Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by Phillygrl »

[IMG]// ... 4bc246.jpg[/IMG]

Look at the sunburn

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by Phillygrl »

[IMG]// ... c499b5.jpg[/IMG]

A better shot of her arm, poor thing

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by oldlady+thedog »

and trashley made a huge point ‘ don’t worry guys i’m all sunscreened up’ don’t you worry about those kids tho, right, hod will protect their skin from the sun - or is the senshit stuff too expensive to waste on the girls
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by gram3 »

Narny wasn't on the job yesterday, so the Dumbsteads couldn't be expected to apply sunscreen to the cats!!! They were obviously too crazy busy, especially Trash on her stomach on her blanket in the front yard, with SuzyHomemakerFaddyDaddy tending to his gardens. What a sight. Trashy, at least move your hillbilly act to the backyard. The tall twin with sunburn - her poor mouth looked so inflamed in the IG picture. Looks like someone (Narn, I'll bet) put balm on her mouth this morning.
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by OldCountry »

Curious if I got their IGs info correct which I watched later today. Trash is showing the new color of Lipshit, Bison showing many 'fan girls posts' and then there is NARNy's posts . She made them breakfast, did their hair, (their hair looked wet so she probably gave them a 'bath' also. After that she shows the girls helping with laundry chores. Then 'School' time. Then took them out to ride on their bikes, she followed in the golf cart. Then showed the girls following along on a show in front of the TV how to draw. Not once have the 'parents' been seen. all day. Too busy staying out of the way of the so wanted children's lives. As usual.

Also noticed that there must have not been any sunscreen applied to the miracles. Make sure you take of yourself Trash. Asshole.
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by gram3 »

OldCountry wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:33 pm Curious if I got their IGs info correct which I watched later today. Trash is showing the new color of Lipshit, Bison showing many 'fan girls posts' and then there is NARNy's posts . She made them breakfast, did their hair, (their hair looked wet so she probably gave them a 'bath' also. After that she shows the girls helping with laundry chores. Then 'School' time. Then took them out to ride on their bikes, she followed in the golf cart. Then showed the girls following along on a show in front of the TV how to draw. Not once have the 'parents' been seen. all day. Too busy staying out of the way of the so wanted children's lives. As usual.

Also noticed that there must have not been any sunscreen applied to the miracles. Make sure you take of yourself Trash. Asshole.
The cats who are sunburned should have been kept inside for a time. Give their skin a chance to recover some. NARN should know better, at least better than Bison and Trash. I might be more sensitive to the subject having had skin cancer. Dopes.
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by CherryBaby »

NARN reminds us all to be nice because we don’t know all of the facts. I don’t need to know the whole story when I see 40 year olds chatting online with preteens that they aren’t related to. Especially after he has posted sultry (gag) pictures of himself with heart emojis all over his face. There can be no context where that is okay. On the other hand, the fact that she frees up his time so that he has the opportunity to continue with that behavior is what is “not nice.” Maybe NARN could stand a stint behind bars herself for the crime of working as an accessory.
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by nahthxx »

[IMG]// ... 7c752c.jpg[/IMG]
Why do they have that many new boxes of sugary cereal on the counter?! Jesus.

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by Tulip24 »

nahthxx wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:15 pm Why do they have that many new boxes of sugary cereal on the counter?! Jesus.

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That’s probably Fatso’s breakfast for the next two days. (Sorry had to remove image)
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by Eleanor Terese »

:D hahaha totally thought that blanket was sand too.
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by Haulnarse »

Is bimbo that dumb that she forgets she already treated us to the onepot debacle pasta meal already?? Like 2 weeks ago??
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by gram3 »

Haulnarse wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:29 pm Is bimbo that dumb that she forgets she already treated us to the onepot debacle pasta meal already?? Like 2 weeks ago??
Trash is so nauseatingly pleased with herself for making something. Big f-cking deal. She kept saying, "You guys know how I cook", about measurements (or something). Yea, we know how. YOU DON'T COOK. Her mills have just been to fill in time on the vlog while she is forced to be at home, otherwise she'd be out at a restaurant with Fatso.
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by Howlin17 »

NARN, the sister wife, can kiss my asset!
Be kind to the world and disappear. Whatever you 3 do with each other is disgusting to normal people, I’m positive.

