Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by ChookyWooky123 »

Ld5 wrote:I haven’t seen the latest vlog but they don’t HAVE to leave Emma for 5 days. They’re CHOOSING to. They don’t get paid for being a youth group leader... it’s strictly voluntary.

*eye roll*

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Was on here to type the same thing Image

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by rawpumpkin »

Y'all I'm only 5 mins in.. I just can't with these idiots.

All I could think of was they chose bloods and crips colored bandanas lol:
Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 3.08.33 PM.png
Justin apparently didn't have time to get his smog check done in between napping, not working, twitch at 4am for his 13 followers, and not going to the gym. He looks HUGE. WTF is happening:
Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 3.09.18 PM.png
Oh, I know what's happening... "for the road" they got 2 variety family packs of chips bc they just couldn't decided on one, 16 pack of rice krispie treats package of some salty mix of crap, because "it would fit in the cup holder".

Also, I CAN'T STAND how Trash feels the need to gesticulate everytime she speaks. This particular gesture makes me really want to punch her :
Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 3.21.36 PM.png
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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by opangatay »

[IMG]// ... af6432.jpg[/IMG]

They don’t need to set a transfer date after all- Rachelle’s bun will give birth to something soon enough. Image

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by hatinghannah »

When Rachelle was talking about “writing down Emma’s schedule” for his parents it will look a little something like this

Throw Emma around like a rag doll
Make her walk even though she’s not ready
Put lion king on cause it’s LiTerALly hEr FAVorite
Shove 10 pacifiers down her throat

What will Emma do without a camera shoved in her face for 5 days? Maybe she’ll actually get a personality.

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by Shiratedesco »

After rachelle opened up all those lion king gifts from the po box the other day, it got me thinking...


SO, in the last 19 months before,during and after emma being born, how much stuff and how many trips have they been on??
* Thousands upon thousands off free baby stuff
*trip to Ireland paid by justins parents
* $$ Given to them by justins parents from selling their home
* rachelles mom babysitting and being at her every beck and call,AND watching their animal, while theyre on vacation
* rachelles sister watching beau again for vacation
* Rachelles friend who watched the animals while they were ireland
* Now justins parents are there for 5 days watching emma
Has anyone ever seen them lift a finger to do something for someone?? Do they help out or babysit laurens kids to give her a break? Volunteer? Instead of donating clothes to shelters , she sells them! They donated that cot to the hospital, but im pretty sure that gal gave it to them, and rachelle took credit. I cant imagine being that selfish and self centered to have all of these people helping and taking care of emma and the pets, and not doing one nice thing for someone, Anybody!
And her cult members still keep sending stuff, and more stuff. Unbelievable
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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by rawpumpkin »

Shiratedesco wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2019 5:25 pm After rachelle opened up all those lion king gifts from the po box the other day, it got me thinking...


SO, in the last 19 months before,during and after emma being born, how much stuff and how many trips have they been on??
* Thousands upon thousands off free baby stuff
*trip to Ireland paid by justins parents
* $$ Given to them by justins parents from selling their home
* rachelles mom babysitting and being at her every beck and call,AND watching their animal, while theyre on vacation
* rachelles sister watching beau again for vacation
* Rachelles friend who watched the animals while they were ireland
* Now justins parents are there for 5 days watching emma
Has anyone ever seen them lift a finger to do something for someone?? Do they help out or babysit laurens kids to give her a break? Volunteer? Instead of donating clothes to shelters , she sells them! They donated that cot to the hospital, but im pretty sure that gal gave it to them, and rachelle took credit. I cant imagine being that selfish and self centered to have all of these people helping and taking care of emma and the pets, and not doing one nice thing for someone, Anybody!
And her cult members still keep sending stuff, and more stuff. Unbelievable
I also noticed it seems like Trash's friend Kaylee has helped out numerous times w/ Emma/Beau etc. (she has TWO kids, and from what I gather, a husband who actually works) and I have NEVER heard of a time that she has helped Kaylee out... selfish twat.
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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by RottieMama »

Anonygossip wrote:
Mookiel wrote:
rottiemama wrote:
I just double checked, Anonygossip is not Cupcakezzz! Image

Don’t worry y’all, I’ve been on the lookout! ImageImage

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With all due respect, the same was said last time she made a new account. Pretty sure she uses an IP blocker so you don’t know it’s her.

