She has changed her insta username to haileghfornow, but not her other stuff. Also just noticed she has a new highlight for ‘CJ sleeps’.
I am really waiting to see what happens when reality hits her or Mark. I would be shocked if Mark makes more than CJ, and can actually provide the same level of lifestyle she wants without going into a ton of debt.
Sooo when CJ filed for bankruptcy years ago, would that follow her after the divorce? If everything is in his name, does he take on all the debt + his student loans? I’ve been really curious as to what he is paying her monthly and how she is paying “rent” to him.
I wonder how the kids are taking having “two” dads. That feels like a really weird mental thing to overcome. Also what message are they going to get if Mark leaves Haleigh?
I am really curious why she is rushing into a second marriage since there is no longer the drive to have the celestial marriage and temple wedding. Her attachment wounds seem to be driving this lightning speed relationship.
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