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

nahthxx wrote:[IMG]// ... 7c752c.jpg[/IMG]
Why do they have that many new boxes of sugary cereal on the counter?! Jesus.

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That Utah sun isn’t doing her any favors. I guess it shines through the windows differently in their kitchen than in her office. ImageHow can people continually say how beautiful she is? Oh that’s right, FaceTuner is her BFF. Her skin and makeup look atrocious. Her face is getting so chubby. Of course on her still photos it’s slimmed down a lot.

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by Beauregard1 »

She has been watching and studying the IG stories of her Greek trip friend JP lately. She now has all her mannerisms down pat. No originality whatsoever.
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

gram3 wrote:
OldCountry wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:33 pm Curious if I got their IGs info correct which I watched later today. Trash is showing the new color of Lipshit, Bison showing many 'fan girls posts' and then there is NARNy's posts . She made them breakfast, did their hair, (their hair looked wet so she probably gave them a 'bath' also. After that she shows the girls helping with laundry chores. Then 'School' time. Then took them out to ride on their bikes, she followed in the golf cart. Then showed the girls following along on a show in front of the TV how to draw. Not once have the 'parents' been seen. all day. Too busy staying out of the way of the so wanted children's lives. As usual.

Also noticed that there must have not been any sunscreen applied to the miracles. Make sure you take of yourself Trash. Asshole.
The cats who are sunburned should have been kept inside for a time. Give their skin a chance to recover some. NARN should know better, at least better than Bison and Trash. I might be more sensitive to the subject having had skin cancer. Dopes.
I’ve never seen a “mother” make sure that she has suntan lotion on but not her children. What a selfish, ignorant bitch.

Everyone knows that when you have a sunburn, going back out in the sun again hurts so bad. These “parents” and NARN are fucking idiot assholes.

I remember one time when one of my granddaughters was sick and I went with my daughter and granddaughter to the doctors. We were in the waiting room at the pediatricians office and the pediatrician came out in front of everyone and chewed out a lady there with her child who had a sunburn. At the end of the chewing out, the doctor said if it happened again she was making a call to CPS. We were all shocked that she didn’t wait until the other mother and child were back in a room but I guess the doctor wanted to make a point in front of everyone. These girls get sunburn a lot but of course Asswipe makes sure she has suntan lotion on. Hod, she is such a horrible “mother.”

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by GA Peach70 »

Asswipe looks high on her IG stories from today. Also, I really wish she’d learn how to say deal, heel, and sale correctly. She is so unprofessional. Obviously Seneshit loves the money she brings in because of the girls and not because of her hard work but with her and her perverted douche fuck of a husband, I wouldn’t want her or him representing my company. Does she honestly think having a team phone call once a week is hard work? Please. She has no idea what hard work is.

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by Haulnarse »

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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by CherryBaby »

Oh, and regarding the screenshot above where Ninny is telling us to be kind because everyone is fighting a secret battle, I think/hope that the battle she is alluding to is that Tyler and Trash have been doing a lot of sulking and pouting lately because it hasn’t been as easy to swindle people out of their hard earned money. Trashley hasn’t skipped a beat attempting to continue ripping people off with her overpriced clown-whore makeup, but I’d be very surprised if the money is flowing in as per usual in these uncertain times. Time for Faddy to polish up his resume. Oh, wait, he doesn’t have one.
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Re: Gardner Fraud Squad: A Miracle Unquarantined | Part 70

Unread post by CanYouParenting »

But you guuuyysssss! They have FOUR kids, and only one full time nanny! You can’t expect them to care about them! lol

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