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I’m really not her and I don’t know anything about this cupcakezzzz person. Obviously she’s pretty obnoxious. I wish I could prove I’m not her but I’m not sure how I could do that.

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Again, it’s NOT cupcakezzz, or MaiseFromMaine

Btw, I was aware Cupcakezzz came back last time, but I wanted to give her a second chance. (Or, I guess it would have been a 3rd under a different mod.)

She didn’t use an IP blocker, bc she didn’t have to. We don’t ban ppl based off IP addresses; we ban emails & usernames. Her IP address always went back to the same location, that’s how I know the posters are not the same.

I mean, IF they are the same person, I’ll ban her again. It’s not that big of a deal. She gives herself away pretty quick. But, I don’t want Anonygossip afraid to post bc ppl are accusing her of being someone she’s not. Especially someone ppl obviously dislike.

I promise, I learned my lesson last time.


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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by Ld5 »

Speaking of helping Lauren... these low life’s could be watching her boys for her while she holds down a job. One vlog had her working a counter at a tile place or something... she can’t be making much.... but at least she’s working. I wonder who takes care of the boys because I’m sure daycare costs are out of reach unless she gets aid.

Their vlogs could be more interesting... I would hope.

But seriously... Lauren also needs to put her foot down when it comes to vlogging her boys and receiving compensation based on views for that particular video. I bet she never earned a cent for her birth vlog that Rachelle plastered all over the internet.

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by Tina9900 »

Rash still has bandage residue on her arm from the hospital, does she not shower?
Emma still does not look comfortable when she walks, something just seems off, and how many pacifiers does one baby need??

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by vwjettagurl2002 »

icp wrote:
vwjettagurl2002 wrote:I was in the Er for hours today due to a ruptured cyst on my right ovary. All I could think about was if trashy had this happen to her, she’d clickbait the shit outta this. All I could think about was.. will I be okay. That’s all my husband and I were worried about. Luckily I’m okay and everything is okay. She’s milk the pain afterwards, too!! They really make me sick!!!!

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Amen, sistah! You KNOW we’d never hear the end of it if something actually serious happened to her. Get well soon! Image

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Thank you! Image.

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by SouthernGal »

Uh, did they seriously let him walk up to her and shake her like that? Wtf is wrong with these people. They should have said something to him. Ugh.
Bathtub scene was unnecessary, I didn't see anything though, so thank God for that. BUT, the was she talked to his mom made it seem like she was annoyed with her or doesn't like her, idk. Idk much about that relationship.
And lastly, WHY does she have those tags on this vlog? Not once were the kidney stones or the "surgery" mentioned. So, why?
Can't stand these two. Omg. Justine get off your ass and DO SOMETHING.[IMG]// ... be2bfc.jpg[/IMG][IMG]// ... 862672.jpg[/IMG][IMG]// ... 840c3d.jpg[/IMG]

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by aniraKKarina »

Shiratedesco wrote:After rachelle opened up all those lion king gifts from the po box the other day, it got me thinking...


SO, in the last 19 months before,during and after emma being born, how much stuff and how many trips have they been on??
* Thousands upon thousands off free baby stuff
*trip to Ireland paid by justins parents
* $$ Given to them by justins parents from selling their home
* rachelles mom babysitting and being at her every beck and call,AND watching their animal, while theyre on vacation
* rachelles sister watching beau again for vacation
* Rachelles friend who watched the animals while they were ireland
* Now justins parents are there for 5 days watching emma
Has anyone ever seen them lift a finger to do something for someone?? Do they help out or babysit laurens kids to give her a break? Volunteer? Instead of donating clothes to shelters , she sells them! They donated that cot to the hospital, but im pretty sure that gal gave it to them, and rachelle took credit. I cant imagine being that selfish and self centered to have all of these people helping and taking care of emma and the pets, and not doing one nice thing for someone, Anybody!
And her cult members still keep sending stuff, and more stuff. Unbelievable
They volunteer at that youth group but that seems like something they do because they think it's fun, not because they want to actually help someone. They get to be with a bunch of high school kids.
Must be nice to hang out with someone who is the same age as Trashelle and Justine are acting.

