie jump off of the bed for the first, of many, times.
Well, I think they're
trying to enforce some rules for the bunk bed. Ollie tried to jump off again, or go in through the window. Then Missy says "You know the rules." So yeah.
Ollie on the phone, asbentmindedly giving a thumbs up. So cute!