Addressing the issue altogether:
I live in Italy and I do consider myself very liberal, whatever everyone implies with that,
I'm very active in forums discussing gender discriminations, gender bias, gay rights, women's rights, availlability of contracceptives, women's right to choose, all that. We are many with this way of thinking, but we are a minority. Like being an atheist (me) is still a minority.
It depends where in Europe, spain is super advanced, northern europe is as well.. Italy is in the dark ages, the state may be officially laic and nonreligious, but in reality it's still a catholic state.
We didn't get abstinence classes, just a couple of encounters in middle school or at the beginning of secondary school to chat about birth control and different methods and puberty and all that.
However when you actually go out and deal with the world, society is NOT liberal at all. We have the Church too close it affects heavily aspects of everyone's life that should stay public and not influenced by religion. I live in the north, which supposedly is less traditional or "bigot" than the south, and it's still hell.
I don't want to throw around sterotypes but people here are huge bigots.
Of course situations happen and things happen, single moms, teen moms (not so many) but the general judgement and people look down on you because your choices don't fit the catholic way of's unbelievable.
70-80% consciencious objections among public hospital's doctors and staff. EVEN FOR THE MORNING AFTER PILL. If you have a condom malfunctioning.. good luck, because it would be easier for you to jump off a bridge.
You don't have some sort of Planned Parenthood in the hospital, like some counsellor, you have a pro life spot where they try to brain wash about not having sex outside of the wedlock, refusing the morning after pill because
( sarcasm on ) once you have the sacred sperm in you, you have to honour it, and do whatever you can to try to get pregnant.
The staff is hostile and bullying, I heard horror stories about how girls, couples, were treated and were in the end, DENIED the prescription.
For them either you are to young to have sex (EARLY TWENTIES EVEN!) or you are old enough and "well you're old enough at 25 to have a baby". Sure, they decide for me, right??
You are a woman, you HAVE to fulfill your biological destiny. Your uterus ( lol ) is not YOURS but it's the public opinon's uterus. Let's forget a woman's right to choose. Statistically we are going back to illegal abortions.
Somehow getting pregnant is always the woman's fault. A pregnancy scare happens when a girl is a tramp.
Are we...forgetting something? It takes two to tango last time I checked. Was the guy forced to be with her? Or..poor men they are powerless to a girl's charms? How about guys sleeping around at the same age?
Contracception is a responsible decision that should fall on BOTH THE PARTNERS.
Sure, educate your daughter to be "more" responsible because in the end any bad thing is going to fall on her.
But I'm not ok with hearing "she should have kept her legs closed".
He...should not have stuck his stirring stick anywhere then, since HE was not ready for a baby either?
You need to be old enough to be responsible. That's what pissed me off a little about lots of them, nothing out of the ordinary happened to them, it was not about the failure of the BC, they had all the means of being safe and all the availability...and they were just sloppy!
She was not careful enough, she said it. She didn't take the pills every day and they were expired (Braiden). She missed the depo shot (Andrew).