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by Haulnarse »

They volunteer to stay “hip and cool”. They definitely dont have any charitable motives. Rash is stuck in her teens.

I wonder if she will vlog the shit out of it or not... she might “take a break from regular vlogging” like her bestie kernal!

Wtf are they complaining about hobby lobby? If it bugs you that much, go elsewhere. They really are scraping for content.

What happened to the trailer caravan?? Why havent they used that this summer yet? She still waiting on that lull freebie mattress?? Buy your own crap Rash!

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by Ld5 »

Speaking of this camping trip... did anyone catch how they were talking about whose team will win and they bring up one of the kids’ names and said he’s the strongest physically but just not mentally? WTF! They just bullied an UNDERAGE boy and made fun of him in front of thousands of subscribers? They better not vlog these kids unless there was a signed waiver. I would think kids are in youth group for a reason and it’s no one’s business.

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by chubbybunny »

why does rachelle have to have her mom film the reunion of her and emma after they get back from camp ? trying to be like keren when she and khoa came back from their honeymoon ? i swear if rachelle spent more time being her own person and taking care of herself instead of traveling everywhere and copying keren, she maybe just maybe wouldnt be as much of an irritating person. idk , thats just my opinion.
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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by Anonygossip »

rottiemama wrote:
Anonygossip wrote:
Mookiel wrote:
With all due respect, the same was said last time she made a new account. Pretty sure she uses an IP blocker so you don’t know it’s her.

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I’m really not her and I don’t know anything about this cupcakezzzz person. Obviously she’s pretty obnoxious. I wish I could prove I’m not her but I’m not sure how I could do that.

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Again, it’s NOT cupcakezzz, or MaiseFromMaine

Btw, I was aware Cupcakezzz came back last time, but I wanted to give her a second chance. (Or, I guess it would have been a 3rd under a different mod.)

She didn’t use an IP blocker, bc she didn’t have to. We don’t ban ppl based off IP addresses; we ban emails & usernames. Her IP address always went back to the same location, that’s how I know the posters are not the same.

I mean, IF they are the same person, I’ll ban her again. It’s not that big of a deal. She gives herself away pretty quick. But, I don’t want Anonygossip afraid to post bc ppl are accusing her of being someone she’s not. Especially someone ppl obviously dislike.

I promise, I learned my lesson last time.


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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by 10PumpsOfVanilla »

Tina9900 wrote:Rash still has bandage residue on her arm from the hospital, does she not shower?
Emma still does not look comfortable when she walks, something just seems off, and how many pacifiers does one baby need??

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She can't shower because it's just a rental. She'll shower again when they get their million dollar home at most.

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by Here_2_talk »

Oh, Rach you are so subtle Image giving us the finger for suggesting the kidney stones will delay her precious transfer date Image

[IMG]// ... c7acf5.jpg[/IMG]

Also, how cute is Justine pretending that he can read

[IMG]// ... 18cceb.jpg[/IMG]

BuyBuyBaby sponsorship was crazy, these two can barely string a couple of sentences together Image

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by mac531 »


Leaves Emma on the changing table while she turns around... ya smart

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Re: Trashelle & Justina: Stents & Stones, Can’t Afford a Dream Home | Part 18

Unread post by Baz1_ »

What was the point of telling everyone she got a she wanted to share a voicemail about whether or not they would have to delay transfer, if she wasn’t going to actually share it? She literally cut part of the clip out during editing. Seems fishy..

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